Marty Oehme bab92816d0
scripts: Switch to own volume script
`pavolume` was nice, but my own volume script is just more flexible. No
real changes yet, but includes notification through dunst and works the
same way as `control-brightness` script does, just invoked through
2021-03-17 14:19:28 +01:00

90 lines
2.2 KiB

# universal x key bindings
# System functionality
# Enable lock screen (TODO does not stop music, etc yet)
super + x
# Open System Power Menu
super + BackSpace
rofi -modi "powermenu:~/.config/rofi/modes/powermenu" -show powermenu -theme themes/powermenu
# quick-switching of theme using styler
super + F8
styler set $(styler list themes | rofi -dmenu -theme /themes/dropdown -matching fuzzy -filter "-256 -atelier ")
super + F7
polybar-msg cmd toggle
# enable function (/media) key functionality
control-brightness {up, down} 10
control-volume mute
control-volume {down, up}
# Open terminal emulator (the variable gets set in sh module basic env vars)
super + Return
# open quick start menu
super + space
rofi -show drun -theme themes/dmenu
# open more extensive run menu
super + shift + space
rofi -modi combi,ssh -show combi -combi-modi "window,clipboard:greenclip print,run" -theme themes/dropdown
# open dropdown calculator -- top left (small r), bottom right (capital R)
super + { r, shift + r }
rofi -modi calc -show calc -location { 1, 5 }
# open gopass frontend menu
super + shift + p
rofi-pass -theme themes/dropdown
# open surfraw rofi frontend
super + shift + q
# insert emojis into any document/form
super + shift + e
super + shift + u
alacritty --class floating,floating -e sharefile | xargs notify-send
## modes
# mode:media:alt + m
# seek +/- 5 seconds
alt + m : {h,l}
playerctl position {5-,5+}
# seek +/- 15 seconds
alt + m : shift + {h,l}
playerctl position {15-,15+}
# decrease/increase volume
alt + m : {j,k}
pulsemixer --change-volume {-5,+5}
# decrease/increase volume
alt + m : shift + {j,k}
playerctl {next,previous}
# pause/stop player
alt + m : {_,shift} + p
playerctl {play-pause,stop}
# mode:academia:alt + a
# due papers this week
alt + a : {F1,F2}
rofi-bib-due -p{1,3} -u $(date --date='fri this week' +%Y-%m-%d)
# due papers overall
alt + a : shift + {F1,F2}
rofi-bib-due -p{1,3}
alt + a : F3
# read wallabag articles from the cmdline
alt + a : {r, shift+r}
alacritty --class floating,floating -e wallr {-n,_}