If given <nop> as prefix mapping, the suggestions box shows *all*
mappings that exist in the program. By removing the <nop> we make the
key do its usual action but at the same time restrict the suggestions
being displayed to those actually following the prefix.
On startup zsh would call all zsh env scripts (situated in `zsh/env`
or `zsh/env.d/*.zsh`) *and* all sh scripts (in `sh/env` or
However, by that point, those scripts had already been sourced once - so
they just double up startup time.
New versions of Iosevka seem to not be callable simply through 'Iosevka'
as before but require the full 'Iosevka Nerd Font' terminus for my case
of having the archlinux nerdfont package for the font installed.
This commit fixes wrong fonts in wayland and the wezterm terminal as
well as a longer running issue in mpv so they all correctly display
Add a simple alias to quickly use distrobox with `db` alias, and modify
pure prompt initialization slightly so that it displays a hostname when
in a distrobox container (akin to operating from ssh or normal container
HACKY implementation makes use of both an internal pure prompt api
(see here https://github.com/sindresorhus/pure/issues/585)
and a distrobox env var that I am not sure how exposed it is either.
Powerlevel10k uses a similar method though, so maybe it is fine
(see here 33916e91a7/internal/p10k.zsh (L8336)).
Added new quickselect mode to quickly open a displayed url. Changed
original quickselect to use leader-f mapping (instead of shift+f) and
made new mode callable through the shift+f version.
from: https://github.com/wez/wezterm/issues/1362
Delegated scroll mode invocation to leader-b, as in original setup.