Commit graph

128 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
nvim: Fix bibcite insertion position
Fixed the position of my BibTex citations to be in front of the cursor
not appended to it (i.e. using `i` instead of `a`).

That means for example `sometext <insertioninvoked>.` will put the
insertion *before* the full stop instead of after it, which was kind of
2021-04-18 12:57:03 +02:00
nvim: Fix doccompile plugin
Fixed plugin to work from any path, regardless
of where the current working directory is, by
using the full path in any compilation operation.
2021-04-12 18:33:28 +02:00
nvim: Fix mapping incompabitility
Fixed keymap incompabitility introduced with switching to lspsaga code
actions. It used `gc` for normal/visual mode code actions, which I already
make use of for toggling comments in code.

Switched to `ca` instead.
2021-03-22 21:16:54 +01:00
nvim: Move to treesitter and lspsaga
Added lspsaga to enhance some of the lsp actions I can do - mappings are
mostly the same as before, pretty much all lsp actions can be invoked by
g<mnemonic> (e.g. `gr` for rename, `gh` for symbol help, `gd` for go
definition, `K` for help hover, `gc` for code completion and some more).
`[e` and `]e` move between lsp diagnostic errors.

Switched out many syntax highlighting plugins for treesitter, which is
an experiment for now, but I would love to keep it like this if it works
2021-03-16 15:54:14 +01:00
nvim: Remove auto-saving functionality from vim
Removed functionality that auto-saves all currently open windows
whenever vim loses focus, since that function is more bothersome than
helpful (and I remember to save my files 99.9% of the time anyway).

That 0.1% will also be impressed in my memory after forgetting once or
2021-03-14 14:04:25 +01:00
nvim: Replace nerdtree with vifm
Simple, experimental replacement for now. Tries to keep the previous key
functionality intact:
use <leader>e to open working directory in vifm, <leader>E to open the
directory of the current file.

Some problems will remain - currently it is hard to navigate away from
an open vifm instance with C-hjkl since it is not recognized as a vim
window anymore.

Additionally, invoking vim functions does not work from the vifm window,
which means that if I start nvim pointing to a directory, i.e. with vifm
open, it not possible for me currently to directly start up fzf to open
another file, or a buffer from the history, or similar.
2021-03-14 14:01:16 +01:00
nvim: Update lsp lua configuration
Uses arch aur-packaged installation of sumneko_lua, and invokes it for
any lua file.
Takes care of some additional configuration to enable easier programming
for neovim itself.
2021-02-19 16:54:08 +01:00
qutebrowser: Update host block lists
Updated host block lists through internal list updater.
Added a couple nvim spell dictionary entries.
2021-02-19 12:37:44 +01:00
dunst: Add brightness level notifications
Added notifications on changing brightness, will stack by default to
show the current level before disappearing.

The script to change and notify can be run through the command
`control-brightness`, and is bound to the sxhkd media key shortcuts for
brightness changes.

Removed the brightness indicator from polybar since it should be easy
enough to check current brightness by doing a quick higher-lower and
that's it.

Kept the module in polybar configuration script since I might reconsider
its removal if it turns out to have been useful.
2020-12-21 22:55:52 +01:00
Update nvim spell book 2020-12-19 16:17:10 +01:00
tmux: Remove statusline time and date
Removed display of time and date from tmux, since I have the polybar
time up always.

Shuffled around the rest of the display: removed left-sided display of
active (tmux) user, moved it to the right side.
2020-12-03 12:30:17 +01:00
Fix small issues: brightness scroll and formatting
Added ability to change display brightness by scrolling over polybar
2020-12-03 11:57:20 +01:00
nvim: Fix lsp completion for newer nvim versions
Had to fix some naming of required modules for newer neovim versions.
Additionally, removed lsp from engaging in pandoc files so that we may
save some battery while only writing markdown.

2020-11-23 10:52:38 +01:00
nvim: Restructure directory slightly
Moved vim-plug plugin list to load into separate file so it is a coherent
plugin list to modify or disable.

