Commit graph

1313 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
sxhkd, polybar, dunst: Add setting no disturb mode
By invoking key combination fn+F9 (XF86Search button), we can quiet
dunst notifications.

This change will be picked up by polybar and a small do not disturb
symbol is shown in the top bar (a tiny moon).

Both scripts are very simple and make use of a temporary file, so a
little brittle but workable.
2021-03-17 14:46:39 +01:00
scripts: Switch to own volume script
`pavolume` was nice, but my own volume script is just more flexible. No
real changes yet, but includes notification through dunst and works the
same way as `control-brightness` script does, just invoked through
2021-03-17 14:19:28 +01:00
nvim: Move to treesitter and lspsaga
Added lspsaga to enhance some of the lsp actions I can do - mappings are
mostly the same as before, pretty much all lsp actions can be invoked by
g<mnemonic> (e.g. `gr` for rename, `gh` for symbol help, `gd` for go
definition, `K` for help hover, `gc` for code completion and some more).
`[e` and `]e` move between lsp diagnostic errors.

Switched out many syntax highlighting plugins for treesitter, which is
an experiment for now, but I would love to keep it like this if it works
2021-03-16 15:54:14 +01:00
mail,mpv,qutebrowser,vifm: Fix small issues
Added videos directory to vifm quick marks (`v`).

Fixed (hopefully) qutebrowser statusbar hiding and showing.

Improved mail checking script password file handling by switching the
hard-coded path to one still somewhat hard-coded, but encapsulated in a
variable to make changing it later on easier. The script is a bit
slap-dash anyway, so when refactored should be refactored overall.

Added `gallery-dl` handling by mpv, whenever a link starting with
`gdl://` is passed in.
2021-03-16 14:37:38 +01:00
sh: Remove xdg dirs for template, public
Removed the template and public configurations of XDG directories in my
home dir. They clutter up the place and, so far, I've never needed them.
2021-03-16 11:57:36 +01:00
wallr: Add direct article selection option
Added `-a` option which can be supplied with an article id that wallr
will open directly.

Article ids can take the absolute form of e.g. `-a 1048` opening article
with id 1048.
They can also take the relative form of e.g. `-a +2` which will open the
third-to-last entry in wallabag, i.e. count backwards from newest.
That means you can use `-a +0` for example to always directly open the
newest entry.
2021-03-16 10:25:05 +01:00
tmux: Use entr for dot session monitoring
Since I always have entr installed, I can use it to monitor for file
changes and reload the respective git overview panes.

This has the advantage that I can use any interactive displays (e.g.
less) in the respective panes, while still reloading when files actually

I still have to find a way to replicate the switch between git log
and staged changes view whenever files become staged, have not been able
to fix this with entr and it still makes use of the watch command.
2021-03-14 17:35:39 +01:00
vifm: Set statusline, ruler, fzf, and PDF combine
Set statusline to show more relevant information, and removed 'tip of
the day' functionality since I've never been looking at it.
Set ruler to show me how many files are hidden in a directory.

Added shortcut to quickly combine a bunch of PDFs (`gc`) that are

Added shortcut (`<leader>f`) to invoke fzf on current directory and
navigate to the result. This mirrors my vim use and mapping.
Additionally, added commands to invoke the fzf functionality (`:FZFfind`
and `FZFlocate`) by hand.

Lastly, moved the file classification and opening functionality a bit
out of the way.
Should still think about handing off opening files to xdg-open since
that's what it's there for, and only make vifm handle the file preview
stuff (i.e. the opposite window buffer preview).
2021-03-14 17:31:05 +01:00
nvim: Remove auto-saving functionality from vim
Removed functionality that auto-saves all currently open windows
whenever vim loses focus, since that function is more bothersome than
helpful (and I remember to save my files 99.9% of the time anyway).

That 0.1% will also be impressed in my memory after forgetting once or
2021-03-14 14:04:25 +01:00
nvim: Replace nerdtree with vifm
Simple, experimental replacement for now. Tries to keep the previous key
functionality intact:
use <leader>e to open working directory in vifm, <leader>E to open the
directory of the current file.

Some problems will remain - currently it is hard to navigate away from
an open vifm instance with C-hjkl since it is not recognized as a vim
window anymore.

