Binds mirror qutebrowser theming: sd/sD/sl/sL
sdD changes to dark variants,
slL to light variants. Uses gruvbox for small letters, themes mimicking
pencil/one for large letters.
Horizontal pane splitting with \ stopped working, it apparently needs to
be quoted in order to be registered correctly. Vertical keybinding still
worked, but to keep consistency was quoted as well.
I never use half the aliases that fasd provides by default. To make room
for personal quick bindings, simply disable them. They are commented
should I want to make use of them in the future.
Did not load NerdTree on NerdTreeFind command, which also causes it to
open via a mapping. This caused the mapping to only work after having
opened NerdTree at least once through another method.
Simply take all the mappings and move them to one big new file for now. At some point we can start thinking about splitting them up further, and if that could make sense. The groundwork is laid by vimrc looking for a maps.vim file in every subdirectory of its runtime path.
Changed to move it off Nextcloud. The synchronization should happen, if
anything, through git as a backend as intended. Since the files'
modification dates do not reflect the correct change dates, synching
over Nextcloud only ever generates conflicts.
Using the internal synch engine is preferred instead.
Whenever i3 is using gapless mode, all windows will be opaque. When gaps
are shown inactive windows will have some transparency and blur behind
Script can be invoked manually with `picom_toggle_inactive_opacity` to
toggle, `picom_toggle_inactive_opacity on` or
`picom_toggle_inactive_opacity off` to set it respectively.
exa is more versatile and way faster than k. I rarely used the git
integration of k (which is, admittedly, better), as well as the colored
variables. So exa should work well enough for my purposes, especially
since I make more use of vifm when cd-ing through a lot of directories.
gopass, by default creates a field called `username` to contain the
corresponding login name. rofi-gopass was looking for a field called
`user`, and ignored username which lead to it only inputting the
password for any site where gopass created the login credentials.
This is now fixed, all that remains is to revert the manually changed
fields back to `username`.
Use <leader><F8> to set a new colorscheme in vim. The airline
automatically sets itself to the corresponding colorscheme, as does the
tmux statusbar at the bottom.
Use <F8> to toggle between dark and light mode for the colorscheme (not
all colorschemes support this unfortunately, I might restrict the
installed colorschemes to those that do). Again, Airline and tmuxline
will automatically adjust themselves.
Tmux prefix highlight plugin has been removed, since its functionality
can be replicated easily with the ?client_prefix function in tmux -
which also works regardless of any styles applied to the statusbar
through tmuxline. Currently, whenever the prefix is active the
clock-area will turn bright blue.
Pencil is from reedes, cribbed from iWriter. It is a good, subdued
colorscheme for writing prose. All colorschemes in this vimrc now come
with italicized letters (for comments, and words that should be italic).
All themes also respect the background= dark/light distinction and
enable the respective mode.