Commit graph

1469 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Marty Oehme af410c0b77
writing: Add sioyek configuration 2023-10-02 13:55:46 +02:00
Marty Oehme 334f3032e8
terminal: Exchange fasd for zoxide
fasd is unmaintained and slower than zoxide. The transferral
was painless. I imported my old database and can continue as
before. It does not care about files but that is completely
fine for me. Same `z` invocation as before. Has the
'interactive' mode on `zi` which is also completely fine.
2023-09-28 14:41:33 +02:00
Marty Oehme bf2e74265c
nvim: Auto format prose soft with word-linebreaks
Automatically set formatting mode to soft for markdown, text and asciidoc files.
Also automatically format on startup (no lazy-loading), and thus have
nicely word-ending linebreaks (a word will not just be cut off wherever the
line is over but will be fully moved to the next line instead).
2023-09-25 19:54:38 +02:00
Marty Oehme 490232d18a
nvim: Update plugins 2023-09-25 19:44:11 +02:00
Marty Oehme dfb9d7ff01
timewarrior: Add hash and plus to taskwarrior tags
Add a hash sign in front of 'project' tags received from
taskwarrior (i.e. where it is `project:something` it will
end up as #something in timewarrior.

Similarly, add a plus sign in front of tags: `+mytag`.
Only descriptions will be left as-is in translating from
taskwarrior to timewarrior.

This should make finding tags and projects specifically
much easier in timewarrior (e.g. for counting up the total
time spent on a single project).
2023-09-25 19:43:58 +02:00
Marty Oehme 23793795d6
nvim: Add coverage support for python testing
Use `,tp` to load a coverage report and show it in the gutter.
Use `,tP` to toggle it off and on. Use `,ts` to show a summary
2023-09-25 19:41:27 +02:00
Marty Oehme 497b19fcbe
nvim: Add util function to grab plugin conditionally 2023-09-25 19:39:51 +02:00
Marty Oehme 41934d3000
nvim: Attach ruff client to active python environment 2023-09-25 19:38:57 +02:00
Marty Oehme 8a5381a4aa
nvim: Add test setup for python to ide
Added neotest with some mappings to run tests and view
outputs, as well as neotest-python for now to make it
work under python.

Added registering with which-key if it exists.
2023-09-23 08:37:29 +02:00
Marty Oehme e016b0a056
nvim: Remap lsp go to next/previous error
Mapped to `[D` / `]D`, reflecting the capitalization of going to the
next general diagnostic (`[d`/`]d`).
Now it is similar to spelling mistakes and spelling errors
(`]s[s`/`]S[S` respectively).
2023-09-23 07:43:49 +02:00
Marty Oehme dc9f9373fe
nvim: Remove obsolete mappings
Removed easyread and nabla toggles since the plugins are removed.
2023-09-23 07:41:37 +02:00
Marty Oehme 6254c92bd3
chore: Update qutebrowser redirects, nvim spellfiles 2023-09-16 11:29:22 +02:00
Marty Oehme dc78a5b67a
papis: Update config to use bbt formatter
Using my custom bbt-formatter for reference keys.
2023-09-16 11:28:36 +02:00
Marty Oehme 6e60101b9b
papis: Improve tui rendering and add priority maps
We render the priority of an entry in both table and multiline mode,
with priority >=1 being highest, >=3 being medium and everything
>5 being low priority.

We also have some maps for quickly setting the priority of an entry
from the tui:

`,ph` | `,pm` | `,pl` (for high, medium, low - so 1,3,5).

