Can list available themes, packages, and processors. Invoked by `styler
list` and then the intended target. When invoked without any valid
target will remind the user to supply one.
`list`, `--list`, `-l` are aliases and perform the same function.
`styler list themes`
`styler --list packages`
`styler -l processors`
Added up-to-date install instructions and a simple image to the README.
Added an assets directory to house these things and some notes. Removed
`.gitlab-ci.yml` from being linked to the home directory, it does not
belong there.
Renamed bootstrap directory to _bootstrap to conform to default ignore
pattern of, and make it visually clear that this is a
special directory, not one used for the dotfiles itself.
The default ignore pattern would not be searched when the additional
variable was kept empty. This fixes it to always seach for the pattern,
regardless of any other variables.
Prepare for moving bootstrap directory to conform to new ignore pattern
of script. Bootstrap directory can be overwritten through
environment variable BOOTSTRAP_DIRECTORY, however for now it still
rigidly requires the existence of an file and an file which it wants to execute. will automatically ignore any directories it finds that
begin with an underscore. This will make it possible to remove the
default entires of AUTOSTOW_IGNORED_DIRS variable and thus remove some
of the magic and make behavior more predictable.
Invoking a dry-run with ` -n` will simply print out the
directories it would operate on, and those it would ignore and exit.
Useful for debugging, not much more.
Grepping through files is mapped to `<leader>F` but it respects ripgrep's
default settings, which is to ignore files in gitignore and files
hidden. This map still ignores gitignored files, but searches through
hidden ones in addition to normal ones. It is mapped to `<leader><C-F>`,
to signify an 'extra' added to normal grepping (and since it will be
presumably more rarely invoked, justifying the slightly awkward key
Instead of using new gmail layout, use the old html layout when
accessing it from the qutebrowser quickmark. It works and loads
faster, and the new one can still be switched to from the interface.
More in line with default vim spell mappings, and should not interfere
with anything due to its leader prefixing.
Added <leader>z to quickly fix spelling error cursor is over.
Mimicks vifm d for grabbing and cutting, D for true deletion. Works well
to delete a line (e.g. left-over empty) while still keeping last
selection in yank-register. Starts a d-motion, so it can be used with
all motions.
With bootstrap files no longer linked to config directory, we can have
an easier directory structure with less nesting for them.
needs to use the new structure when calling its bootstrap scripts.
By default ignores assets/ and bootstrap/ directories. This
behavior can be changed through the `AUTOSTOW_IGNORED_DIRS` environment
variable. It should contain the name of the directories to ignore,
separated by a `:`.
dot command was only useful for working quickly with the bare
repository, since it decoupled git's working tree. Now that we have a
normal repository and are using stow the command seems no longer
Fixed tests using new file structure for personal environment variables.
Added test cases for library environment variable and bibtex (default)
reference file variable.
Pdfs will be compiled, replacing special characters with underscores;
this fix also looks for underscored files when trying to open the
compiled version of a file.
The Library environment variable (for my default bibtex library
directory) overwrote yay's library directory; it has been renamed to
LIBRARYROOT to both mirror WIKIROOT as my note directory and keep the
LIBRARY variable empty so yay will continue working.