Commit graph

48 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Marty Oehme fc5f267031
nvim: Update spellfile 2024-06-23 22:48:28 +02:00
Marty Oehme da8a9a02f9
nvim: Update spellfile 2024-02-24 09:13:39 +01:00
Marty Oehme 7e3377d60d
nvim: Update spellfile 2024-02-10 13:36:42 +01:00
Marty Oehme 506b6cb2f6
nvim: Update plugins and spellfile 2023-12-30 21:33:21 +01:00
Marty Oehme d459d79de0
nvim: Update spellfile 2023-12-12 12:11:03 +01:00
Marty Oehme dfaed8c9dd
nvim: Update plugins and spellfile 2023-11-15 14:25:09 +01:00
Marty Oehme 8be40f5630
nvim: Update plugins 2023-10-05 18:28:15 +02:00
Marty Oehme 8b603b8c66
nvim: Improve lazy-loading of select plugins
Aerial (on command), test-runners (on python only) and other plugins
are now only loaded when actually required.
2023-10-02 19:18:29 +02:00
Marty Oehme 6254c92bd3
chore: Update qutebrowser redirects, nvim spellfiles 2023-09-16 11:29:22 +02:00
Marty Oehme 84eed308e1
nvim: Update plugins and dictionaries 2023-08-08 09:55:38 +02:00
Marty Oehme e35dec9f9f
nvim: Update spellfile 2023-06-07 10:06:20 +02:00
Marty Oehme 744c08f0f5
nvim: Update spellfile 2023-05-23 15:50:50 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0189753b18
nvim: Update spell dict 2023-03-19 14:49:24 +01:00
Marty Oehme 86fdfbe3d5
nvim: Update spellchecker 2022-11-01 16:04:54 +01:00
Marty Oehme dcea74008b
vifm: Change vifm filename yanking mapping to yt 2021-11-23 09:52:21 +01:00
Marty Oehme 8a6cdcba8b
mpv: Use yt-dlp instead of youtube-dl
Switch to fork since it's more actively developed and contains some
additional features. Primarily switched since it had quite a bit better
subtitle stream handling than the original for quite a while.
2021-10-09 23:21:02 +02:00
Marty Oehme 3a5a6d19b4
nvim: Update spellchecker 2021-09-24 16:26:42 +02:00
Marty Oehme 176a4a233d
vifm: Obey XDG Trash directory
Moved trash directory vifm uses from its own data location to the one
proposed by XDG specification. Essentially moves it to
2021-08-18 22:33:12 +02:00
Marty Oehme 62f680ecd3
qutebrowser: Add proxying support for websites
Added automatic proxying to floss alternative frontends for proprietary
websites like reddit (teddit), youtube (invidious), twitter (nitter),
and instagram (bibliogram).

Often does not work on calling cached websites, meaning when it does not
load the correct page a full reload (shift-R) should call up the correct
frontend on first use of a previously visited page.

Squashed commit of the following:

commit ccf5a9f9a001c466e4fe00763f561d09a598bd70
Author: Marty Oehme <>
Date:   Wed Jul 28 10:05:37 2021 +0200

    qutebrowser: Add LocalLeader key concept

    Added differentiation between leader mappings and local leader mappings,
    with a similar idea to vim:
    leader mappings enact changes within qutebrowser on a more general level
    (currently e.g. changing tab display, javascript switch, stylesheet
    setting) while
    local leader mappings enact changes or interact with the current page
    (e.g. start mpv stream, display in readability mode, download pdf
    version of page, and so on).

    This will be hard for my muscle memory, but I think such a switch
    benefits logical action separation in the long run, especially in case I
    add more action shortcuts over time.

    An interesting thing this separation also allows is a more
    buffer-specific action repertoire (for example through recognition of
    current page context with interceptors) so specific pages contain
    different actions.

commit afbe573d527b70fa57d643ede78cd5e71f3ca4c1
Author: Marty Oehme <>
Date:   Tue Jul 27 16:00:37 2021 +0200

    qutebrowser: Rename key mapping file

    Renamed from `` to `` to keep some coherence with nvim
    naming scheme.

commit cc78cbb67953bba7ab4d5a6dd48dfa50fbcfe2fc
Author: Marty Oehme <>
Date:   Tue Jul 27 10:19:34 2021 +0200

    qutebrowser: Add reddit redirection

    Added redirection to old.reddit whenever a link on reddit is opened.
    Added redirection of youtube links to invidious instance.
2021-08-18 22:28:50 +02:00
Marty Oehme 65b8fd4820
polybar: Add pop-up calendar to date module
Added calendar (using gsimplecal) which appears on left-clicking the
date module. Previous long date format switching has been moved to

