This commit is a change to some of the foundational mappings I use
through my leader key: opening telescope searches and toggling several
additional display riders.
First of all, all telescope functionality has been subsumed under the
<leader>f prefix:
f (<leader>ff, that is) for finding files
F for grepping
h for finding hidden files
o for finding old files
b for finding buffers
l for searching git log
s for searching git status
c for finding git commits (for current file)
Aside from these (which are pretty massive changes for me), we have a
new leader prefix group for the (now freed) <leader>s:
o toggle symbols outline
m toggle minimap
s open the (mini.nvim) startup screen
We are not making use of vsnip anymore (replaced by luasnip in zero-lsp
package) but still had a couple of vsnip mappings that lead to erratic
<tab> key behavior.
Mini changed the configuration for its indentline module to use a table
instead of a function for its animation generation configuration.
This commit updates the config accordingly.
Another go at improving the screen dimming and suspending setup:
Lockscreen invocation after 5 minutes, dimming at 10, sleep after 15 -
but only when not on AC.
It tries to also fix the screen being stuck off by reordering the
timeout and resume options of swayidle.
With the switch from jabref/zotero/pubs to papis for library management,
We can now also have nested libraries. This allows me to have 'themed'
libraries in different sub-folders (e.g. one for my academic study, one
for my old university readings, one for computer science, and so on) and
still keep referring to their containing folder as a 'main'
comprehensive library.
As such I moved the library bibtex file into the main library folder and
let it be created from all sub-libraries.
lsp-zero offers a simple to set-up lsp configuration which is based
around the plugins I use anyway (lsp, cmp, luasnip) but integrates them
very well. I add a few small quality of life things on top (cmp
completion for / search and for vim command mode) as well as a boatload
of custom completion sources but otherwise make use of the nice presets.
This has de-bloated my _cmp.lua settings somewhat and allows me to have
a simple treesitter and a simple(r) lsp setup!
Additionally, switched to mason.nvim to manage my lsp sources (and
linters), which is both the new hotness and actually really useful.
Allows portable installation of most lsp servers into neovim data
directory so they do not clutter any other directories or global
Added the previously important 'site' directory to the runtime path of
neovim so it stops complaining about not finding spell dictionaries on
starting up with a spell-enabled file.
Removed the notation velocity plugin for vim. I have not been making use
of it for ages and should I need a vim-internal way of digging through
my wiki I can probably find easier (and more clear) ways of doing so.
Nice plugin, but of no more use to me.
Switch to use the nice new nvim-internal keymapping functions.
Cartographer was a really useful plugin when they did not yet exist but
now everything I wanted to do can be done without a mapping plugin, so
it is time to remove it.
Switched to the neovim variant of quarto plugins since it may contain
improved integration with lsp and cmp - and offers completion and
diagnostics for code snippets *within* the overall markdown sources of
quarto, which is very exciting.
Migrated from packer.nvim to lazy.nvim - it gives really fast loading
times, easy lazy loading for any package and a snazzy package manager
overview page (invoked through `:Lazy`) which, importantly, all do not
rely on a compiled plugin list.
In essence it feels like an easier to manage and robust packer
replacement (even though packer is a really good manager as well) that
is well worth to switch to. Migration was pretty painless as well.
One thing I might do in the future is split up the plugin structure
itself from a single plugin list (which invokes plugin settings files)
to several files containing the plugins and their settings since it
might give more structure.
On startup zsh would call all zsh env scripts (situated in `zsh/env`
or `zsh/env.d/*.zsh`) *and* all sh scripts (in `sh/env` or
However, by that point, those scripts had already been sourced once - so
they just double up startup time.
Moved the location of the gopath environment variable to point to the
user's cache to it can be cleaned more easily when cleaning cache and
also does not litter the project directory.
So far, my repl integration consisted of vim-slime and vim-ipython-cell.
I am basically purely working in the python repl for now and while the
two plugins (together with tmux) *worked* they didn't work well enough
that I used them in an extensive way. Just as often as I could make use
of their productivity enhacements, I had to wrangle with the plugins
themselves to get what I wanted out of them.
