Marty Oehme 378541df7e
sioyek: Add mappings for page/highlight movement
Added hjkl mappings to scroll within pages. Added movement
between highlights with `]h/[h`, although I am not sure it
works in both directions with these mappings.
2023-10-05 18:27:13 +02:00

42 lines
560 B

noop <C-w>
noop q
close_window q
open_document_embedded o
toggle_custom_color <C-r>
goto_begining gg
goto_end G
screen_up <C-u>
screen_down <C-d>
previous_page <C-b>
next_page <C-f>
next_state {
prev_state }
move_down j
move_up k
move_left l
move_right h
fit_to_page_width S
fit_to_page_width_smart s
fit_to_page_height a
fit_to_page_height_smart A
embed_annotations <C-s>
toggle_statusbar <C-n>
regex_search /
copy y
rotate_clockwise R
keyboard_select;add_highlight_with_current_type V
add_highlight H
goto_prev_highlight [h
goto_next_highlight ]h