Additionally, invoking vim functions does not work from the vifm window,
which means that if I start nvim pointing to a directory, i.e. with vifm
open, it not possible for me currently to directly start up fzf to open
another file, or a buffer from the history, or similar.
2021-03-14 14:01:16 +01:00
git: Add main branch methods, Fix pushall
Fixed 'pushall' option xargs error.

Added dealing with 'main' branch instead of 'master' branch in checkout
and rebase aliases, so that when invoking the commands it will default
to a master branch and fall back to a main branch before complaining
that no corresponding branch exists.

Should (silently) fix git repositories which switched to main in the
last few months, and simultaneously allows me to switch this repository
to main branch (already done.)
2021-03-14 13:02:47 +01:00
qutebrowser: Fix config file, Update block lists
Updated the block lists, for qutebrowser's host blocking and its new
brave adblocking.

Fixed some errors in config file, and now formatted with black
Should improve default javascript toggling, as well as fix the toggling
of tabs and statusbar at the same time.

I am not entirely sure why
`config-cycle -t always switching;; config-cycle -t in-mode always`
works to cycle both at the same time, since (in my head) putting it like
this should *alternate* between both showing. But in fact, it does the
opposite and putting both in the same order (always not-always) will
alternate between them. Why, I do not know.
2021-03-11 09:33:43 +01:00
Merge branch 'taskwarrior' 2021-03-11 09:30:02 +01:00
i3: Add vim-like mark system
Use $mod+m to 'mark' the currently highlighted window with any single
letter. (i.e. $mod+m > k will mark the window as k)
You can then refocus the window from any position and any point by
invoking $mod+' (apostrophe), mirroring vim's standard keybinds.
2021-03-08 21:41:20 +01:00
mpv: Add automatic playlist creation from directory
Added plugin to automatically load all files in the current directory
into the playlist on startup.

Will keep files 'before' the current file also 'before' in the playlist,
vice versa for files following in the directory.
2021-03-08 21:38:01 +01:00
scripts: Rename reader, Fix listing, Add sxhkd bind
Renamed general reader script to `wallr`, indicating wallabag as the
underlying reader input.
Fixed listing of unread articles which showed read articles before.

Added shortcuts to sxhkd's academia mode:
the existing `r` invokes wallr with unread article display;
newly added `shift+r` invokes wallr with all articles displayed.
2021-03-08 09:14:33 +01:00
scripts: Add script to read wallabag articles
Added script to easily read wallabag articles on the command line (or
open them in browser), using the wallabag-cli python program in the

Once invoked, will fetch a list of articles (optionally restricted to
read/unread/starred), and allow a choice through fzf.

Will then display the article in the user's preferred pager, editor, or

Can be invoked through the shell via `reader`, or through sxhkd shortcut
`r` from 'academia' mode (`alt + a`).
2021-03-05 17:07:11 +01:00
sxhkd: Add sharefile, emoji keybinds
Updated pass and surfraw to make use of capital letter shortcuts to keep
the general shortcut space a bit less cluttered (`Super + P/Q`

Added a shortcut to automatically enter emoji, using rofimoji, via
`super + E`.

Added a shortcut to invoke a floating file picker which will
automatically be shared through `sharefile`, via `super + U`
2021-03-05 17:03:33 +01:00
qutebrowser: Fix quickmarks 2021-03-05 17:03:01 +01:00
sh: Add flexible vi/vim/nvim invocation
`v` used to call nvim and nothing else.
Now, it checks for nvim and calls that,
checks for vim and calls that,
or checks for vi and calls that before failing.
2021-03-05 14:03:46 +01:00
taskwarrior: Final small configuration fixes
Gave a description to the created report,
Made (GTD) maybe items way less important,
and changed colors slightly.
2021-03-05 13:57:26 +01:00
scripts: Add file upload script
Uses as a file host for quick uploading and sharing from the

Use `sharefile` and select a file with `fzf`.
2021-03-05 13:57:25 +01:00
Final small fixes for taskwarrior install
Gave a description to the created report,
Made (GTD) maybe items way less important,
and changed colors slightly.
2021-03-05 13:55:20 +01:00
taskwarrior: Add taskserver sync target
Added freecinc target for syncing tasks over the web.
Using freecinc is easy and relatively painless, which is why, for now,
this is the syncing server I have chosen.

