New config syntax uses [ids] section to select which input devices are affected instead of file names, so we can have all settings (for similarly set up keyboards) in a single default config file. The file itself needs to end in `.conf` instead of the old `.cfg` and there is a slight difference in syntax between the old `C` and the new `control` for mapping the control key. That is about it.
39 lines
686 B
39 lines
686 B
# Makes capslock to control/escape
# insert to paste
# right alt to enable German Umlaute (äÄöÖüÜ),
# sharp s (ß), and the Euro sign (€).
# Needs compose key to be set in xkb to work correctly:
# $ setxkbmap -option "compose:menu"
capslock = overload(control, esc)
insert = S-insert
rightalt = layer(dia)
shift = layer(shift)
rightshift = layer(shift)
rightalt = layer(shiftedDia)
shift = layer(shiftedDia)
rightshift = layer(shiftedDia)
a = macro(compose a ")
o = macro(compose o ")
u = macro(compose u ")
s = macro(compose s s)
e = macro(compose = e)
a = macro(compose A ")
o = macro(compose O ")
u = macro(compose U ")