Commit graph

54 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Marty Oehme 0bdd406f56
nvim: Replace popup notifications with fidget
Since I am already using fidget.nvim for lsp notifications, might as well use it
for other, more explicit ones. Removed nvim-notify in favor of this since I like
how unobtrusive the notifications are (and let's be honest, most you don't need
to pay attention to, instead they just take you out of flow).
2023-12-12 14:40:58 +01:00
Marty Oehme 1e47459801
nvim: Add endwise plugin to treesitter
Will automatically add function end tags for a bunch of languages, most importantly
for me to lua and bash.
2023-12-12 12:11:02 +01:00
Marty Oehme eec90ad7e2
nvim: Add automatic mason tool installation
Using mason-tool-installer we ensure everything is installed correctly.
Need to improve the collection of things to install. Currently we just
do everything in lsp configuration file, even the non-lsp things
(formatters/linters) which should be sourced where they belong not
in that file.
2023-12-12 12:10:33 +01:00
Marty Oehme ab06ef922b
nvim: Replace null-ls with nvim-lint
Fully replaced null-ls. Will need more tweaking on the nvim-lint setup but
works generally for now. Works well in tandem with conform formatter.
2023-12-12 12:10:32 +01:00
Marty Oehme 293dc8a467
nvim: Add conform.nvim formatter
In the process of moving away from null-ls, added formatting with the help
of conform.nvim. Brings one new command, :ConformInfo which can also be
reached via `<leader>vc`.

AutoFormat on saving remains disabled by default but can be enabled with
:FormatEnable (and disabled again with :FormatDisable) or quickly through

Manual formatting works like before with `<localleader>ll`. Uses the
formatters set in the plugin (similar setup to null-ls before) but
automatically falls back to lsp formatters if it does not have its own
and lsp has one enabled.
2023-12-12 12:10:25 +01:00
Marty Oehme 7f112816b0
nvim: Remove TSPlayground plugin
Has been superseded by internal functionality, just run `:Inspect` or
2023-12-12 12:09:58 +01:00
Marty Oehme 5d8177b1b5
nvim: Update +show mode mappings and descriptions
Mappings preceded by <leader>s 'show' something so removed a lot of the 'toggle'
wording from their descriptions.

Subsumed the toggleterm toggles under this menu since they 'show' a term window
(lazygit or ipython).
Changed Aerial mappings to show navigator by default (`<leader>so`) and the
sidebar outline only on capital version (`<leader>sO`) since this mapping is
used less often.

Removed broken molten-image setup.
2023-12-12 12:09:30 +01:00
Marty Oehme 8d9b67cb04
nvim: Add Trouble.nvim plugin to quickly show diag 2023-12-12 12:09:29 +01:00
Marty Oehme c487da69a8
nvim: Add molten and image.nvim plugins
Image nvim works mostly well (slow on wezterm but that will always be the case
with kitty protocol for now as far as I know).
Would love to be able to toggle images on/off dynamically but I don't see a
way to accomplish that now. (or really, get to any option of the plugin).

Molten itself also works well - the output is displayed more nicely than for
the Magma plugins and everything continues working mostly well (or rather,
just as wonky as I had it set up on my older magma install :)

For now, the molten - image.nvim integration seems to not work at all -
it simply errors out when it would produce an image as output. No clue why
and it also complains about the wrong image provider (which I have taken from
the molten readme). No time to bugfix now but maybe at some point.

To do - find a much better way of installing the image.nvim required
luarock magick - done manually with hardcoded path in setup now

Also extended the old `py` alias to a full-blown script which will in
addition to detecting the python repl also find any running molten
session for the current directory (i.e. any running jupy kernel) and let
the user choose the right one if there is multiple. Will then default to
starting a kernel-aware repl environment (euporia or jupyter-console).

Added a very simple `-c` option which lets you choose python command to
run manually.
2023-12-12 12:07:41 +01:00
Marty Oehme 297f2c87a3
nvim: Update plugins 2023-12-05 18:01:15 +01:00
Marty Oehme 78f7112c11
nvim: Update plugins 2023-12-04 09:27:03 +01:00
Marty Oehme dfaed8c9dd
nvim: Update plugins and spellfile 2023-11-15 14:25:09 +01:00
Marty Oehme 8be40f5630
nvim: Update plugins 2023-10-05 18:28:15 +02:00
Marty Oehme bfb62e6783
nvim: Add markdown code evaluation mappings
Can edit (`<ll>ce`), jump-to (`]c`, `[c`), insert (`<ll>co`,
`<ll>cO`) and run (`<ll>cc`) code cells in markdown files.

