Added bemenu launcher (can alternatively use dmenu) to find and
quickly open a link in the current qutebrowser instance (or a new one if
none exist). Will open it by default in a new tab or if `tab` argument
passed, if `open` option is passed it will open it in the current page
The script can be used both standalone by being invoked as `qutedmenu`,
or from qutebrowser itself, invoked from its commandline as `spawn
--userscript qutedmenu <open|tab>`.
By default uses bemenu, but if that is not found on system will
automatically switch to make use of dmenu. If you want to use rofi as
your dmenu replacement, generally I will assume it is already symlinked
to dmenu.
Added a keymapping to sxhkd `Mod-Shift-O`, which invokes it from