Dropdown services need an X server to connect to and fail autostarting
if there's no available server.
Increasing their restart timer will alleviate this problem, *but* it
also means the dropdowns will start more slowly when closed by the user.
There should be another way to alleviate one issue (start automatically
after X is available) without exacerbating the other (restart when you
have been closed).
Autostarts an2linuxserver, dunst, kbfs, keybase, and the keybase://
Will (presumably) complain if one of the programs is missing. Either
this should not be enabled by default or the startup service should
contain a sanity check for the program before attempting to launch
We already have a file which is strictly dedicated to xdg setting
environment variables and taking care of folder creations.
Using xdg-user-dirs as an application was basically doubling up on that.
Also, I don't need my directories localized - I just want them to point
to exactly where they should.
Both greenclip and redshift did not automatically start on system start,
since they needed X to be running but their restart was almost
instantaneously. So, they restarted their alloted 5 times before X was
ready and gave up.
Restart time has been set to 5 and 10 seconds, so their startup takes a
little longer but should, in most cases, succeed.
Added preview and opening of doc(x) files with nvim.
Makes use of docx2txt, catdoc to display the files, meaning they are
Added some spellchecking words.
Defaults webpage backgrounds to 'davy grey'. Generally, this will be
overwritten in the stylesheet that is automatically applied through
styler. Setting the background color to a dark one does however prevent
the blinding whiteness when first opening a new page in a dark room and
it still has to load (as well as when rapidly switching between tabs).
Used wrong 'after' designation which would wait forever since it needed
to start after the runlevel which it was designated to run at.
Committed default.target.wants symlink to service file to automatically
enable its autostart on new machines.
This wil only really work for my directory set-up, so perhaps either the
service module should be disabled by default for the installation, be
asked during installation, or simply be manually enabled to autostart
during initial set-up (maybe mention in readme for the module).
`fzfman` will gather all manpage topics and display them in a fzf list
to choose from. Selection will open the corresponding manpage.
Other fzf- functions have been standardized in their naming scheme:
fzf and the function without any spaces, e.g.
`fzfhistory`, `fzfyay`, `fzfyayrns`.
If no fzf is installed, session chooser will now be the old manual
session name input. `tm session-name` will attach or create a session of
the same name, whether fzf is installed or not.
If invoked without argument, and fzf is installed will show a list of
sessions to choose from. If fzf is missing, will create new session
based on current directory.
`tl` has been changed to display the old non-interactive list if no fzf
exists. If fzf has been found however, it points to `tm` instead, since
invoking it without arguments fulfills the same function.
Made yank highlight last 0.5s instead of 0.15s.
Moved mapping to display toc for markdown and pandoc files to the vim
standard mapping of gO (by default only enabled for :Man and :help).
Uses :WikiFzfToc, so will only work with wiki.vim
Fix location of thesaurus to follow XDG specification for application
data (in `.local/share/nvim/thesaurus`).
Automatically download thesaurus if it is not found.
Previously, super + r would open an extended run menu which contained
all programs to run, ssh servers to connect to, clipboard history, open
windows, *and* the calculator. It was cumbersome to open the window,
switch the mode to calculator and then have it obscure half the screen.
It was also the mode most often used.
So, these two modes have been split, and their mappings updated:
`super + shift + spacebar` opens the old extended run menu (sans calc),
the mapping mimicking the 'extended' version of the normal run mapping.
`super (+ shift) + r` opens the calculator. Without shift it opens top
left of the screen, with shift bottom right.
Fixed navigating backwards ignoring any files jumped to via the
Zettelkasten function and only moving to the last wiki.vim jumped-to
file. Now correctly navigates to any file in the chain, be that zk or
wiki by invoking the correct wiki.vim page opening function.
Will now contain additional functionality for ps, kill, and cd (preview
etc). Will also color things which have LS_COLORS set (done
automatically through lscolors-git file).
Added universal theme filtering. Universal means the theme exists for
each installed package. This is a (rough) way of knowing that it can
apply to every intended application -- though of course will not work if
more packages are installed than intended to be changed with processors.
The `styler list themes` command will default to only show universal
themes. To list all themes invoke with `styler list themes all`.
Styler will cache the available themes after the first retrieval. The
first retrieval still takes a while (~8.7 seconds for me), but
subsequent retrievals are much quicker. Cache will automatically be
rebuilt whenever a new package is downloaded, or an already downloaded
package is updated.
The filter function, as it stands it quite inefficient and could use
a better algorithm.
Uses rg or grep in descending preference.
Added service to automatically commit changes in notes directory (every
2 minutes) and automatically push them to their remote origin (after no
changes occured for an hour).
Uses git and systemd to work as a service in the background. Gets
restarted on failure.
Removed home module, since it harbors three necessary files for other
modules: the basic configuration files for bash, and the environment
setup for zsh to work with xdg specifications.
While a descriptive module, the splitting enables further modularization
and is more coherent towards their specific uses (bash and zsh setup).
Removed pandoc module, since its only purpose was to house a template
file which specifically targets writing pandoc documents for latex, thus
falling closer to bibtex modularity than making a pandoc module
Added package diff-so-fancy and make diff use it by default for its
diffs by setting it as its diff-pager.
Added sanity function dsf which invokes diff-so-fancy if it exists or
degrades gracefully if it does not. Use this function for all git diff
Pre-fill the pager search term in git to enable jumping between changed
files with n/N.
Made git aliasing exit if no git executable is found (which should not
happen, but still) instead of putting all aliases into the conditional.
Added unified colors to git diffs.
Cleaned up formatting of the files.
The git log display will now depend on current staged status.
If no files have been staged, the panel will display recent git logs
with branches and short titles, as before.
If files have been staged however, the panel will switch to display
staged changes however. This is to facilitate a better overview of
changes during the staging and committing process; since often one wants
to see the staged changes next to the commit that is being written.