Marty Oehme 9781b26b22
terminal: Create module to consolidate term utils
Terminal application, a variety of shell configurations, terminal file
and session management all consolidated in one place.
2023-01-07 16:11:40 +01:00

13 lines
760 B

rename-window dot-git
send-keys "cd ~/.dotfiles; while true; do [[ -z $(git status -s) ]] && { fd -t f --hidden | entr -cd tea issue ;} || { fd -t f --hidden | entr -cd git -c color.ui=always diff ;} ; done"
split-window -h "cd ~/.dotfiles; while true; do fd -t f --hidden --exclude .git/objects | entr -cd git -c color.ui=always status; done"
split-window -v
send-keys "cd ~/.dotfiles; clear" C-m L C-m
select-pane -t 1
split-window -v "cd ~/.dotfiles; while true; do fd -t f --hidden --exclude .git/objects | entr -cd git -c color.ui=always log --graph --date=short --decorate --oneline --all --remotes; done"
select-pane -t 4
new-window -n code
send-keys "cd ~/.dotfiles; v ." C-m zo
new-window -n test
select-window -t 1
attach-session -t . -c ~/.dotfiles