Sending links to mpv limits the quality to 1080p, to be able to stream
it with my connection, and since I can not display more.
Fixed mpv taking ages to open for ytdl streams. (or anything else which
takes a while to load)
Mpv had to wait until it had enough buffer to begin playing and only
then would open its main window. With this fix it immediately opens the
window, and starts playing whenever it is ready.
Added optional third argument to exist script which can be used to
identify the program or process that needs the command exist looks for.
This makes it easier to identify *who* called exist and is missing
Added fzf as selector interface for spell correction
selecting. Can be invoked through command
`FzfSpellSuggest` for now. Can be bound to keymapping if needed more
often; or if intending to overwrite default spell correction.
Keybase should be started as a service (through systemd, or similar
service manager). Removed the i3 attempt at autostarting since it took
too long to start the bloated gui client anyways.
Instead, the autostart should happen on login, starting the keybase
service and the keybase filesystem (so that programs relying on it can
automatically sync, like gopass)
`benchmark` can be invoked with an executable file after it. It will
output the running time in milliseconds. Depends on gnu date being
installed on the system.
Fixed opening correct directory for tmux notes session, vim working
Update xinit comments to be more reflective of programs intention.
Remove wal autostart xresources setup, it has been replaced by styler
(and at some point goxbam).
Updated the alacritty settings file to follow the correct format for
newer alacritty versions by conforming it to the setting file template
with choice differences for my setup.
Changed url substitution to only work on pushing, so that we can always
make use of ssh keys but things like pulling through rust's cargo still
Default to verbose diffs, even though we also set it in the alias.
Added a border toggle on mod4+b, toggles through no border (default),
plain border, border and window title. Removed individual changing the
outer gaps keybind -- gaps are changed along with resizing inner gaps,
and who really needs to seperately change only the outer ones.
Substituted exec for exec_always to not repeatedly start copies of
'dropdown' windows whenever restarting i3.
Changed a couple keybindings around that should largely not be
noticeable during normal operation, for reloading and restarting i3.
Fix various little fzf annoyances: Implement good coloring of floating
window. Make it use fd by default, search through hidden files but
ignore the git directory itself.
Also, let it split the window on s and vertical split on v.
fzf already comes with its own floating window call function, so we
don't have to use our own. Instead simply call the floating window when
we are in compatible vim/nvim version and let fzf do its thing.
By default fzf now uses a floating window covering most of the editor
screen real estate. It can still be full screened with a bang.
Floating window can be made optional with fzf layout options, but for
now I will try it for all fzf searches to get a feel for the positives
and negatives.
Package updates in yay (as in pacman) will not be reported correctly
when the repository mirrors have not been updated recently.
However, updating only the mirrors without also synching the packages
locally is not recommended by arch. That means, essentially, we can't do
a dry-run to only 'check' for packages without running the danger of
performing a partial arch upgrade.
The program `checkupdates` in pacman-contrib package helps with this by
performing a check for the available updates without needing to pull
from the mirrors before. So, the polybar update script now checks for
its existence and uses it if available, falling back to the standard yay
procedure otherwise.
Added `clip` to path, allows sending stuff through stdin or via normal
file input to xclip. Makes xclip default to clipboard when clipping
input. Special handlers for image files (png and jp[e]g).
Added package which sets ale defaults without having to define them
myself. Still keeping ale settings file around, but can probably get rid
of it soon.
Removed dimswitch script. I liked it but it has been utterly superseded
by styler; if wanting to switch light and dark I can just switch to
light or dark base16 theme and do not have to rely on alacritty config
file hacking through dimswitch (well, now just through styler, yay.)
exist script will print message to stdout even if it prints to notify,
this makes more sense since now passing a loudness factor just adds it
to the message, instead of replacing printed message with libnotify.
Added stow ignores to top-level files. Not entirely sure if it is
needed, but they were linked on my system and the change shouldn't hurt.
Added quick access to file in home directory with mod4+t, and to
a dropdown terminal window with mod4+shift+return (mirroring the usual
terminal creation without shift).
i3 now uses mod4[+shift]+g to increase/decrease inner gaps and +b to do
the same for outer gaps.
The mode name for media has been put into a variable to make potential
dynamic namings possible and avoid duplication.
Added thesaurus calling on leader-zt, for word under cursor or selected
word(s). Will go through variety of online api's or locally supplied
mthesaur.txt from project gutenberg.
Fixed paths to images for new repository dotfile delineation. Added
quick readme blurb explaining differece of normal and dotfile
Readme still explained old bare-repository directory structure. Rewrote
sentences to conform to new structure.
Removed underscore from bootstrap directory, since the repository does
not organize itself through underscore prefixes anymore.
Fixed package gathering git-hook to respect new bootstrap directory.
Added qutebrowser shortcut to edit forms in vim (leader-e). Added gitlab
and asciinema to javascript exceptions list. And removed some never-used
shortcut mappings.
Set linter and formatter to *only* run when files it works for are
actually detected. Uses moreutils' ifne to detect the status of stdin
before sending an empty string to the test suite.
Moved mode indicator to more immediately visible prompt location.
Allowed deletions and adding spaces regardless of mode.
Allow moving backwards through history and searching through terminal
input history.
Fixed compile script to not use ifinstalled anymore.
HACK Fixed compile script to correctly pass through output targets to
RMarkdown, through the implementation is very rough currently.
It will look for additional arguments passed through and run RMarkdown
rendering once for each target. It would presumably be faster (and at
the very least more elegant) to pass all arguments through at once, but
I am not sure how to pass arguments through shell surrounded with
Renamed ifinstalled to exist, moved it into base shell module. It can be
called with just a command name to check for, or with an additional
libnotify urgency level (low, normal, critical).
If called with an urgency as the second argument, the user will be
notified of the missing command with the corresponding urgency.
Having a general script folder makes little sense if the scripts are
targeted to specific applications. This commit moved every script that
solely, or mainly (like ueberzug), targets a single application into
that respective stow module.
Enables easier vcs integration of vim spelllang dictionaries. Will cause
them to be reloaded on external editing, add their binary parts to
ignore files, and set their addition files to unison merge mode.
Plugins are managed directly through pacman packages now. Since I am
only using six zsh plugins and they are staying relatively constant and
not changing much, pacman seems a much more sane way to manage them
without cluttering up my zsh initialization routine. All zgen management
can go and just needs 6 `source` lines in order to load the plugin