Marty Oehme 06e0cca640
nvim: Change lspconfig to track master
If tracking stable (versioned) releases, it can get out of sync
with LSPs and display errors on startup - since the stable
version gets updated very rarely (over half a year ago currently)
but LSPs and their configs change more rapidly. Since the master
branch seems stable enough we will simply track this instead
for now.
2023-06-22 12:38:22 +02:00

78 lines
1.8 KiB

return {
-- vista-like outline view for code
{ "simrat39/symbols-outline.nvim", config = true, cmd = "SymbolsOutline" },
-- show a signature whenever editing a function or similar
{ "ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim", config = true, event = "VeryLazy" },
dependencies = {
-- will sometimes not keep up with lsp changes if set to stable
version = false,
cmd = {
build = ":MasonUpdate",
cmd = { "LspInstall", "LspUninstall" },
dependencies = {
event = "VeryLazy",
event = "BufReadPost",
config = function()
branch = "main",
dependencies = {
dependencies = { "rafamadriz/friendly-snippets" },
config = function()
event = { "InsertEnter", "CmdlineEnter", "VeryLazy" },
-- loading animations for some LSP
{ "j-hui/fidget.nvim", config = true, tag = "legacy", event = "VeryLazy" },
-- a pretend-lsp for formatters and linters