Added lockscreen trapping and media pausing for lockscreen.
When it is invoked `lockscreen`, all media will be attempted to be pause
and the system will be muted.
Then the lockscreen is engaged.
This should happen automatically when the screen shuts off or the system
suspends or hibernates and can be invoked manually, as before, with
super+x shortcut.
Use $mod+m to 'mark' the currently highlighted window with any single
letter. (i.e. $mod+m > k will mark the window as k)
You can then refocus the window from any position and any point by
invoking $mod+' (apostrophe), mirroring vim's standard keybinds.
Slightly restyled polybar, mainly shrunk in size and re-located the
papers due information.
Renamed it from `simple-top` to just `top` since no alternative top bar
exists in this configuration.
The application autostart takes too long and is more intrusive than
anticipated. If I want to use qutebrowser, I can just start qutebrowser
on my and don't need to wait for i3 to do it for me --- especially since
the starting procedure takes a while and the application starts on the
wrong workspace anyways when it autostarts while I change desktops.
Spotify is not installed currently and throws an error each time, so
that is also not very useful.
An option for this to make a return might be as automatically starting
systemd services, which quickly switch to the correct workspace when the
application actually starts up -- but it is probably not worth the
Lastly, this let's me get rid of a script in the i3 configuration
directory, which did not really belong there anyways with the XDG
distinction of 'configuration' and 'data'.
Removed the autostart for the to-do dropdown from i3, since this is now
being handled by systemd as a system service with autostart and
automatic restart functionality.
Most modes should reside in sxhkd, to unify the 'hotkey' settings of the
configuration, and since controlling playback has little to do with the
window manager.
Keybase should be started as a service (through systemd, or similar
service manager). Removed the i3 attempt at autostarting since it took
too long to start the bloated gui client anyways.
Instead, the autostart should happen on login, starting the keybase
service and the keybase filesystem (so that programs relying on it can
automatically sync, like gopass)
Added a border toggle on mod4+b, toggles through no border (default),
plain border, border and window title. Removed individual changing the
outer gaps keybind -- gaps are changed along with resizing inner gaps,
and who really needs to seperately change only the outer ones.
Substituted exec for exec_always to not repeatedly start copies of
'dropdown' windows whenever restarting i3.
Changed a couple keybindings around that should largely not be
noticeable during normal operation, for reloading and restarting i3.
Added quick access to file in home directory with mod4+t, and to
a dropdown terminal window with mod4+shift+return (mirroring the usual
terminal creation without shift).
i3 now uses mod4[+shift]+g to increase/decrease inner gaps and +b to do
the same for outer gaps.
The mode name for media has been put into a variable to make potential
dynamic namings possible and avoid duplication.
Having a general script folder makes little sense if the scripts are
targeted to specific applications. This commit moved every script that
solely, or mainly (like ueberzug), targets a single application into
that respective stow module.