Added opening of docx files from vifm through either pandoc
interpretation as markdown if installed, or docx2txt invocation as a
fallback. (pandoc generally interprets the layout better than docx2txt,
especially contained tables).
Similarly, added option to open pdfs with pdftotext program in neovim,
to edit/grep/view only the text without pdf markup in neovim.
Changed key binding to open selected file in neovim from `o` to `e`,
mimicking the edit command found in some other file viewers.
Using `gx` the currently selected file(s?) will get extracted,
automatically using the correct extraction program for the compression
algorithm and creating a folder if necessary to avoid a file explosion
in the current directory (all default features of the `atool` program
which is a dependency)
Added preview and opening of doc(x) files with nvim.
Makes use of docx2txt, catdoc to display the files, meaning they are
Added some spellchecking words.
Having a general script folder makes little sense if the scripts are
targeted to specific applications. This commit moved every script that
solely, or mainly (like ueberzug), targets a single application into
that respective stow module.