qutebrowser 2.0 changed the option names for host blocking, and this
update simply fixes that change accordingly. See your
qute://help/changelog.html#v2.0.0 file.
Added script to quickly translate a page or selected text through google
translate. Can be invoked through the aliases `:translate-page` or `:translate-selection` respectively, or the shortcuts <leader>bg, <leader>bG.
Added some gitignore files in the directory to stop keeping track of
non-personal configuration files.
Fixed the download media (`<leader>dm`) option in qutebrowser to
download the link that is hinted and not the current page.
To download the current page, the keymapping remains the same as before
Switched default search engine for my personal searx engine.
Added search engine bangs for duckduckgo (ddg), man-pages (man),
alternativeto.net (alt).
Added key mapping to quickly open last downloaded file, especially
useful for downloaded pdf documents or similar files.
<leader>o will open the last file.
Defaults webpage backgrounds to 'davy grey'. Generally, this will be
overwritten in the stylesheet that is automatically applied through
styler. Setting the background color to a dark one does however prevent
the blinding whiteness when first opening a new page in a dark room and
it still has to load (as well as when rapidly switching between tabs).
Sending links to mpv limits the quality to 1080p, to be able to stream
it with my connection, and since I can not display more.
Fixed mpv taking ages to open for ytdl streams. (or anything else which
takes a while to load)
Mpv had to wait until it had enough buffer to begin playing and only
then would open its main window. With this fix it immediately opens the
window, and starts playing whenever it is ready.
Added qutebrowser shortcut to edit forms in vim (leader-e). Added gitlab
and asciinema to javascript exceptions list. And removed some never-used
shortcut mappings.
Makes polybar use Xresources color values for its colors. Resets rofi
values to their default after being overwritten by the base16 themes.
Makes qutebrowser include the colorscheme in its configuration file.
Ignore dynamically generated colorschemes in .gitignore file.
Instead of using new gmail layout, use the old html layout when
accessing it from the qutebrowser quickmark. It works and loads
faster, and the new one can still be switched to from the interface.