Once the taskwarrior workflow in this setup matures and stabilizes a bit
the syncing target should undoubtedly move to a self-hosted instance of
taskserver, ideally encrypted.

Until then, the tasks currently available will exist *unencrypted* on
the freecinc server.
2021-02-19 16:54:40 +01:00
taskwarrior: Add taskopen to package list
taskopen still needs to be configured and tested, but is added to the
package list for now, so I don't forget.

Specifically, it at the very least needs to be configured following the
xdg directory configuration model.
2021-02-19 16:54:39 +01:00
taskwarrior: Add today report, fix overdue report
Simple today report added, mimicking the overall next report list (i.e.
sorted by urgency), but only focusing on things due today. This reflects
my setup in Todoist a bit better, and should perhaps provide a bit of a
crutch until I get more used to the taskwarrior way of doing things.

Additionally, added a simple fix for the annoying tendency of
taskwarrior to add today's tasks to its overdue list.
This happens because tasks added without a specific time will be added
as due at the very *first* minute of a day (instead of e.g. at the very
last, every task needs an exact time).
This simply removes tasks due today from overdue reports.

This is not perfect! Two things remain: Tasks still carry the virtual
`+OVERDUE` tag around with them, and those tags that actually should be
done at a certain time during the day will also not be shown in the
overdue report - though they definitely are overdue then.

A possible workaround for the second issue is the taskwarrior hook here:
But, I am happy enough with the setup as-is for now, without
complicating it with the hook.
2021-02-19 16:54:39 +01:00
taskwarrior: Add conditional tasksh invocation
To use taskwarrior, an alias to `t` has been created. If you invoke any
taskwarrior command through `t`, it will behave just as taskwarrior
would (just with a shorter name).
If you invoke `t` without any additional arguments, it will instead open
up the tasksh program and let you play around in there.
2021-02-19 16:54:39 +01:00
taskwarrior: Move xdg env variable to module 2021-02-19 16:54:39 +01:00
taskwarrior: Add basic taskrc file 2021-02-19 16:54:39 +01:00
taskwarrior: Prepare xdg compliance
Add environment variables telling taskwarrior to make use of xdg
compliant directory structure for its configuration and its data.
2021-02-19 16:54:38 +01:00
nvim: Update lsp lua configuration
Uses arch aur-packaged installation of sumneko_lua, and invokes it for
any lua file.
Takes care of some additional configuration to enable easier programming
for neovim itself.
2021-02-19 16:54:08 +01:00
shell: Switch to xterm TERM variable
Move any and all display to xterm-256color color variable, to enable
always the same color display.
2021-02-19 16:12:06 +01:00
vifm: Add pdf, docx viewer options
Added opening of docx files from vifm through either pandoc
interpretation as markdown if installed, or docx2txt invocation as a
fallback. (pandoc generally interprets the layout better than docx2txt,
especially contained tables).

Similarly, added option to open pdfs with pdftotext program in neovim,
to edit/grep/view only the text without pdf markup in neovim.

Changed key binding to open selected file in neovim from `o` to `e`,
mimicking the edit command found in some other file viewers.
2021-02-19 12:49:14 +01:00
zsh: Switch from powerlevel10k to pure prompt
Switched theme of zsh, just to declutter a little and make startup
slightly faster.

Removed nvm from automatically initializing to majorly speed up zsh
startup times - removing around 750ms on my system.
TODO could potentially move to a conditional startup system, in which
nvm only gets sourced on its first invocation or similar workarounds.
2021-02-19 12:45:36 +01:00
qutebrowser: Update host block lists
Updated host block lists through internal list updater.
Added a couple nvim spell dictionary entries.
2021-02-19 12:37:44 +01:00
rofi: Switch sleep action to hibernate mode
Switched out the suspend action from the rofi powermenu (called through
super + backspace in current sxhkd setup) to instead call hibernate.

This needs a correctly set up system to engage hibernate - all the
documentation necessary can be found at

Generally, needs a swap file and resume (i.e. hibernation) correctly set
up in both the kernel parameters and the initramfs.

