Added automatic: a) screen locking after 5 minutes b) screen dimming after 10 minutes c) suspending after 20 minutes to riverwm. Makes use of swayidle to detect idle times and wlopm to detect and toggle displays.
272 lines
10 KiB
Executable file
272 lines
10 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env sh
riverctl spawn "dbus-update-activation-environment SEATD_SOCK DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=river"
riverctl focus-follows-cursor normal
riverctl attach-mode bottom
# Set background and border color
riverctl background-color 0x000000
riverctl border-width 1
riverctl border-color-focused 0xffffff
riverctl border-color-unfocused 0x586e75
# Set repeat rate
riverctl set-repeat 75 300
# Make certain views start floating
riverctl float-filter-add app-id float
# riverctl float-filter-add title "popup title with spaces"
# # Set app-ids and titles of views which should use client side decorations
# riverctl csd-filter-add app-id "gedit"
riverctl csd-filter-add app-id "zathura"
# Reload river configuration
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift F12 spawn "$HOME/.config/river/init"
# close focused view
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift C close
# Open terminal
riverctl map normal $mod Return spawn "$term"
# Open run menu
riverctl map normal $mod Space spawn "bemenu-run"
# Toggle status bar
riverctl map normal $mod F7 spawn "killall -SIGUSR1 waybar"
# Switch to lockscreen
riverctl map normal $mod X spawn "lockscreen"
# Open logout script
riverctl map normal $mod backspace spawn "powermenu"
# Open Bookmark search
riverctl map normal None XF86Search spawn "qutedmenu"
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift O spawn "qutedmenu"
# Open clipboard history
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift Space spawn "clipman pick --tool=bemenu"
# Open floating calculator
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift R spawn "$term --class float -e qalc"
# Open emoji picker
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift E spawn "bemoji -nt"
# Open translation helper
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift T spawn "bemenu-translate"
# Desktop theming
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift S spawn 'styler set $(styler list themes | bemenu)'
# Password dropdown frontend
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift P spawn "pass-pick"
# File upload
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift U spawn "$term --class float -e sharefile | xargs notify-send"
# # Screenshot
riverctl map normal None Print spawn "screenshot"
riverctl map normal Shift Print spawn "screenshot | sharefile -"
riverctl map normal $mod Print spawn "screenshot region"
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift Print spawn "screenshot region | sharefile -"
# control dunst notification daemon
riverctl map normal $mod N spawn "dunstctl close"
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift N spawn "dunstctl close-all"
riverctl map normal $mod+Control N spawn "dunstctl history-pop"
# focus the next/previous view in the layout stack
riverctl map normal $mod J focus-view next
riverctl map normal $mod K focus-view previous
# swap the focused view with the next/previous view in the layout stack
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift J swap next
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift K swap previous
# bump the focused view to the top of the layout stack
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift Return zoom
# change layout orientation
riverctl map normal $mod Up send-layout-cmd rivercarro "main-location top"
riverctl map normal $mod Right send-layout-cmd rivercarro "main-location right"
riverctl map normal $mod Down send-layout-cmd rivercarro "main-location bottom"
riverctl map normal $mod Left send-layout-cmd rivercarro "main-location left"
# snap views to screen edges
riverctl map normal $mod+Control H snap left
riverctl map normal $mod+Control J snap down
riverctl map normal $mod+Control K snap up
riverctl map normal $mod+Control L snap right
# Mod+F to toggle fullscreen
riverctl map normal $mod F toggle-fullscreen
# toggle float
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift v toggle-float
# Mod + Left Mouse Button to move views
riverctl map-pointer normal $mod BTN_LEFT move-view
# Mod + Right Mouse Button to resize views
riverctl map-pointer normal $mod BTN_RIGHT resize-view
### Begin resize and moving mode, for floating windows
riverctl declare-mode interact_float
riverctl map normal $modemod R enter-mode interact_float
riverctl map interact_float $modemod R enter-mode normal
# resize views on screen
riverctl map interact_float $mod H resize horizontal -100
riverctl map interact_float $mod J resize vertical 100
riverctl map interact_float $mod K resize vertical -100
riverctl map interact_float $mod L resize horizontal 100
# move views around screen
riverctl map interact_float $mod+Shift H move left 100
riverctl map interact_float $mod+Shift J move down 100
riverctl map interact_float $mod+Shift K move up 100
riverctl map interact_float $mod+Shift L move right 100
# decrease/increase the main ratio of layout
riverctl map interact_float None H send-layout-cmd rivercarro "main-ratio -0.05"
riverctl map interact_float None L send-layout-cmd rivercarro "main-ratio +0.05"
