Marty Oehme 7e45d94997 Add fuzzy tools to vim and shell
In vim:
Use <leader>c to insert a bibtex reference in your text. By default it
is a pandoc reference (@bibref), but it can be changed to latex style
(\cite(bibref)). <leader>CM inserts a pretty-printed reference to the
selected work, using markdown styling. If you want to insert a citation
while writing, use @@ from insertmode to insert the bibref instead.

The settings add two commands: :CiteRef and :CitePretty which call the
respective functions. You can pass any amount of .bibtex libraries to
the commands and they will be available to fuzzy search through.

:CiteEdit also added to fuzzy find a source and open it in vim for editing.
The function is not working yet, I have to find a way to go from the
fuzzy finder to papis, select the correct file and edit it in vim.

In Shell:
Can cd directories (d, D), open files (f, F), open most recently used
(ru), and edit bibtex references (ref). lowercase is a weighted view
over previously used directories/files, Uppercase is a search of the
whole file structure.

Still outstanding:
Needs the same comfort function additions as vim search, especially
reference search. (i.e., open corresponding document, yank path, open
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