Marty Oehme ca3d4ef97b
nvim: Make utility terminals dockable and hidable
The utility terminals (lazygit and python repl for now) can now be hidden
even from terminal insert mode (i.e. when interacting with them) with
<C-\>. They can be invoked through their usual chords (<leader>tg and
<leader>tp respectively) again and will pick right up where you left off.

Insert mode in terminals can also be left slightly easier should it
be needed: Instead of the <C-\><C-n> chord you can use j\.

Lastly, the utility terminals can be started in a vertically docked mode
instead of floating. This is done by adding a bang to their commands,
`Lazygit!` and `Pythonterm!`, or using capital versions of their
mappings: <leader>tG and <leader>tP.
2023-06-17 22:02:38 +02:00
.config nvim: Make utility terminals dockable and hidable 2023-06-17 22:02:38 +02:00