Lastly, I quickly added some to-dos that require the input of the
maintainer or some work in a fork, so I don't forget.
I also should not forget that I implemented some of them locally already
and am using them.
2023-09-16 11:23:23 +02:00
Marty Oehme 061e341253
nvim: Remove speed-reading plugin
The 'bionic-reading' mode, I have never used successfully.
It distracts rather than enabling me to move over text
more quickly.
2023-09-16 11:22:03 +02:00
Marty Oehme f31b1b29ed
nvim: Enable marksman lsp for quarto files 2023-09-16 11:21:01 +02:00
Marty Oehme c7393c9114
nvim: Move between git conflict hunks with ][H
Since we move between git chunks with ]h/[h, we may as well
move between git *conflict* chunks (should there be any)
with ]H and [H mirroring the diagnostics/error setup
2023-09-16 11:21:00 +02:00
Marty Oehme 60ae2e43c3
nvim: Switch signature help to cmp plugin
Simply switched signature help. Need to extensively test, but to
be perfectly honest the previous sig help plugin did not work all
the time either.
2023-09-16 11:20:59 +02:00
Marty Oehme 3562007bc8
beets: Remove acousticbrainz plugin
With the sunsetting of acousticbrainz I think it is time to
confront reality and remove the plugin. Was a lot of fun to
play around with and create playlists from that followed
music beats, mood or similar but ultimately it slowed down
importing a lot and I never earnestly used it for anything.
2023-09-16 11:17:20 +02:00
Marty Oehme 580f8e1452
kanshi: Add profiles for triple-/single-display
Added a profile for having all my screens display something when docked
(when usually the internal screen is turned off)
as well as to *only* display the internal screen even when connected
to the dock (should the need ever arise).
2023-09-16 11:14:49 +02:00
Marty Oehme bb06274c49
bootstrap: Add bbt plugin to papis install
Added my custom bbt-formatter to the papis installation created on this
machine. It is injected through pipx.
2023-09-16 11:12:17 +02:00
Marty Oehme 62beaae3e9
papis: Rename main library to 'main'
Mimicking my move from master branches to main,
now my overall general library also resides in 'main'
instead of 'master'.
No real visible change, but unifies the wording for
2023-08-31 12:26:14 +02:00
Marty Oehme dd133aa85b
sh: Change PATH local binary order
Prepend local binary directory to path instead of appending.
In effect makes user-local binaries overwrite system-wide
2023-08-31 12:25:01 +02:00
Marty Oehme 01405b9438
papis: Change key bindings
Unified key bindings roughly to

localleader=, anything with `,` in front will affect the current
documents somehow (e.g. mark them read, add a tag, ..).
jumpto=' prepending with `'` will affect the current view
(e.g. limit to unread documents, limit to entries with notes, ..).

Sorting can be done with `S`, like in vifm.
Display style can be toggled to table with `T`.
2023-08-31 12:23:34 +02:00
Marty Oehme 248f171f48
papis: Improve tui table view rendering
Show read status, tags, attached documents and notes in a swift overview -
trying to somewhat mimic the JabRef table view since I like it quite a lot.
2023-08-31 12:20:08 +02:00
Marty Oehme 29d1a2453d
papis: Differentiate between emgs and academia
Moved my old study library to the more descriptive emgs library
to differentiate from newly added studies under the academia
Both can still be accessed through the main library.
2023-08-31 08:56:12 +02:00
Marty Oehme 6e8132d311
qutebrowser: Try to fix medium redirects 2023-08-29 22:45:09 +02:00
Marty Oehme cf0544b0a5
papis: Add styling to papis-tui 2023-08-29 22:44:55 +02:00
Marty Oehme a7a8ebf8ed
papis: Add full code for papis-marvin plugin 2023-08-29 22:44:33 +02:00
Marty Oehme fd12c2b962
nvim: Remove unnecessary variable declaration 2023-08-29 22:38:08 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0033116a73
nvim: Refactor py environment detection function 2023-08-29 22:37:38 +02:00
Marty Oehme c96a1feec4
ncmpcpp: Map search engine keys to uppercase S 2023-08-29 22:37:14 +02:00
Marty Oehme 9e43483fd8
git: Fix formatting alignments 2023-08-29 22:34:19 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0088a35f44
bootstrap: Fix papis installation
Papis now installed through pipx instead of pacman - reason being that
it allows me to inject plugins only found on github (papis-tui) and also
install my own plugin while they do not exist on the AUR.
2023-08-29 22:30:42 +02:00
Marty Oehme a9d7f96ad2
nvim: Update plugins 2023-08-25 16:32:51 +02:00
Marty Oehme c781693c26
qutebrowser: Change qute-gemini to open tab related
Using the userscript qute-gemini to open any tabs
(if invoked as qute-gemini-tab) to be related to
the current tab.
2023-08-25 16:32:22 +02:00
Marty Oehme 8bf61fc582
papistui: Add page scroll and info window
Added info window displaying abstracts or citation information.
Added quick page scrolling with <c-f> <c-u> mimicking vim.
2023-08-25 16:31:09 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0e12325730
papis: Change papis-reload to work on current lib
Papis reload will now only rebuild the cache of the currently
active library by default. To rebuild the cache of all libraries
papis knows, simply supply the `--all` switch.
2023-08-25 16:27:42 +02:00
Marty Oehme 6122077124
papis: Add papis-tag tag-listing command
Command takes a query and lists all the tags contained in
all documents of the query sorted alphabetically.
2023-08-25 16:26:43 +02:00
Marty Oehme bda8a3d6f6
papis: Extend papis-show to use rich output
Papis show can now show output styled by python-rich if it
is in the environment. Otherwise falls back to normal
console printing.
Added more information to output (journal, volume, issue,
type, doi) but also added `-s` switch which returns to
old single-line behavior for copying to other programs.
2023-08-25 16:25:54 +02:00
Marty Oehme 4994e9782d
qutebrowser: Remove gemini shortcut from main link
Main linking buttons (f/F) *can* be used for this but the resulting
userscript has to account for many more different scenarios than
opening a page.

