Marty Oehme 7bdf9ff8d2
nvim: Switch from vimL to lua setup
Switched to a lua setup. Moved from `init.vim` to `init.lua`. Moved to a
lua-based plugin manager (packer.nvim). Moved some plugins to neovim
(i.e. lua) versions instead of vimL (notably fzf and indentLine).
Enabled lsp, treesitter and similar plugins by default.
Modularized plugins a little by invoking them in separate files.

This should provide a base to build on, and allow me to more fully
integrate lua into my workflow.
More detailed changes follow:

nvim: Replace completion-nvim with nvim-compe

Replaced completion-nvim since compe comes with more things working out
of the box (especially buffer completion and treesitter save me two
plugin installations), and seems to be overall a bit better supported.

It's fast, it works well, and I can add custom completion sources so
that should be good enough for me.

Changed around a couple of other things for lsp settings and treesitter,
and moved the files around a bit.

This is somewhat in preparation for a move to a lua-based configuration,
since I have long wanted to make the switch.

nvim: Add treesitter-enabled rainbow brackets

Added rainbow brackets to the editor, using the treesitter AST
detection. I am not sure yet if I will keep them, or if they confuse me
more than they help by coloring *everything* *everywhere* and being a
bit too much for my tired eyes.

nvim: Add vim-terminator to enable repl style dev

Added vim-terminator and included some basic keybindings. The plugin
allows sending code over to a terminal window, or repl for those
languages where it's enabled (python, R, bash somewhat).

The basic workflow for me right now is: From e.g. a python file
1. Open a repl with <leader>rr
2. Send over code with
    2a. <leader>rt sending (selected part or whole of) file over
    2b. <leader>rd sending (selected part or whole of) delimited area

A delimited area in option 2b looks for certain patterns and sends
everything up-to the next instance of that pattern.
Currently, the enabled patterns are `In[n]:` with n being a number,
emulating the way jupyter blocks are coded; and `^```` (three
back-ticks at the beginning of a line), to enable sending code fences
from (R)markdown files.

Since it uses the filetype to determine which repl/interpreter to send
code to, it is still a little unwieldy in markdown files (which in this
editor get handled as `pandoc` filetype.)

FIXME: There are two options going forward, either finding a way to
correctly identify the interpreter without filetype (should be done in
vim-terminator and seems inelegant) or correctly setting the filetype
for code fences in (R)Markdown *only* (seems more feasible and may
already be enabled in RMarkdown plugins for vim).

nvim: Fix simultaneous opening alacritty and nvim

When opening both (e.g. `alacritty -e nvim file`), neovim would open
with the wrong size (usually way smaller than the resulting terminal
size) and stay that way until you resized the terminal window.

This simply sends a 'resize' kill command to vim whenever the user
enters it to circumvent the bug until it's fixed.

nvim: Simplify lua plugin setup, Add indentLine

Added indent line plugin to show where and how indentations occur using
neovims virtual text. Can be toggled with `:IndentBlanklineToggle`.

Simplified lua setup a little by naming settings after intent instead of
per plugin -- everything lsp-y now resides in `lsp.lua`, everything
treesitter in `treesitter.lua`, everything indentation in its respective
file. Should, as long as plugins don't get too many, be perhaps a little
simpler to reason about.

nvim: Switch to packer as plugin manager

Switched to packer -- the plugins move to lua and so will I. Packer
seems basically like `vim-plug` in a dress (which is awesome, since
vim-plug is also awesome!) and it is extremely fast.
So, no real complaints but still a little switch to get that little bit
further away from vimscript.

nvim: Add telescope plugin and configuration

Added telescope as fzf replacement. Fzf served me well, but the
configuration is somewhat difficult (not least owing to the fact it's
written in vimscript), and telescope has a burgeoning ecosystem growing
around it.

I could basically drop-in replace all of my mappings and then some.
Refined some options and changed some defaults and I am fairly happy for

nvim: Switch to zettelkasten plugin over wiki.vim
2021-05-24 18:01:54 +02:00

13 lines
420 B

require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
-- one of "all", "maintained" (parsers with maintainers), or a list of languages
ensure_installed = "maintained",
highlight = { enable = true },
incremental_selection = { enable = true },
textobjects = { enable = true },
indent = { enable = true },
-- enable rainbow brackets, needs p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow
rainbow = {
enable = true