Marty Oehme 2e0c992a54
wayland: Consolidate with mako into desktop module
Since the existing wayland module basically describes everything about
my 'desktop environment' setup already anyway, might as well rename it
accordingly. Additionally, mako is important for notifications in this
environment so it moves here as well.
2023-01-07 16:06:00 +01:00

181 lines
6 KiB

"layer": "top",
"modules-left": ["river/tags", "custom/events", "custom/vidl"],
"modules-center": ["clock", "custom/media"],
"modules-right": ["custom/wireguard", "custom/archupdates", "pulseaudio", "backlight", "network", "cpu", "memory", "temperature", "battery", "tray"],
"custom/archupdates": {
"format": "{} {icon}",
"format-alt-click": "right",
"format-icons": {
"default": ""
"return-type": "json",
"exec": "~/.config/waybar/modules/archupdates 5 json",
"interval": 3600,
"on-click": "$TERMINAL start --class float topgrade"
"backlight": {
"device": "intel_backlight",
"format": "{percent}% {icon}",
"format-icons": ["滋", "", "", ""],
"on-scroll-up": "brightnessctl set 1%+",
"on-scroll-down": "brightnessctl set 1%-"
"battery": {
"format": "{capacity}% {icon}",
"format-alt":"{capacity}% ({time}) {icon}",
"format-alt-click": "click-right",
"format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""],
"interval": 60,
"states": {
"warning": 30,
"critical": 15
"clock": {
"format-alt": "{:%a, %d. %b %H:%M}",
"format-alt-click": "click-right",
"on-click": "gsimplecal"
"cpu": {
"interval": 10,
"format": "{usage}% ",
"max-length": 10,
"states": {
"warning": 50,
"critical": 80
"on-click": "$TERMINAL start --class float top",
"on-click-right": "$TERMINAL start --class float glances"
"custom/events": {
"format": "{}",
"interval": 300,
"format-icons": {
"default": ""
"exec": "~/.config/waybar/modules/ 2>/dev/null",
"exec-if": "command -v khal >/dev/null 2>&1",
"return-type": "json"
"memory": {
"interval": 30,
"format": "{avail:0.1f}G ",
"format-alt": "{used:0.1f}G/{total:0.1f}G ",
"format-alt-click": "click-right",
"max-length": 10
"mpd": {
"format": "{stateIcon} {consumeIcon}{randomIcon}{repeatIcon}{singleIcon}",
"format-disconnected": "ﱙ",
"format-stopped": "",
"interval": 10,
"consume-icons": {
"on": " " // Icon shows only when "consume" is on
"random-icons": {
"on": " "
"repeat-icons": {
"on": " "
"single-icons": {
"on": "1 "
"state-icons": {
"paused": "",
"playing": "",
"tooltip-format": "{artist} - {album} - {title} ({elapsedTime:%M:%S}/{totalTime:%M:%S}) ",
"tooltip-format-disconnected": "MPD (disconnected)"
"custom/media": {
"format": "{icon}{}",
"format-alt-click": "right",
"return-type": "json",
"format-icons": {
"Playing": " ",
"Paused": " ",
"escape": true,
"exec": "playerctl -a metadata --format '{\"text\": \"\", \"tooltip\": \"{{playerName}} : {{markup_escape(title)}}\", \"alt\": \"{{status}}\", \"class\": \"{{status}}\"}' -F",
"exec-if": "command -v playerctl >/dev/null 2>&1",
"on-click": "playerctl play-pause",
"on-click-right": "playerctl stop",
"network": {
"interface": "wlp58s0",
"format": "{ifname}",
"format-wifi": "{signalStrength}% ",
"format-ethernet": "{ipaddr}/{cidr} ",
"format-disconnected": "睊",
"tooltip-format": "{ifname} via {gwaddr} ",
"tooltip-format-wifi": "{essid}: {bandwidthDownBits}-{bandwidthUpBits} ({signalStrength}%)  {ifname}",
"tooltip-format-ethernet": "{ifname} ",
"tooltip-format-disconnected": "Disconnected",
"max-length": 50,
"on-click": "$TERMINAL start --class float nmtui",
// "on-click-right": "sudo rfkill toggle wlan"
"pulseaudio": {
"format": "{volume}% {icon}",
"format-bluetooth": "{volume}% {icon}",
"format-muted": "",
"format-icons": {
"headphone": "",
"hands-free": "",
"headset": "",
"phone": "",
"portable": "",
"car": "",
"default": ["", ""]
"scroll-step": 1,
"on-click": "$TERMINAL start --class float pulsemixer",
"on-scroll-up": "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +1%",
"on-scroll-down": "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -1%"
"river/tags": {
"num-tags": 10,
"tag-labels": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
"temperature": {
// "thermal-zone": 2,
"hwmon-path": "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon5/temp1_input",
"critical-threshold": 80,
// "format-critical": "{temperatureC}° ",
"format": "{temperatureC}° ",
"on-click": "$TERMINAL start --class float watch sensors"
"tray": {
"icon-size": 21,
"spacing": 10
"custom/weather": {
"exec": "curl ''",
"exec-if": "command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1",
"interval": 3600
"custom/wireguard": {
"format-icons": {
"default": "嬨"
"exec": "~/.config/waybar/modules/wireguard json",
"exec-if": "command -v nmcli >/dev/null 2>&1",
"return-type": "json",
"signal": 6,
"interval": 60,
"custom/vidl": {
"format": "{} {icon}",
"format-alt-click": "right",
"format-icons": {
"default": ""
"exec": "wc -l ~/.local/share/vidl/vidl_queue | cut -d' ' -f1",
"exec-if": "[ -f ~/.local/share/vidl/vidl_queue ]",
"interval": 5,
"on-click": "$TERMINAL start --class float nvim ~/.local/share/vidl/vidl_queue"