They will not be evaluated as part of an overall repl but
only stand-alone!
2023-10-02 19:20:44 +02:00
Marty Oehme 490232d18a
nvim: Update plugins 2023-09-25 19:44:11 +02:00
Marty Oehme 061e341253
nvim: Remove speed-reading plugin
The 'bionic-reading' mode, I have never used successfully.
It distracts rather than enabling me to move over text
more quickly.
2023-09-16 11:22:03 +02:00
Marty Oehme 60ae2e43c3
nvim: Switch signature help to cmp plugin
Simply switched signature help. Need to extensively test, but to
be perfectly honest the previous sig help plugin did not work all
the time either.
2023-09-16 11:20:59 +02:00
Marty Oehme a9d7f96ad2
nvim: Update plugins 2023-08-25 16:32:51 +02:00
Marty Oehme 84eed308e1
nvim: Update plugins and dictionaries 2023-08-08 09:55:38 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0a3ca9f2b1
nvim: Add git conflict resolution mappings
Added simple merge conflict highlighting and resolution through
git-conflict.nvim plugin.

Allows moving to the next/prev conflict with ]x or [x respectively,
then resolving the conflict currently hovered by using ours/theirs/
both/or neither of the offered options (with `ho/hO/hm/hM`
2023-08-07 11:30:09 +02:00
Marty Oehme 55518886f8
nvim: Add prose headline highlighting
Added simple highlighting plugin for prose headlines (and code
snippets). Will highlight the whole line a little from the
background and provide more space around it so it stands out.

Currently works (afaik) for markdown, rmd, norg filetypes.
2023-07-25 12:04:46 +02:00
Marty Oehme 4410a3fa49
nvim: Switch to aerial.nvim for outlines
Move from simrats symbols outline which worked very well but had
specific issues for displaying markdown outlines as soon as any
lsp would attach itself to the same buffer.

Aerial seems to not suffer from those issues so this is the one
we will go with for now.
2023-07-25 12:04:45 +02:00
Marty Oehme a97646c88a
nvim: Update plugins 2023-07-23 19:24:52 +02:00
Marty Oehme 06e0cca640
nvim: Change lspconfig to track master
If tracking stable (versioned) releases, it can get out of sync
with LSPs and display errors on startup - since the stable
version gets updated very rarely (over half a year ago currently)
but LSPs and their configs change more rapidly. Since the master
branch seems stable enough we will simply track this instead
for now.
2023-06-22 12:38:22 +02:00
Marty Oehme 676c5b2094
nvim: Update plugins 2023-06-22 12:38:21 +02:00
Marty Oehme b9de8b3914
nvim: Add undotree plugin
Lua implementation of the undo tree plugin, mapped to be
reachable with <leader>su (for show undo).
2023-06-17 22:02:37 +02:00
Marty Oehme f33b4c9c37
nvim: Restructure lua dir
Moved plugins into individual component module files which are
automatically required by lazy.nvim. Should make everything a tiny bit
more modular, or at least prepare the way for true modularity if I ever
have the time on my hands to ensure everything works with missing

Moved core settings into their own directory (`core`), and created a
`personal` folder which contains functions/plugins I wrote that do not
necessarily have to be their own imported plugin yet.

Finally, extended the utility functions a little, so we can detect if a
plugin exists and change e.g. key maps based on that (once again,
extending modularity a little more). Some simple attempts have been made
at that in the `mappings.lua` file, though it is nowhere near extensive
yet - most keymaps are still set regardless of plugin availability.

However, with this slimmer base to work off of, I feel more confident in
changing future things about this setup a little more ad-hoc without
having as many ripple repercussions as before.
2023-06-17 21:54:22 +02:00
Marty Oehme 41968e1361
nvim: Integrate null_ls for formatting and linting
Formatting and linting should from now be done with null_ls instead
of formatter.nvim (and nothing for linting so far).

This will still take a little to fully transition, for now we use
null_ls for eslint linting and prettier formatting for a variety
of javascript/typescript and astro files.

null_ls uses Mason installations under the hood and any tool it
uses also gets installed by Mason.
2023-06-15 09:47:32 +02:00
Marty Oehme de15382415
nvim: Remove spellsitter
Spellsitter funcitonality is long deprecated and included
in the mainline neovim project. So we might as well
remove it from our plugins.
2023-06-07 10:06:10 +02:00
Marty Oehme 92ab289537
nvim: Update plugins 2023-06-07 10:05:16 +02:00
Marty Oehme 760ed037ba
nvim: Update plugins 2023-05-23 15:50:37 +02:00
Marty Oehme d2e101b822
nvim: Add latex notation concealing with nabla
Notations will be concealed automatically on entering a textual buffer
and `$...$` style notations are contained.

