Can now parse the usual sxhkdrc file in looking for mode chain
combinations. Will prefer explicit configuration files if they exist.
Read the -h to learn more.
Moved media mode keys from i3 to sxhkd without changes.
Added F1 and F2 to academia mode display, to display upcoming and all
bibfile readings (only urgent by default, with shift it displays
Moved pomo submodule directory to avoid conflict with pomo generated
Right-clicking will now always reset the pomodoro timer. It will not
automatically start again. Left-click it once to initialize a new run,
and again to actually start the timer.
The symbol signifies this:
Empty tomato, timer stopped.
Half-full tomato, timer paused.
Clock-tomato and a timer beside it, work timer running.
Coffee cup, break timer running.
Most modes should reside in sxhkd, to unify the 'hotkey' settings of the
configuration, and since controlling playback has little to do with the
window manager.
Added alignment plugin. My primary use-case is markdown tables, though
the plugin can be used for a lot more than that.
Basic use is marking the to-be-aligned area and pressing ga then
entering *| (or something else than pipe, if the separator symbol is
different). Or doing e.g. gaip to align within paragraph; works as
editing command.
Fixed git stash alias (gsta) not correctly detecting zsh shell for git
version guessing.
Set default options to automatically rebase on pull, automatically prune
on fetch, and automatically stash and squash on rebasing.
Also made git diff highlight moved code.
Using [jsspencer/pomo]( as the timer
of choice. It is simple, it works well, and it uses a very elegant way
of tracking the time.
I can think about implementing my own version later, but this will
handily suffice for now.
Polybar script will now limit the pomo timer to a single 'running'
instance containing the notification function, by putting its running
instance PID in a lockfile and killing it before restarting or changing
the timer.
Added running and paused tomato icons; as well as break coffee icon.
Removed display of seconds, unless the last minute of a timer is
Allows auto-filling and copying secrets to the clipboard. Works on the secrets themselves and any fields contained within the secrets. Key bindings and options can be configured through a file or the environment.
Add low power profile auto-setting if, on opening mpv, the battery mode
is detected. This will not automatically change when laptop is beginning
to charge/discharge *during* mpv being open.
Sending links to mpv limits the quality to 1080p, to be able to stream
it with my connection, and since I can not display more.
Fixed mpv taking ages to open for ytdl streams. (or anything else which
takes a while to load)
Mpv had to wait until it had enough buffer to begin playing and only
then would open its main window. With this fix it immediately opens the
window, and starts playing whenever it is ready.
Added optional third argument to exist script which can be used to
identify the program or process that needs the command exist looks for.
This makes it easier to identify *who* called exist and is missing
Added fzf as selector interface for spell correction
selecting. Can be invoked through command
`FzfSpellSuggest` for now. Can be bound to keymapping if needed more
often; or if intending to overwrite default spell correction.
Keybase should be started as a service (through systemd, or similar
service manager). Removed the i3 attempt at autostarting since it took
too long to start the bloated gui client anyways.
Instead, the autostart should happen on login, starting the keybase
service and the keybase filesystem (so that programs relying on it can
automatically sync, like gopass)
`benchmark` can be invoked with an executable file after it. It will
output the running time in milliseconds. Depends on gnu date being
installed on the system.
Fixed opening correct directory for tmux notes session, vim working
Update xinit comments to be more reflective of programs intention.
Remove wal autostart xresources setup, it has been replaced by styler
(and at some point goxbam).
Updated the alacritty settings file to follow the correct format for
newer alacritty versions by conforming it to the setting file template
with choice differences for my setup.