Notations will be concealed automatically on entering a textual buffer
and `$...$` style notations are contained.
Concealing can be turned off with <localleader>sV, which will toggle
concealing on or off for all notations in the file.
Additionally, the notation under curser can be viewed in a popup with
In addition to my standard file manager, vifm, being integrated into
neovim, I have now also added a side-pane file tree (akin to nerdtree)
that is easily reachable to get a quick overview of a file layout.
For now, I do not intend to do much more with the plugin, only keep it
for those rare cases I want to have a view on my file layout at the same
time as working in a buffer. For all other things (file operations
especially) I still have vifm.
Added fidget plugin which shows the current loading status of LSPs. Only
works for a few LSP (so far), including lua and python. Should
automatically pick up new implementations on update. Will display a
small loading notification in the lower right corner, useful to display
status for those situations where LSP loading takes a long time (e.g.
rust compilation requirements or a large python environment).
FIXME Does not work for each python environment startup yet, and I am
not sure why - sometimes just does not display its loading startup.
When completing in command line I want the completion canditates to be
displayed, but *not* selected on confirmation. By doing so, it makes it
almost impossible to quickly quit with ':q' or write with ':w' for
example, as those always try to expand themselves automatically into
completion items.
This commit changes the default behavior for command mode to show
completions but not auto accept any on confirmation, instead simply
invoking whatever is currently on the command line (as if we had no
completion plugin running).
Whereas previously we had lsp-related mappings both on <localleader>l...
and g... mappings, they are now all unified under the <localleader>l
prefix group. Some mnemonics unfortunately had to give way to a weaker
version of themselves (definition becomes de[f]inition, implementation
becomes i[m]plementation) but overall I believe this to be much more
cohesive for my future lsp usage. With which-key enabled and everything
under the +l group we should be able to easily adapt to the new
Additionally, some mappings will invoke the telescope version of their
lsp command if telescope is indeed installed, otherwise fall back to the
native neovim lsp implementation.
Switched the configuration of lsp-zero to its less integrated v2
version. Switched back to manually configuring most of nvim-cmp.
Addded some manual formatting to cmp which displays completion kind as
icons not as text.
Manually add luasnip integration.
Neovim will source the `colorscheme.lua` file in its state directory on
startup, as well as whenever the file contents are changed.
This allows any colorscheme definition to be put into the file and vim
will apply it as soon as the file contents change.
Using the lazy option 'version' we default to updating only to the
latest stable (semver) version of plugins. This should make it a little
more stable in the long run to keep up with plugin updates.
Not all plugins support this versioning scheme and for those that do not
it just keeps tracking the main branch.
Currently from the plugins that support it, only `nvim-lspconfig` needs
to be manually kept on the main branch since it is missing the correct
lua language server otherwise. This should be a problem of the past with
the release of the next version of the plugin.
cmp-pandoc.nvim did not work sufficiently for my use case so far
(sometimes it did, most of the times it did not at all, every now and
again it sputtered some references to the list).
cmp-pandoc-references seems like a plugin kept relatively 'simple'
requiring no setup, a single `bibliography: ` line in the pandoc
meta-data header and it works flawlessly from there. I might delve
deeper at some point, especially with the papis.nvim integration, but
for now this is perfectly adequate.
Neorg is fine but not for me right now (especially with its own syntax
spec). zk seems to fit my workflow much better, this is the beginning of
trying it out.
This commit is a change to some of the foundational mappings I use
through my leader key: opening telescope searches and toggling several
additional display riders.
First of all, all telescope functionality has been subsumed under the
<leader>f prefix:
f (<leader>ff, that is) for finding files
F for grepping
h for finding hidden files
o for finding old files
b for finding buffers
l for searching git log
s for searching git status
c for finding git commits (for current file)
Aside from these (which are pretty massive changes for me), we have a
new leader prefix group for the (now freed) <leader>s:
o toggle symbols outline
m toggle minimap
s open the (mini.nvim) startup screen