On this machine (laptop), the way things work now is that simply closing
the lid leads to the default sleep action (suspend), and invoking the
manual rofi-powermenu way will instead completely hibernate the system,
leading to less power usage but taking a little longer to switch off and
2021-02-19 12:35:17 +01:00
qutebrowser: Updated host blocking options to v2
qutebrowser 2.0 changed the option names for host blocking, and this
update simply fixes that change accordingly. See your
qute://help/changelog.html#v2.0.0 file.
2021-02-18 10:38:38 +01:00
Fix for updated arch dmesg access policy
Archlinux changed the access to 'dmesg' to only be available to super
users with the following commit:
b78bc292e2 (diff-3e341d2d9c67be01819b25b25d5e53ea3cdf3a38d28846cda85a195eb9b7203a)

This changes the command to enabled touch pad tapping on X startup to a
systemd-compatible version, following the recommendation found here:
2021-01-26 12:33:59 +01:00
fzf: Fix fzf for paru and remove default preview
The `nl` preview was still stuck in the default fzf options for a while
and does not work with most things that it is intended for. Removing it
is vastly preferable to the half useless preview window on any fzf
A true default preview window may either be possible through a separate
script looking for the right command to invoke, or for individual fzf
invocations which then simple use the correct commands in the first
place (see e.g. `fzfyay`, or `fzfyayrns`).

`fzfyay` and `fzfyayrns` now also respect paru if it is installed on the
system. They will default to yay and fall back to paru.
2020-12-25 16:04:58 +01:00
paru: Change to match yay display
Renamed the syu file to yay, since it more explicitly captures the
concept in my mind.

Added `--bottomup` option to any paru operation since that is the way I
expect it to work: the 'closest' option is also closest to the
2020-12-24 21:49:36 +01:00
sh: Switch yay to paru
Removed outdated `syu` symlink which just hooks into topgrade.
Replaced it with simple function that tries for topgrade, paru, yay,
pacman, in that order. Can still be invoked with simple `syu` command,
but *only* through interactive terminal use.

Switched git pre-commit hook to default to paru instead of yay when
compiling installed package lists for dotfile commits.
2020-12-22 19:54:38 +01:00
dunst: Add brightness level notifications
Added notifications on changing brightness, will stack by default to
show the current level before disappearing.

The script to change and notify can be run through the command
`control-brightness`, and is bound to the sxhkd media key shortcuts for
brightness changes.

Removed the brightness indicator from polybar since it should be easy
enough to check current brightness by doing a quick higher-lower and
that's it.

Kept the module in polybar configuration script since I might reconsider
its removal if it turns out to have been useful.
2020-12-21 22:55:52 +01:00
alacritty: Update styler to work with new includes
Now makes use of alacritty include feature and should work without
showing any git repo changes, even when changing color scheme.
Only difference being that *no* color scheme requires a deletion of a
line in `alacritty.yml`.
2020-12-20 12:10:39 +01:00
Update qutebrowser quickmarks and search engines 2020-12-19 16:19:39 +01:00
Update nvim spell book 2020-12-19 16:17:10 +01:00
sxhkd: Add toggleable statusbar
Added toggle key for polybar, just in case I ever need the extra screen
real estate (*without* i3's `Mod+f` full-screen mode).

Should come handy rarely, but if it does it now exists. Can be toggled
with `super+F7`, since that is close to the other styling option and not
used in any other way (not even with media keys or similar).
2020-12-03 12:41:04 +01:00
tmux: Remove statusline time and date
Removed display of time and date from tmux, since I have the polybar
time up always.

Shuffled around the rest of the display: removed left-sided display of
active (tmux) user, moved it to the right side.
2020-12-03 12:30:17 +01:00
polybar: Rename bar and shrink in size
Slightly restyled polybar, mainly shrunk in size and re-located the
papers due information.

Renamed it from `simple-top` to just `top` since no alternative top bar
exists in this configuration.
2020-12-03 12:22:08 +01:00
Fix small issues: brightness scroll and formatting
Added ability to change display brightness by scrolling over polybar
2020-12-03 11:57:20 +01:00
aerc: Simplify label mappings
Every modification starts with `m` (for mark, akin to vim), and pushes
the messages into the respective state: `a`rchive, `i`nbox, `m`ark
(flag), `d`ump.

Only deletion (`dd`) behaves slightly differently, in that it simulates
a state not a label (even though labels are used in the background).

Fixed moving through different parts of an e-mail being reversed from
what one would expect.
2020-12-03 11:53:27 +01:00