# increment/decrement the main layout
riverctl map interact_float None J send-layout-cmd rivercarro "main-count +1"
riverctl map interact_float None K send-layout-cmd rivercarro "main-count -1"
### End resize and moving mode
# focus the next/previous output
riverctl map normal $mod Period focus-output next
riverctl map normal $mod Comma focus-output previous
# send the focused view to the next/previous output
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift Period send-to-output next
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift Comma send-to-output previous
# set up 10 tags (with '0' opening the 10th one)
for i in $(seq 0 9); do
tags=$((1 << (i - 1)))
if [ "$i" -eq 0 ]; then tags=$((1 << 9)); fi
# Mod+[1-9] to focus tag [0-8]
riverctl map normal $mod "$i" set-focused-tags $tags
# Mod+Shift+[1-9] to tag focused view with tag [0-8]
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift "$i" set-view-tags $tags
# Mod+Ctrl+[1-9] to toggle focus of tag [0-8]
riverctl map normal $mod+Control "$i" toggle-focused-tags $tags
# Mod+Shift+Ctrl+[1-9] to toggle tag [0-8] of focused view
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift+Control "$i" toggle-view-tags $tags
# focus all tags
all_tags=$(((1 << 32) - 1))
riverctl map normal $mod equal set-focused-tags $all_tags
# tag focused view with all tags
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift equal set-view-tags $all_tags
# Various media key mapping examples for both normal and locked mode which do
# not have a modifier
for mode in normal locked; do
# Eject the optical drive
riverctl map $mode None XF86Eject spawn 'eject -T'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioRaiseVolume spawn 'pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5%'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioLowerVolume spawn 'pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5%'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMute spawn 'pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle'
# Control MPRIS aware media players with playerctl (
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioMedia spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPlay spawn 'playerctl play-pause'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioPrev spawn 'playerctl previous'
riverctl map $mode None XF86AudioNext spawn 'playerctl next'
# You can control screen backlight brighness with light (; but we prefer brightnessctl
riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessUp spawn 'brightnessctl set 10%+'
riverctl map $mode None XF86MonBrightnessDown spawn 'brightnessctl set 10%-'
# The scratchpad will live on an unused tag. Which tags are used depends on your
# config, but rivers default uses the first 9 tags.
scratch_tag=$((1 << 20))
# Toggle the scratchpad with Super+P
riverctl map normal $mod grave toggle-focused-tags ${scratch_tag}
# Send windows to the scratchpad with Super+Shift+P
riverctl map normal $mod+Shift grave set-view-tags ${scratch_tag}
# Set spawn tagmask to ensure new windows don't have the scratchpad tag unless
# explicitly set.
all_but_scratch_tag=$((((1 << 32) - 1) ^ scratch_tag))
riverctl spawn-tagmask ${all_but_scratch_tag}
# set up scratch pad for todo and 'drop-down' terminal
# call scratchpads to current workspace -- scratchpads started on i3 starting (see end of file)
# bindsym $mod+t [class="scratchpad" title="dropdown-todo"] scratchpad show
# bindsym $mod+Shift+Return [class="scratchpad" title="dropdown-terminal"] scratchpad show
# device (touchscreen)
# enable touch clicking for touchpads
for pad in $(riverctl list-inputs | grep -i touchpad); do
riverctl input "$pad" events enabled
riverctl input "$pad" tap enabled
for pad in $(riverctl list-inputs | grep -i touchscreen); do
riverctl input "$pad" events enabled
riverctl input "$pad" tap enabled
riverctl input "$pad" drag enabled
riverctl input "$pad" pointer-accel 0.5
setxkbmap -option "compose:menu"
# set a nice wallpaper
exec swww init &
if [ -e "$HOME/pictures/wall_l.jpg" ] && [ -e "$HOME/pictures/wall_r.jpg" ]; then
swww img -o DP-5 "$HOME/pictures/wall_l.jpg" &
swww img -o DP-3 "$HOME/pictures/wall_r.jpg" &
elif [ -e "$HOME/pictures/wall.jpg" ]; then
swww img "$HOME/pictures/wall.jpg" &
# killall mako
# mako &
# start status bar
killall waybar
exec waybar &
# start dynamic display configuration
killall kanshi
exec kanshi &
# start screen idle locking/dimming/sleep tool
killall swayidle
exec swayidle -w \
timeout "${time_to_lockscreen}" 'lockscreen' \
timeout "${time_to_screendim}" 'wlopm --off "*"' \
timeout "${time_to_suspend}" 'systemctl suspend-then-hibernate' \
resume 'wlopm --on "*"' \
after-resume 'wlopm --on "*"' \
before-sleep 'lockscreen' &
killall clipman
exec wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store &
# bash ~/.config/bin/gtktheme # setting our gtk variables
# killall polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
# /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &
# Set and exec into the default layout generator, rivercarro.
# River will send the process group of the init executable SIGTERM on exit.
riverctl default-layout rivercarro &
# start layouting engine
killall rivercarro
exec rivercarro -main-ratio 0.65 &
# exec rivercarro -main-ratio 0.65 -view-padding 6 -outer-padding 6 & # -> does not work with current rivercarro version (0.1.4)
brightnessctl set 70%