Improved the language setting to simply make use of the search for
touchpad, just like setting the touchpad options.
Since these are my only two keyboards at the moment, the difference
should be meagre to non-existent in the way the old detection worked and
the new one does.
Removed manual initialization of flashfocus from xinitrc, enabled the
service in systemd.
Changed the restart timer to 5 seconds, to mirror other X-dependent user
services to circumvent systemd being too eager to start the service
before X is ready on booting.
Both greenclip and redshift did not automatically start on system start,
since they needed X to be running but their restart was almost
instantaneously. So, they restarted their alloted 5 times before X was
ready and gave up.
Restart time has been set to 5 and 10 seconds, so their startup takes a
little longer but should, in most cases, succeed.