Concealing can be turned off with <localleader>sV, which will toggle
concealing on or off for all notations in the file.
Additionally, the notation under curser can be viewed in a popup with
2023-03-23 08:28:17 +01:00
Marty Oehme 2b64b4b750
nvim: Update lazy lockfile 2023-03-22 17:31:49 +01:00
Marty Oehme aa68137ff8
nvim: Add zk mappings 2023-03-22 17:01:02 +01:00
Marty Oehme d0e536b798
nvim: Update colorizer git address 2023-03-22 16:29:42 +01:00
Marty Oehme e95bd9b252
nvim: Add smartcolumn plugin 2023-03-22 16:29:41 +01:00
Marty Oehme f156292e8f
nvim: Add file tree
In addition to my standard file manager, vifm, being integrated into
neovim, I have now also added a side-pane file tree (akin to nerdtree)
that is easily reachable to get a quick overview of a file layout.

For now, I do not intend to do much more with the plugin, only keep it
for those rare cases I want to have a view on my file layout at the same
time as working in a buffer. For all other things (file operations
especially) I still have vifm.
2023-03-22 15:58:18 +01:00
Marty Oehme 22cfa037df
nvim: Add fidget.nvim
Added fidget plugin which shows the current loading status of LSPs. Only
works for a few LSP (so far), including lua and python. Should
automatically pick up new implementations on update. Will display a
small loading notification in the lower right corner, useful to display
status for those situations where LSP loading takes a long time (e.g.
rust compilation requirements or a large python environment).

FIXME Does not work for each python environment startup yet, and I am
not sure why - sometimes just does not display its loading startup.
2023-03-22 10:32:20 +01:00
Marty Oehme 6b28e6417b
nvim: Prepare lsp-zero switch to v2 branch
Switched the configuration of lsp-zero to its less integrated v2
version. Switched back to manually configuring most of nvim-cmp.

Addded some manual formatting to cmp which displays completion kind as
icons not as text.
Manually add luasnip integration.
2023-03-22 08:30:04 +01:00
Marty Oehme 39b495affd
nvim: Update lockfile 2023-03-21 18:58:51 +01:00
Marty Oehme b3aa44f7a5
nvim: Update plugin lockfile 2023-03-19 14:49:38 +01:00
Marty Oehme 6f3ac3d31f
nvim: Move Navigator to dev version
Since Navigator.nvim only implements wezterm compatibility in its main
branch as of now, we explicitly switch away from its stable version for
2023-03-07 10:50:32 +01:00
Marty Oehme 74fdc4bc8f
nvim: Update plugins 2023-03-07 10:49:04 +01:00
Marty Oehme 382bcdba72
nvim: Hook treesitter commentstrings into comment maps 2023-03-07 10:46:25 +01:00
Marty Oehme 72514b2a5e
nvim: Update rainbow brackets to maintained fork 2023-03-07 10:45:43 +01:00
Marty Oehme 954ccf5e89
nvim: Improve dynamic colorscheme sourcing 2023-03-07 10:41:47 +01:00
Marty Oehme 1c7d0a9835
nvim: Default to stable versions for plugins
Using the lazy option 'version' we default to updating only to the
latest stable (semver) version of plugins. This should make it a little
more stable in the long run to keep up with plugin updates.

Not all plugins support this versioning scheme and for those that do not
it just keeps tracking the main branch.

Currently from the plugins that support it, only `nvim-lspconfig` needs
to be manually kept on the main branch since it is missing the correct
lua language server otherwise. This should be a problem of the past with
the release of the next version of the plugin.
2023-03-03 12:51:21 +01:00
Marty Oehme 051c0914ad
nvim: Add wrapping plugin 2023-03-03 12:38:09 +01:00
Marty Oehme 2c4d5c483d
nvim: Update plugin lockfile 2023-03-01 17:41:30 +01:00
Marty Oehme 2026f6d064
nvim: Switch to lsp-zero
lsp-zero offers a simple to set-up lsp configuration which is based
around the plugins I use anyway (lsp, cmp, luasnip) but integrates them
very well. I add a few small quality of life things on top (cmp
completion for / search and for vim command mode) as well as a boatload
of custom completion sources but otherwise make use of the nice presets.

This has de-bloated my _cmp.lua settings somewhat and allows me to have
a simple treesitter and a simple(r) lsp setup!

Additionally, switched to mason.nvim to manage my lsp sources (and
linters), which is both the new hotness and actually really useful.
Allows portable installation of most lsp servers into neovim data
directory so they do not clutter any other directories or global
2023-02-10 15:33:33 +01:00