Added another building block program. This program will be required
going forward in other modules. `version_at_least` takes two version
numbers and returns true if the second is higher than the first.
That means primarily it is useful to check if a program fulfills a
minimum required version, e.g.: `version_at_least 2.1 $(my_program -v)`.
Will be primarily useful for git version checking in the near future.
It has a second possibility of checking for ordered version numbers
passed in but this is of less use. Check source for more information.
Added script to sh base package to allow checking for internet
connectivity. Checks both through system virtual filesystem and, as a
fallback, through pinging google dns.
Added a simple readme to sh module.
Added optional third argument to exist script which can be used to
identify the program or process that needs the command exist looks for.
This makes it easier to identify *who* called exist and is missing
Removed dimswitch script. I liked it but it has been utterly superseded
by styler; if wanting to switch light and dark I can just switch to
light or dark base16 theme and do not have to rely on alacritty config
file hacking through dimswitch (well, now just through styler, yay.)
exist script will print message to stdout even if it prints to notify,
this makes more sense since now passing a loudness factor just adds it
to the message, instead of replacing printed message with libnotify.
Added stow ignores to top-level files. Not entirely sure if it is
needed, but they were linked on my system and the change shouldn't hurt.
Renamed ifinstalled to exist, moved it into base shell module. It can be
called with just a command name to check for, or with an additional
libnotify urgency level (low, normal, critical).
If called with an urgency as the second argument, the user will be
notified of the missing command with the corresponding urgency.