Horizontal pane splitting with \ stopped working, it apparently needs to
be quoted in order to be registered correctly. Vertical keybinding still
worked, but to keep consistency was quoted as well.
Use <leader><F8> to set a new colorscheme in vim. The airline
automatically sets itself to the corresponding colorscheme, as does the
tmux statusbar at the bottom.
Use <F8> to toggle between dark and light mode for the colorscheme (not
all colorschemes support this unfortunately, I might restrict the
installed colorschemes to those that do). Again, Airline and tmuxline
will automatically adjust themselves.
Tmux prefix highlight plugin has been removed, since its functionality
can be replicated easily with the ?client_prefix function in tmux -
which also works regardless of any styles applied to the statusbar
through tmuxline. Currently, whenever the prefix is active the
clock-area will turn bright blue.
If calling a tmux session within a tmux session, pressing F12 will
toggle between sending commands to the outer or inner session. If the
outer session is inactive its status-bar will be slightly greyed out to
show that no commands will reach it. If the inner session is a remote
ssh session, it will set some additional stylings for the status-bar to
further differentiate the two.
Invoked with `tm dot.session`. Contains a git window watching the
dotfiles status, diff, and a git log of recent commits. Contains a
window with vim. Contains a third window to test out the resulting dot
commands. Kept simple and clean.
Italicizes comments and anything which should be italicized in text
(e.g. markdown *star-surrounded* words). Might lead to errors in ssh
connections, will have to test.
Added tmux-resurrect plugin. This allows easy persisting of sessions
through a server shutdown. To save a session, use
<leader><c-s>, to restore it <leader><c-r>.
Switch option-fg, -bg and so on for the new style options which have now
superseded the legacy styling. Tmux manual