Hence the switch to magma. It integrates more deeply into python, and
neovim both - showing cell outputs in floating windows and so on.
It does not, on its own, recognize e.g. jupyter cells or quarto code
cells, so I have set up some simple key binds to improve
inter-operability between those. Especially [r and ]r to jump between
quarto cells and <localleader>R to execute the contents of the cell the
cursor is currently in may be of interest. They are fairly crude and
probably have edge cases where they will not work but until then they
provide an easy quality of life improvement.
Lastly, I silently added a plugin for markdown previews (that also
scrolls with the editing cursor). I don't foresee myself using it *too*
often but it might come handy for smaller articles and writing. It can
be invoked with <localleader>mp - a binding which I will no doubt also
have to overhaul at some point.
Whereas before there was a giant script (which worked well enough)
looking for and activating necessary ssh agents, all of it has been
replaced with a single invocation of the gpg-agent - which I have turned
into an ssh-enabled agent through its configuration file.
That means, first: I can massively simplify the looking for ssh agents
and since I am using fixed credentials (private keys supplied through
ssh host configurations) for most servers anyway it should not disrupt
my workflow and, second: I can use my private gpg key to log in to
servers if I set it up correctly.
New versions of Iosevka seem to not be callable simply through 'Iosevka'
as before but require the full 'Iosevka Nerd Font' terminus for my case
of having the archlinux nerdfont package for the font installed.
This commit fixes wrong fonts in wayland and the wezterm terminal as
well as a longer running issue in mpv so they all correctly display
I am using card (in conjunction with my vdirsyncer setup) to quickly get
an overview of my contacts and use them for email sending. This adds a
very simple config to the repo which gets khard up and running.
Added simple bibtex source display: Will show the bibtex entries
existing in the bib file set through `bibliography: path/to/mine.bib`.
Shows author, title, date on hovering.
Added Dockerfile which sets up a simple archlinux test environment for
the dotfiles/bootstrap process/playing around.
Will simply build a simple archlinux machine with a single user.
Split the lists into two, with testing getting automatically updated on
packages added (and removed, but only if the package to be removed is
*not* in stable packages already).
This way, I can always be sure that I have my stable setup in the
repository, but packages that I am temporarily testing have a place
without being forgotten and I can more easily change them around until
they find a place in stable or get thrown out.
Never used the compile script for years now, and I neither see that
changing nor the files being of any use anymore. They were something I
whipped up when I first started getting into Linux and bash scripting
(and as such a little nostalgic I suppose) but nothing that has actual
purpose anymore.
Added a quick way to fix the last spelling mistake: Use <c-s> while
writing (in insert mode) or localleader-s while in normal mode.
It will fix the mistake and keep your cursor at the current position.
Extended active task listing to show both the active task from
taskwarrior, but also any currently 'tracking' task from timewarrior.
Ideally, those should be the same - but if they mismatch or timwarrrior
is not correctly tracking the active task, this is still good
information to have at a glance.
Add a simple alias to quickly use distrobox with `db` alias, and modify
pure prompt initialization slightly so that it displays a hostname when
in a distrobox container (akin to operating from ssh or normal container
HACKY implementation makes use of both an internal pure prompt api
(see here
and a distrobox env var that I am not sure how exposed it is either.
Powerlevel10k uses a similar method though, so maybe it is fine
(see here 33916e91a7/internal/p10k.zsh (L8336)).
Added new quickselect mode to quickly open a displayed url. Changed
original quickselect to use leader-f mapping (instead of shift+f) and
made new mode callable through the shift+f version.
Delegated scroll mode invocation to leader-b, as in original setup.
I rewrote and extended the nsxiv-rifle script recently, and this change
now: removes the old script, adds the new one as a submodule into the
repository and links a working binary into the path.
The new script is essentially still just an image grabber-and-opener,
but supports more image viewers, is a little more advanced and can for
example replace arbitrary parts of urls (and is documented a little more
Make qutebrowser use new script and remove leftover references to
nsxiv-rifle. Qutebrowser also gets a third option of viewing images, now
there are:
,i -> open selected link in imageviewer
,I -> open current page in imageviewer
,<C-i> -> open selected image in imageviewer