Added the previously important 'site' directory to the runtime path of
neovim so it stops complaining about not finding spell dictionaries on
starting up with a spell-enabled file.
Removed the notation velocity plugin for vim. I have not been making use
of it for ages and should I need a vim-internal way of digging through
my wiki I can probably find easier (and more clear) ways of doing so.
Nice plugin, but of no more use to me.
Switch to use the nice new nvim-internal keymapping functions.
Cartographer was a really useful plugin when they did not yet exist but
now everything I wanted to do can be done without a mapping plugin, so
it is time to remove it.
Switched to the neovim variant of quarto plugins since it may contain
improved integration with lsp and cmp - and offers completion and
diagnostics for code snippets *within* the overall markdown sources of
quarto, which is very exciting.
Migrated from packer.nvim to lazy.nvim - it gives really fast loading
times, easy lazy loading for any package and a snazzy package manager
overview page (invoked through `:Lazy`) which, importantly, all do not
rely on a compiled plugin list.
In essence it feels like an easier to manage and robust packer
replacement (even though packer is a really good manager as well) that
is well worth to switch to. Migration was pretty painless as well.
One thing I might do in the future is split up the plugin structure
itself from a single plugin list (which invokes plugin settings files)
to several files containing the plugins and their settings since it
might give more structure.
So far, my repl integration consisted of vim-slime and vim-ipython-cell.
I am basically purely working in the python repl for now and while the
two plugins (together with tmux) *worked* they didn't work well enough
that I used them in an extensive way. Just as often as I could make use
of their productivity enhacements, I had to wrangle with the plugins
themselves to get what I wanted out of them.
Hence the switch to magma. It integrates more deeply into python, and
neovim both - showing cell outputs in floating windows and so on.
It does not, on its own, recognize e.g. jupyter cells or quarto code
cells, so I have set up some simple key binds to improve
inter-operability between those. Especially [r and ]r to jump between
quarto cells and <localleader>R to execute the contents of the cell the
cursor is currently in may be of interest. They are fairly crude and
probably have edge cases where they will not work but until then they
provide an easy quality of life improvement.
Lastly, I silently added a plugin for markdown previews (that also
scrolls with the editing cursor). I don't foresee myself using it *too*
often but it might come handy for smaller articles and writing. It can
be invoked with <localleader>mp - a binding which I will no doubt also
have to overhaul at some point.
Added simple bibtex source display: Will show the bibtex entries
existing in the bib file set through `bibliography: path/to/mine.bib`.
Shows author, title, date on hovering.
Never used the compile script for years now, and I neither see that
changing nor the files being of any use anymore. They were something I
whipped up when I first started getting into Linux and bash scripting
(and as such a little nostalgic I suppose) but nothing that has actual
purpose anymore.
Added a quick way to fix the last spelling mistake: Use <c-s> while
writing (in insert mode) or localleader-s while in normal mode.
It will fix the mistake and keep your cursor at the current position.
Neovim sometimes errors out when enabling spelling without having all
the necessary spellfiles available. This ensures on setting up the
environment that a spellfile is downloaded.
Had to disable automatic formatting since it was messing with my
contributions to other git projects, if they did either not have a
formatter enabled (most of the time) or had different formatters or
those set up differently than this setup (fixable, but I don't think
it's worth the time).
Instead, formatting can be invoked with `<localleader>f`/`F` to format
or format and save respectively.
Updated buffer navigation to make use of the <c-w>hjkl paradigm instead
of the <c-hjkl> since it adheres closer to vanilla nvim and works better
with the new navigation features of Navigator.nvim.
Switched out the old distraction-free writing plugins for neovim
variants zen-mode and twilight by folke - they are simple (one command
to invoke zen-mode, mapped to `F11`, and that's it), they are written in
lua and they work together beautifully (invoking zen-mode also invokes
twilight paragraph highlighting).
With neovim 0.7 bringing autocmd bindings in lua, we can now rely on a
built-in api instead of having to use our own helper function. Last
missing migration is the lsp formatting autogroup.
Updated treesitter setting to remove use of deprecated 'maintained'
option and simply replaced it to use 'all' treesitter syntaxes (haven't
had a problem with it so far).
