<leader>O to enable spellchecking for current buffer,
<leader>o to show suggestiong for word under curser.
(Try it out here, just hover over misspelled cursor!)
Add papis config file. Sets up a single 'academia' library in Nextcloud/Library folder.
Uses vim for most editing, and vifm as the file manager. No advanced functionality of papis is touched yet.
The structure of the library is to use authorname-title as subfolders in the library for the individual document clusters (i.e. the info.yaml files and any associated document files or notes).
Will need to further test functionality.
Prints out current version number and simple usage instructions on invocation
with -h, --help, -v, --version. Displays used configuration file when invoked
with -i/--info.
Adds simple toggle ability script, used by simply invoking `dimswitch` from the
.local/bin/ directory. In this dotfile configuration that directory is added to
the path, so can be invoked from anywhere.
Invoked without any options it will look for a line which specifies a theme
with a `-light` or `-dark` option appended, and switch them out. Does not
change the vim colorscheme or background, and can not change the theme in
alacritty itself.
The extent of this script is still limited, if it should be expanded python
seems more suited. For further discussion, see its original Merge Request !18.
Toggle Javascript on/off with <leader>js. Reload the configuration file
with <leader>VV. The search engines include reddit, github, wikipedia,
archlinux, aur, gopackages and more.
If calling a tmux session within a tmux session, pressing F12 will
toggle between sending commands to the outer or inner session. If the
outer session is inactive its status-bar will be slightly greyed out to
show that no commands will reach it. If the inner session is a remote
ssh session, it will set some additional stylings for the status-bar to
further differentiate the two.
Will recursively look for `*.bats` files and run them with bats-core test suite. Simple sample unit tests for existing scripts are included in `.config/shell/rc.d/test`.
vim-go already provides the linting necessary for golang. Using
golang-ci additionally only complicates matters and provides no benefit.
Additionally, it did not seem to be able to track files other than the
one in the current buffer, or those open in hidden buffers and would
show (false) errors of classes or functions not found even when they
Invoked with `tm dot.session`. Contains a git window watching the
dotfiles status, diff, and a git log of recent commits. Contains a
window with vim. Contains a third window to test out the resulting dot
commands. Kept simple and clean.
Italicizes comments and anything which should be italicized in text
(e.g. markdown *star-surrounded* words). Might lead to errors in ssh
connections, will have to test.