New versions of Iosevka seem to not be callable simply through 'Iosevka' as before but require the full 'Iosevka Nerd Font' terminus for my case of having the archlinux nerdfont package for the font installed. This commit fixes wrong fonts in wayland and the wezterm terminal as well as a longer running issue in mpv so they all correctly display Iosevka.
78 lines
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78 lines
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local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
local mux = wezterm.mux
local maps = require 'maps'
require 'statusbar'.setup()
require 'events'.setup()
-- wezterm.on("set-up-dotfile-workspace", function(window, pane)
-- -- Set a workspace for coding on a current project
-- -- Top pane is for the editor, bottom pane is for the build tool
-- local project_dir = wezterm.home_dir .. '/projects/test/quarto/quarto-test'
-- local tab, build_pane, window = mux.spawn_window {
-- workspace = 'coding',
-- cwd = project_dir,
-- args = args
-- }
-- local editor_pane = build_pane:split{
-- direction = 'Top',
-- size = 0.6,
-- cwd = project_dir
-- }
-- build_pane:send_text 'quarto check'
-- mux.set_active_workspace 'coding'
-- end)
-- wezterm.on('gui-startup', function(cmd)
-- -- allow `wezterm start -- something` to affect what we spawn
-- -- in our initial window
-- local args = {}
-- if cmd then args = cmd.args end
-- -- Set a workspace for coding on a current project
-- -- Top pane is for the editor, bottom pane is for the build tool
-- local project_dir = wezterm.home_dir .. '/projects/test/quarto/quarto-test'
-- local tab, build_pane, window = mux.spawn_window {
-- workspace = 'coding',
-- cwd = project_dir,
-- args = args
-- }
-- local editor_pane = build_pane:split {
-- direction = 'Top',
-- size = 0.6,
-- cwd = project_dir
-- }
-- build_pane:send_text 'quarto check'
-- -- A workspace for interacting with a local machine that
-- -- runs some docker containners for home automation
-- local tab, pane, window = mux.spawn_window {
-- workspace = 'toppy',
-- args = { 'top' }
-- }
-- -- We want to startup in the coding workspace
-- mux.set_active_workspace 'coding'
-- end)
return {
enable_wayland = true,
hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true,
use_fancy_tab_bar = false,
tab_bar_at_bottom = true,
window_padding = { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 },
color_scheme = "Railscasts (base16)",
-- default_prog = {"nu"},
scrollback_lines = 10000,
font = wezterm.font('Iosevka Nerd Font'),
line_height = 1.0,
leader = { key = 'a', mods = 'CTRL', timeout_milliseconds = 1500 },
keys = maps.keys,
key_tables = maps.key_tables