Changed blankline options slightly to remove annoying animations and
quick switching of which blankline it shows depending on where my cursor
is -- both proved to be too much of a distraction when I just need to
interact with the indentation context every now and again and it should
just allow me a quick glance at the indentation level the rest of the
Replaced indentblankline and vim-commentary both with mini.nvim, which
has both as submodules.
Commentary is replaced exactly and without any end-user changes, simply
transferred to be included in the lua plugin instead.
Indent blankline is a bit simpler but brings with it a new text object
which can be interacted with through `ai` and `ii`, e.g. `vii` select in
current indentation or `dai` delete around current indentation - very
Also added fuzzy matching algorithm from mini.nvim to telescope as
default sorter.
While <leader>f searches files, now <leader><c-f> searches for hidden
Simple addition but can be very useful if you work for example in
dotfolder directories or similar.
Now I just need to find a way to do the same for live_grep. The
functionality is there (live_grep can take the same `{hidden=true}`
argument as find_files) but terminal emulators don't distinguish between
<c-f> and <c-F> so there is no convenient mapping for it yet.
Added plugin for digraph search through telescope.
When you want to enter a digraph, you can do so through the usual
method, pressing <c-k> and then entering the digraph shortcut (e.g.
`<c-k>OK` for ✓, or `<c-k>n?` for ñ) OR you simply double press
<c-k><c-k> which opens a quick telescope window to select the digraph
you want.
Updated enabling spellchecker from <leader>Z to <leader>ZZ.
<leader>ZE and <leader>ZG for language specific checking stays the same
as before.
Removed some dangling mappings referring to thesaurus_query plugin which
has long been removed.
When lsp or gitsigns would show me a symbol in the signcolumn the whole
editor page would jump ever so slightly to the right (one symbol, to be
This fixes it to show numbers in the signcolumn and just exchange number
for sign when something should be shown.
Makes numbers a little less readable but editing experience a whole lot
Changed mapping to copy path from `yf` to `yp`/`yP`.
Two reasons: I might be better able to remember 'yank-path' when saying
it in my head as a mnemonic, and with the `yf` mapping set I could only
yank things *to* some letter `yt<letter>` not including some letter
`yf<letter>` and it has been very subtly annoying me ever since I
introduced the mapping.
Fixed now.
Also added two variations: `yp` will yank the whole path into the `p`
register, and `yP` will only yank the filename itself.
Here's to remembering the new mapping!
Fixed hidden file creation in home directory by vim-slime. It will now
rather ask nvim to create a temporary file using that as its paste
Also disabled cmp completion in 'guihua' floating windows, as per the
recommendation for navigator.lua.
Fixed grepping for telescope to work again, and work with the native
'live_grep' function.
Replaced fzy extension with precompiled fzf since I have that installed
Changed some theming around so I have a fast, minimal file switcher
instead of the big window by default. Can still call the big preview
window through the Telescope command if need be.
Added json to be formatted by prettier like the other javascript-close
Switched the static list of filetypes to automatically format on save to
be replaced by automatically gathering all filetypes set up for
formatter.nvim since I want everything formatted anyway.
Added simple plugin for some highlighting of criticmarkup.
Criticmarkup is a neat way of doing 'track-changes' in markdown. It's a
bit cumbersome to read just the way it is when there's a lot of changes
however and this plugin helps immensely with that.
There is also a github gist out there which helps using pandoc to turn
Microsoft Word tracked changes into criticmarkup formatted markdown.
Amazing to work with through vim instead of the annoying Office suites!
Finally added a which-key like extension.
This one is a lua implementation of the old Emacs idea, but comes with
pretty sane defaults and seems less difficult to set up.
So much so that, even out of the box, it seems somewhat useful by
containing explanations of default vim bindings and showing the target
for all mark jumps. (e.g. `g`` or `g'`).
Finally made the switch from the lua surround plugin of my choice to
sandwich -- it provides sane defaults, needs little to no setup, and
comes with a pretty alright default mapping method:
`sa<object><something>` to add surroundings to object
`sr<oldsurround><newsurround>` to replace surroundings (including
`srb<new>` for automatically figuring out what to replace)
`sd<surround>` to delete existing.
Simple and efficient, should make the cut in my estimation.