Moved key mappings (`maps.vim`) into a separate keys directory so they
can be loaded in individual files if desired.
2020-11-12 14:29:48 +01:00
lua: Fix formatting with lua-format 2020-11-06 15:03:33 +01:00
nvim: Fix scratchpad functionality
`:ScratchPad` command has been fixed and its functionality slightly

`:ScratchPad` will replace the current buffer with an empty scratchpad,
with the filetype defined in `g:scratchpad_ft` (or the buffer-scope

`:ScratchPad!` will create a new split and open the empty scratchpad

Additionally, a single argument can be passed to the command with the
name of the filetype that the scratchpad should contain, e.g.
`:Scratchpad! golang`

Most of the plugin process has been shifted to lua and only a single
command mapping remains as vimscript for now.
2020-10-23 19:19:04 +02:00
nvim: Fix lsp shortcut for signature help
signature help shortcut (<c-k>) was interfering with basic buffer
movement. Moved it to gK as a more 'global' hover option (which uses K,
whenever lsp is enabled).
2020-10-21 16:50:47 +02:00
nvim: Extend lsp for nvim lua development
Added new functionality to lsp: hovering, go-to definition, referencing,
implementations, etc accessible through the usual hotkeys.

Added commands to invoke LspHover and temporarily disable lsp for the
current buffer (is re-enabled on re-entering the buffer, e.g. with

Added tjdevries extended lua lsp implementation containing functionality
for the nvim api itself (especially useful for `vim.api`, `vim.fn`).
2020-10-09 22:11:06 +02:00
nvim: Change default foldlevel to 3
Previously, the foldlevel of 2 would still display second level markdown
headlines (`##`) but fold `###`.

However, most of my text analyses are taking place within 3rd level
headlines nowadays, and if vim-pandoc is allowed to have folds enabled,
it will always fold everything beyond the foldlevel *each* time you
enter a buffer of pandoc filetype.

So, simply up the foldlevel one.
2020-10-09 22:07:30 +02:00
nvim: Remove pencil to fix relative cursor movement
Cursor movement works better for soft-wrapped prose files now:
When just using j/k to move vertically, the cursor will jump between the
different parts of a single wrapped line. That means you can easily move
anywhere you want on your lines, exactly as it's shown to you.

If, however, prefixing your j/k move with a number to move a relative
number of lines, it will no longer take wrapping into account. That
means you can not jump instantly to *any* part of a wrapped lines,
however on the other hand the relative line numbers on the side never
lie now: You will jump exactly as many lines as are shown on the side.
This is a tradeoff I am happily willing to make.

Additionally had to remove vim-pencil to get the movement to work, but
since it did not provide any visible pros anymore, this should not be a
big issue.
2020-10-08 20:38:50 +02:00
nvim: Add workaround for completion-nvim bug
completion-nvim chaining seems to not allow multiple `triggered_only`
definitions in the same linked chain of various completion options. In
other words, when in pandoc files there is no possibility to have
completion for lsp and buffer words by default and for paths on pressing
`/`, as well as bib-citekeys on pressing `@`.

Doing so requires automatically switching sources, which in turn is of
little use when writing pandoc normally and it hangs every couple of
seconds to recompile the bibtex list as soon as it runs out of buffer
words to complete.

Ideally, the completion-nvim bug should be looked at, but also the
bibtex completion possibly completely turned into a lua parsed
completer, so it does not depend on `vim-pandoc` and its (presumably)
slower vimscript implementation.
2020-10-08 10:34:45 +02:00
nvim: Fix completion sourcing for pandoc files
Fixed source completion, so it automatically changes to turn source
switching *off* for pandoc files (to not automatically invoke bibcite
generation), and *on* for the rest of files.

This was accidentally switched the wrong way round before.
2020-10-05 09:31:27 +02:00
nvim: Improve lsp source chaining
Lsp will by default invoke most of its sources simultaneously (one after
the other if no completions are found for the first), but this is
disabled for pandoc.

In pandoc, only the buffer and lsp sources are invoked (the first
chain), since bibcite will take a while to compile the cite keys.
To invoke bibcite in pandoc, use c-j/c-k when in the completion menu,
and they will be calculated.

This may be removed if a faster compilation for bibtex citekeys is
2020-10-02 11:56:31 +02:00
nvim: Switch to nvim-lsp
Enabled lsp within nvim and switched completion engine from deoplete to

The completion will be somewhat more barebones for some filetypes until
the language servers are set up, but should then (theoretically) carry a
lot more features than before.

