The default ignore pattern would not be searched when the additional
variable was kept empty. This fixes it to always seach for the pattern,
regardless of any other variables. will automatically ignore any directories it finds that
begin with an underscore. This will make it possible to remove the
default entires of AUTOSTOW_IGNORED_DIRS variable and thus remove some
of the magic and make behavior more predictable.
Invoking a dry-run with ` -n` will simply print out the
directories it would operate on, and those it would ignore and exit.
Useful for debugging, not much more.
With bootstrap files no longer linked to config directory, we can have
an easier directory structure with less nesting for them.
needs to use the new structure when calling its bootstrap scripts.
By default ignores assets/ and bootstrap/ directories. This
behavior can be changed through the `AUTOSTOW_IGNORED_DIRS` environment
variable. It should contain the name of the directories to ignore,
separated by a `:`.