If calling a tmux session within a tmux session, pressing F12 will
toggle between sending commands to the outer or inner session. If the
outer session is inactive its status-bar will be slightly greyed out to
show that no commands will reach it. If the inner session is a remote
ssh session, it will set some additional stylings for the status-bar to
further differentiate the two.
Invoked with `tm dot.session`. Contains a git window watching the
dotfiles status, diff, and a git log of recent commits. Contains a
window with vim. Contains a third window to test out the resulting dot
commands. Kept simple and clean.
Italicizes comments and anything which should be italicized in text
(e.g. markdown *star-surrounded* words). Might lead to errors in ssh
connections, will have to test.
Added tmux-resurrect plugin. This allows easy persisting of sessions
through a server shutdown. To save a session, use
<leader><c-s>, to restore it <leader><c-r>.
Switch option-fg, -bg and so on for the new style options which have now
superseded the legacy styling. Tmux manual