Moved usernames and passwords into local variables in dotter
to be able to commit the files nonetheless. Thus makes use
of dotter templating for beets and mopidy.
Empty example configuration can be found in local.toml in the
dotter directory.
Added simple configuration for the imv image viewer which is
wayland-compatible. Nothing too fancy but some simple
vim-like mappings are set, as well as some styling applied.
With the sunsetting of acousticbrainz I think it is time to
confront reality and remove the plugin. Was a lot of fun to
play around with and create playlists from that followed
music beats, mood or similar but ultimately it slowed down
importing a lot and I never earnestly used it for anything.
New versions of Iosevka seem to not be callable simply through 'Iosevka'
as before but require the full 'Iosevka Nerd Font' terminus for my case
of having the archlinux nerdfont package for the font installed.
This commit fixes wrong fonts in wayland and the wezterm terminal as
well as a longer running issue in mpv so they all correctly display