Setting everything during PlugLoad function caused some plugins to misbehave. Plugins are now loaded by Plug and their settings can be either set with a file in the plugin directory (this mimicks the old way of setting plugin up during load) or in after/ directory, which sets options *after* everything has loaded.
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" PLUGIN: vim-pandoc
" handle markdown files with pandoc (and pandoc syntax!)
let g:pandoc#modules#disabled = ["folding", "keyboard"]
let g:pandoc#modules#enabled = ["formatting", "bibliographies", "completion", "metadata", "menu", "spell", "hypertext"]
let g:pandoc#filetypes#pandoc_markdown = 1
let g:pandoc#filetypes#handled = [ "extra", "latex", "markdown", "pandoc", "rst", "textile" ]
" disable all default keymaps
let g:pandoc#keyboard#use_default_mappings=0
let g:pandoc#hypertext#use_default_mappings=0
" if there's a pdf and an html or similar, open the pdf
let g:pandoc#command#prefer_pdf=1
" look for bibtex files w/ same name as edited one, then .bib in current dir, yaml frontmatter, and finally the globally set bibs file
let g:pandoc#biblio#sources="bcyg"
" the globally set bibs file
if $BIBFILE ==? ""
let g:pandoc#biblio#bibs=[expand("~/documents/library/academia/academia.bib")]
let g:pandoc#biblio#bibs=[expand($BIBFILE)]
let g:pandoc#biblio#use_bibtool=1
let g:pandoc#biblio#use_preview=1
let g:pandoc#completion#bib#mode='citeproc'
let g:pandoc#folding#fold_yaml=1
let g:pandoc#folding#fastfolds=1
" let g:pandoc#folding#level=2
let g:pandoc#spell#default_langs=["en_us", "de_de"]
let g:pandoc#hypertext#ausosave_on_edit_open_link=1
let g:pandoc#hypertext#create_if_no_alternates_exists=1