If it does not, we can not 'click' on text entry fields, dropdowns,
sliders etc with the f-buttons anymore.

This commit switches the qute-gemini script to be invoked via ,g or ,G
thus with the local leader mapping instead.
2023-08-25 16:24:25 +02:00
Marty Oehme ae58c1c4ef
qutebrowser: Slightly refactor translate & codegrab
Code grabbing has been slightly refactored to always check for the
existence of the qutebrowser fifo before sending anything.

Translate has been fixed up a little to use lingva for selection
translations, only falling back to google translate for complete page
translations since I do not think any other services support this for
2023-08-08 17:12:53 +02:00
Marty Oehme f7304b8941
qutebrowser: Refactor gemini userscript
Now possibly a little less clunky (though still using soon-to-be
deprecated modules), and able to correctly surf gemini/non-gemini pages
as a userscript or as a stand-alone script (simply calling it from
command line).

Works as before for tabbed pages (the clunky rename/symlink way).

Can now also be used as the default way to surf to links so I switched
out my qutebrowser f/F link hinting for this script. Will simply open
links if staying on http but open gemini version as local file if moving
on to gemini.

Could probably be rewritten as an actual plugin to interject itself in
link opening to be a little more elegant (similar to the redirect code I
have running to move to open source web frontends).
2023-08-08 15:52:12 +02:00
Marty Oehme f09a75820e
qutebrowser: Improve shaarli/wallabag bookmarkers
Both bookmarkers can now either send the current page ("s for sending to
shaarli; "w to send to wallabag) or send any link on the current page
(;s for shaarli, ;w for wallabag).

Both have been adapted to the same format, both can be sent a link as an
argument as well (./ '').
2023-08-08 12:05:41 +02:00
Marty Oehme b58bd2767d
qutebrowser: Make recently downloaded executable
Moved the qutebrowser userscript to open recently downloaded files
to be accessible as a normal shell script as well

Mapped this to Super+Shift+D in riverwm to be easily able to open
the most recent downloads from anywhere.

Double the default lines shown to 20.
2023-08-08 11:38:25 +02:00
Marty Oehme 7662c5b776
qutebrowser: Remove blocked hosts from repo
Blocked hosts reside in a single (giant) plaintext file, which we
now remove from the repository.

Especially with the new blocking sources we grew from around 700k
(which was already a lot at ~35000 lines) to around 5MB which is
just stupid to keep in the git repo if we don't have to.
Since qutebrowser automatically re-creates the file for us on
running `:adblock-update` there's no reason to waste space here.
2023-08-08 11:24:41 +02:00
Marty Oehme 84eed308e1
nvim: Update plugins and dictionaries 2023-08-08 09:55:38 +02:00
Marty Oehme 90fe61e2f2
bootstrap: Update stable packages
Micro is out, I have actually never used the editor after first install.
Tectonic is in, a wonderful platform to process LaTeX files with.
Beets gets the plugins I am using injected through pipx.
Vale is out, if we need it on a system we install with nvim mason.
Pipewire-roc is in, wonderful way to stream audio in local networks.
2023-08-07 12:31:54 +02:00
Marty Oehme 5caf254c44
nvim: Add D language server to auto config
Automatically install D lsp with mason.
2023-08-07 12:17:20 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0a3ca9f2b1
nvim: Add git conflict resolution mappings
Added simple merge conflict highlighting and resolution through
git-conflict.nvim plugin.

Allows moving to the next/prev conflict with ]x or [x respectively,
then resolving the conflict currently hovered by using ours/theirs/
both/or neither of the offered options (with `ho/hO/hm/hM`
2023-08-07 11:30:09 +02:00