Additionally, we can, over time, add additional code inspection

One change concerns the calling of bibtex cite key completion in pandoc
files: Where before the completion would automatically begin after
typing an '@', it will now only start on manual completion invocation
(c-p/c-n) -- since the completion from my current bibtex file takes a
while to load.
2020-10-01 19:20:07 +02:00
nvim: Fix zettelkasten links
Fixed links in zk which do not follow the exact pattern of anchor space
title, allowing for wiki-style links and so on.
2020-10-01 09:17:44 +02:00
nvim: Fix updated wiki.vim link function
Changed function to accomodate internal change in wiki.vim naming for
the link parsing function.

See wiki.vim commit d085c138fd4cd33abeb93f1c1afaff1210c7c33b.
2020-09-28 19:17:40 +02:00
nvim: Improve completino menu, add cursor context
Improved completion menu by allowing c-p,c-n scrolling through it.

Removed automatically resizing buffers, use c-w= if you need it.

Added scrolloff, controlling the amount of lines that are always
under/above the cursor. This fixes the cursor being at the very bottom
of the page, after doing e.g. zb or zt and will allow seeing a bit more
information around it at all times.
2020-09-24 21:59:38 +02:00
nvim: Update spellchecker 2020-09-23 17:54:13 +02:00
Tiny fixes
Clarified naming scheme in sxhkd-chain-labels documentation.

Updated year for vim copyright shortcut.

Enabled automatic copying to clipboard by neovim for every yank action.
2020-09-22 22:34:50 +02:00
nvim: Add exclusions for pass files to nvim
Additionally to gopass editing, editing pass files should also avoid
creating external undo files, backups, and similar traceable files out
of which secrets could leak.

This prevents their creation on a wide level.
2020-09-12 17:36:11 +02:00
nvim: Fix 'vim:' modeline, add paragraph highlights
Fixed bug when line in todo dropdown starts with `vim:`, `vi:`, or `:ex`
which would automatically be read by vim and tried to be set in the
editor. Removed modeline reading from vim to fix the bug, and since it
provides quite an attack vector anyway.

Added Limelight to its startup procedure to highlight the current to-do
2020-09-08 14:58:36 +02:00
polybar: Add underlines to modules
Slightly accent the modules by adding a distinct line under each one, in
the primary color of the current colorscheme.
2020-09-07 22:00:32 +02:00
vifm: Add doc|docx preview and nvim opening
Added preview and opening of doc(x) files with nvim.
Makes use of docx2txt, catdoc to display the files, meaning they are

Added some spellchecking words.
2020-07-28 18:15:26 +02:00
[nvim] Update spell dictionary 2020-07-24 14:07:41 +02:00
nvim: Add longer yank highlight, standard toc map
Made yank highlight last 0.5s instead of 0.15s.

Moved mapping to display toc for markdown and pandoc files to the vim
standard mapping of gO (by default only enabled for :Man and :help).
Uses :WikiFzfToc, so will only work with wiki.vim
2020-07-23 12:23:15 +02:00
[nvim] Add thesaurus autodownload
Fix location of thesaurus to follow XDG specification for application
data (in `.local/share/nvim/thesaurus`).

Automatically download thesaurus if it is not found.
2020-07-10 10:15:16 +02:00
[nvim] Add python linting, suggestions to vim
Uses python-black, python-pylint, and python-jedi to enable
2020-07-10 10:15:03 +02:00
[nvim] Add yank highlight and substitution preview
Added quick highlighting of whatever text is added to a yank buffer.
Added live preview of `:%s/sub/command/` in current buffer and preview
2020-07-10 10:10:34 +02:00
[nvim] Fix zettelkasten wiki fw/bw navigation
Fixed navigating backwards ignoring any files jumped to via the
Zettelkasten function and only moving to the last wiki.vim jumped-to
file. Now correctly navigates to any file in the chain, be that zk or
wiki by invoking the correct wiki.vim page opening function.
2020-06-25 09:48:19 +02:00
[qutebrowser] Add fosstodon to js whitelist 2020-06-17 12:33:08 +02:00
[nvim] Add Zettelkasten movement
Can move through wiki by Zettel anchor IDs. Replaces standard wiki
movement. Zettel IDs do not care about the directory they are in, as
long as the ID is the same the Zettel can be located anywhere within the
wiki root directory.

