Added custom term spell dictionary for neovim. Will track any words that
should be needed on all my machines.
Added spellmake plugin which watches spellfiles and rebuilds the binary
whenever a new word has been added through external edits like git.
The plugin also automatically adds a gitignore file for the .spl
file, and a unison merge strategy through a gitattributes file to any
spell directory it finds. Ignoring is due to .spl being automatically
generated binary files. The merge strategy ensures that no merge errors
will pop up even when words get added in different orders. All it cares
about is that the content of the files is the same, in whatever order.
When creating a new link within notes, using the wiki.vim openlink
shortcut (return by default), it will prepend a Zettelkasten-like unique
id based on current time in front of the link.
It will also lowercase it and substitute spaces for dashes.
Pandoc citations added through fzf (with the :CiteRef command) were
added in place, with an i. The usual case however is to write a
sentence, or part of a sentence, going out of insertion mode and wanting
the citation to appear *after* what was written.
Same story for insert mode citation (automatically called by typing
`@@`); also simplified its calling function somewhat.
Added simple maps for fzf finding note files from anywhere, searching
through wiki tags.
Vim experimental modules should be short-lived and really used for
experimentation, not be always in git and messing up diffs.
An initial foldlevel of 2 has been added to vim, this is experimental
and if it doesn't suit me can be easily reverted.
wiki.vim overwrites omnifunc for any buffer it sees as its own. Pandoc
uses g:pandoc#competion#Complete as its omnifunc to generate citations.
So we use deoplete to collect the citations and display them on being
invoked by `@`. When typing more, it filters the list accordingly.
Have not gotten preview window working again, nor searching of fields
other than bibkey.
Setting everything during PlugLoad function caused some plugins to
misbehave. Plugins are now loaded by Plug and their settings can be
either set with a file in the plugin directory (this mimicks the old way
of setting plugin up during load) or in after/ directory, which sets
options *after* everything has loaded.
Makes polybar use Xresources color values for its colors. Resets rofi
values to their default after being overwritten by the base16 themes.
Makes qutebrowser include the colorscheme in its configuration file.
Ignore dynamically generated colorschemes in .gitignore file.
Grepping through files is mapped to `<leader>F` but it respects ripgrep's
default settings, which is to ignore files in gitignore and files
hidden. This map still ignores gitignored files, but searches through
hidden ones in addition to normal ones. It is mapped to `<leader><C-F>`,
to signify an 'extra' added to normal grepping (and since it will be
presumably more rarely invoked, justifying the slightly awkward key
More in line with default vim spell mappings, and should not interfere
with anything due to its leader prefixing.
Added <leader>z to quickly fix spelling error cursor is over.
Mimicks vifm d for grabbing and cutting, D for true deletion. Works well
to delete a line (e.g. left-over empty) while still keeping last
selection in yank-register. Starts a d-motion, so it can be used with
all motions.