Will need refinement and speed improvements in the future.
2020-05-26 22:35:42 +02:00
[nvim] Set all markdown-like documents to pandoc
Whenever I write markdown, I want it to be interpreted by pandoc rather
than markdown itself. I write the pandoc flavor of md, I want the pandoc
plugin to handle the files, and I want to enable citations and
compilation in every markdown file.
2020-05-26 17:40:45 +02:00
[nvim] Add peekaboo plugin to display registers 2020-05-26 15:29:41 +02:00
[nvim] Add table align plugin; update spell
Added alignment plugin. My primary use-case is markdown tables, though
the plugin can be used for a lot more than that.

Basic use is marking the to-be-aligned area and pressing ga then
entering *| (or something else than pipe, if the separator symbol is
different). Or doing e.g. gaip to align within paragraph; works as
editing command.
2020-05-25 17:46:04 +02:00
[nvim] Add fzf spellsuggest
Added fzf as selector interface for spell correction
selecting. Can be invoked through command
`FzfSpellSuggest` for now. Can be bound to keymapping if needed more
often; or if intending to overwrite default spell correction.
2020-05-09 14:48:34 +02:00
[nvim] Add gitlens, scratchfile lua plugins
Added gitlens to show git blame for cursorline after short time. Added
makescratch plugin to create a new scratch window via simple command.
2020-05-09 14:46:49 +02:00
[nvim] Update plugin options to new versions
Updated deoplete to remove legacy options. Updated wiki.vim custom
function call to new name. Changed simple vim-go options.
2020-05-05 09:53:46 +02:00
[nvim] Update spelling world list 2020-05-05 09:52:08 +02:00
[nvim] Fix wiki.vim keymaps
Plugin changed its settings for enabling default keymaps from 0/1 to
string definitions.

See a4f2fdb6af
2020-04-16 17:46:25 +02:00
[nvim] Minor deoplete, echodoc fixes
Simplified deoplete setup by removing options which only reiterate the
default. Fixed echodoc completion option list.
2020-03-02 21:38:16 +01:00
[nvim] Change default fzfrg to search hidden files
<leader>F will search hidden files but skip the .git directory. This is
what I want most often.
2020-02-27 20:54:43 +01:00
[nvim] Fix fzf cmd & coloring
Fix various little fzf annoyances: Implement good coloring of floating
window. Make it use fd by default, search through hidden files but
ignore the git directory itself.

Also, let it split the window on s and vertical split on v.
2020-02-27 10:07:09 +01:00
[nvim] Simplify floating fzf window
fzf already comes with its own floating window call function, so we
don't have to use our own. Instead simply call the floating window when
we are in compatible vim/nvim version and let fzf do its thing.
2020-02-27 10:06:38 +01:00
[nvim] Update spellfile 2020-02-25 23:27:15 +01:00
[nvim] Change fzf to use floating window
By default fzf now uses a floating window covering most of the editor
screen real estate. It can still be full screened with a bang.

Floating window can be made optional with fzf layout options, but for
now I will try it for all fzf searches to get a feel for the positives
and negatives.
2020-02-25 23:25:25 +01:00
[nvim] Add Fzf mappings for git, helptags 2020-02-25 23:24:40 +01:00
[nvim] Add ale defaults
Added package which sets ale defaults without having to define them
myself. Still keeping ale settings file around, but can probably get rid
of it soon.
2020-02-23 22:47:39 +01:00
Add thesaurus function to nvim
Added thesaurus calling on leader-zt, for word under cursor or selected
word(s). Will go through variety of online api's or locally supplied
mthesaur.txt from project gutenberg.
2020-02-11 17:17:47 +01:00
Add spellsync plugin to vim
Enables easier vcs integration of vim spelllang dictionaries. Will cause
them to be reloaded on external editing, add their binary parts to
ignore files, and set their addition files to unison merge mode.
2020-02-08 18:42:12 +01:00
83728d6fb0 Add nvim spell dicts and management
Added custom term spell dictionary for neovim. Will track any words that
should be needed on all my machines.

Added spellmake plugin which watches spellfiles and rebuilds the binary
whenever a new word has been added through external edits like git.

The plugin also automatically adds a gitignore file for the .spl
file, and a unison merge strategy through a gitattributes file to any
spell directory it finds. Ignoring is due to .spl being automatically
generated binary files. The merge strategy ensures that no merge errors
will pop up even when words get added in different orders. All it cares
about is that the content of the files is the same, in whatever order.
2020-02-06 23:12:49 +01:00
7b076d7a2f Standardize wiki link opening scheme with xdg-open 2020-02-04 20:47:49 +01:00
c541763617 Add wiki.vim file opening scheme for pdf, html
Can open file-links that the cursor is currently over (in markdown link
format). PDF is opened in zathura, html in qutebrowser, the rest in vim.
2020-02-04 20:40:03 +01:00
804ae4005a Fix Document Compile Function in vim
Fixed non-escaped directory sequence (erroring on spaces in filenames)
and silent code execution.
2020-02-04 20:38:47 +01:00
66961cae79 Automatic Zettelkasten note-link naming scheme
When creating a new link within notes, using the wiki.vim openlink
shortcut (return by default), it will prepend a Zettelkasten-like unique
id based on current time in front of the link.

It will also lowercase it and substitute spaces for dashes.
2020-02-04 15:17:59 +01:00
90dfacf7bd Fix pandoc fzf citation adding location
Pandoc citations added through fzf (with the :CiteRef command) were
added in place, with an i. The usual case however is to write a
sentence, or part of a sentence, going out of insertion mode and wanting
the citation to appear *after* what was written.

Same story for insert mode citation (automatically called by typing
`@@`); also simplified its calling function somewhat.

Added simple maps for fzf finding note files from anywhere, searching
through wiki tags.
2020-02-04 13:17:22 +01:00
7917b45859 Remove experimental modules, add initial foldlevel
Vim experimental modules should be short-lived and really used for
experimentation, not be always in git and messing up diffs.

An initial foldlevel of 2 has been added to vim, this is experimental
and if it doesn't suit me can be easily reverted.
2020-02-04 11:40:06 +01:00
36c202f48a Sort vim plugin loading 2020-02-04 11:36:42 +01:00
e7ff8c9f78 Fix pandoc citation autocompletions
wiki.vim overwrites omnifunc for any buffer it sees as its own. Pandoc
uses g:pandoc#competion#Complete as its omnifunc to generate citations.

So we use deoplete to collect the citations and display them on being
invoked by `@`. When typing more, it filters the list accordingly.

Have not gotten preview window working again, nor searching of fields
other than bibkey.
2020-02-04 00:44:12 +01:00
756e45e037 Reorganize vim plugin settings
Setting everything during PlugLoad function caused some plugins to
misbehave. Plugins are now loaded by Plug and their settings can be
either set with a file in the plugin directory (this mimicks the old way
of setting plugin up during load) or in after/ directory, which sets
options *after* everything has loaded.
2020-02-03 22:23:45 +01:00
6b79eeef5d Refactor vim compile functions 2020-02-03 22:15:01 +01:00
ad8decb4ef Integrate dynamic colorschemes into applications
Makes polybar use Xresources color values for its colors. Resets rofi
values to their default after being overwritten by the base16 themes.
Makes qutebrowser include the colorscheme in its configuration file.

Ignore dynamically generated colorschemes in .gitignore file.
2020-02-01 11:01:26 +01:00
6ed90134a3 Move Xresources to comply to XDG
Moved Xresources to XDG compliant directory. Will make future styler
settings easier.
2020-02-01 11:01:26 +01:00
ea5ffe8bc5 [nvim] Add keymap to rg through hidden files
Grepping through files is mapped to `<leader>F` but it respects ripgrep's
default settings, which is to ignore files in gitignore and files
hidden. This map still ignores gitignored files, but searches through
hidden ones in addition to normal ones. It is mapped to `<leader><C-F>`,
to signify an 'extra' added to normal grepping (and since it will be
presumably more rarely invoked, justifying the slightly awkward key
2020-01-30 11:44:44 +01:00
d85f09ef78 Adjust spell mappings to <leader>Z
More in line with default vim spell mappings, and should not interfere
with anything due to its leader prefixing.

Added <leader>z to quickly fix spelling error cursor is over.
2020-01-27 08:40:20 +01:00
010ccc8284 Add true delete shortcut to vim
Mimicks vifm d for grabbing and cutting, D for true deletion. Works well
to delete a line (e.g. left-over empty) while still keeping last
selection in yank-register. Starts a d-motion, so it can be used with
all motions.
2020-01-27 08:38:25 +01:00
d08966509a Switch vim color scheme to base16 2020-01-27 08:37:53 +01:00
8257919fda Remap Q to execute macro
Previously mapped to ex mode, which I don't need as a quick access
2020-01-07 14:05:24 +01:00
d34cecb27e Switch to GNU stow 2019-12-29 23:12:13 +01:00