Under the hood, the official date module has been exchanged with a
custom script which simply replicates the functionality but allows
arbitrary commands to be executed on interactions with the module (since
it is now a script module).
2021-07-08 10:39:34 +02:00
Marty Oehme 7bdf9ff8d2
nvim: Switch from vimL to lua setup
Switched to a lua setup. Moved from `init.vim` to `init.lua`. Moved to a
lua-based plugin manager (packer.nvim). Moved some plugins to neovim
(i.e. lua) versions instead of vimL (notably fzf and indentLine).
Enabled lsp, treesitter and similar plugins by default.
Modularized plugins a little by invoking them in separate files.

This should provide a base to build on, and allow me to more fully
integrate lua into my workflow.
More detailed changes follow:

nvim: Replace completion-nvim with nvim-compe

Replaced completion-nvim since compe comes with more things working out
of the box (especially buffer completion and treesitter save me two
plugin installations), and seems to be overall a bit better supported.

It's fast, it works well, and I can add custom completion sources so
that should be good enough for me.

Changed around a couple of other things for lsp settings and treesitter,
and moved the files around a bit.

This is somewhat in preparation for a move to a lua-based configuration,
since I have long wanted to make the switch.

nvim: Add treesitter-enabled rainbow brackets

Added rainbow brackets to the editor, using the treesitter AST
detection. I am not sure yet if I will keep them, or if they confuse me
more than they help by coloring *everything* *everywhere* and being a
bit too much for my tired eyes.

nvim: Add vim-terminator to enable repl style dev

Added vim-terminator and included some basic keybindings. The plugin
allows sending code over to a terminal window, or repl for those
languages where it's enabled (python, R, bash somewhat).

The basic workflow for me right now is: From e.g. a python file
1. Open a repl with <leader>rr
2. Send over code with
    2a. <leader>rt sending (selected part or whole of) file over
    2b. <leader>rd sending (selected part or whole of) delimited area

A delimited area in option 2b looks for certain patterns and sends
everything up-to the next instance of that pattern.
Currently, the enabled patterns are `In[n]:` with n being a number,
emulating the way jupyter blocks are coded; and `^```` (three
back-ticks at the beginning of a line), to enable sending code fences
from (R)markdown files.

Since it uses the filetype to determine which repl/interpreter to send
code to, it is still a little unwieldy in markdown files (which in this
editor get handled as `pandoc` filetype.)

FIXME: There are two options going forward, either finding a way to
correctly identify the interpreter without filetype (should be done in
vim-terminator and seems inelegant) or correctly setting the filetype
for code fences in (R)Markdown *only* (seems more feasible and may
already be enabled in RMarkdown plugins for vim).

nvim: Fix simultaneous opening alacritty and nvim

When opening both (e.g. `alacritty -e nvim file`), neovim would open
with the wrong size (usually way smaller than the resulting terminal
size) and stay that way until you resized the terminal window.

This simply sends a 'resize' kill command to vim whenever the user
enters it to circumvent the bug until it's fixed.

nvim: Simplify lua plugin setup, Add indentLine

Added indent line plugin to show where and how indentations occur using
neovims virtual text. Can be toggled with `:IndentBlanklineToggle`.

Simplified lua setup a little by naming settings after intent instead of
per plugin -- everything lsp-y now resides in `lsp.lua`, everything
treesitter in `treesitter.lua`, everything indentation in its respective
file. Should, as long as plugins don't get too many, be perhaps a little
simpler to reason about.

nvim: Switch to packer as plugin manager

Switched to packer -- the plugins move to lua and so will I. Packer
seems basically like `vim-plug` in a dress (which is awesome, since
vim-plug is also awesome!) and it is extremely fast.
So, no real complaints but still a little switch to get that little bit
further away from vimscript.

nvim: Add telescope plugin and configuration

Added telescope as fzf replacement. Fzf served me well, but the
configuration is somewhat difficult (not least owing to the fact it's
written in vimscript), and telescope has a burgeoning ecosystem growing
around it.

I could basically drop-in replace all of my mappings and then some.
Refined some options and changed some defaults and I am fairly happy for

nvim: Switch to zettelkasten plugin over wiki.vim
2021-05-24 18:01:54 +02:00
Marty Oehme ac4a78f43d
nvim: Fix bibcite insertion position
Fixed the position of my BibTex citations to be in front of the cursor
not appended to it (i.e. using `i` instead of `a`).

That means for example `sometext <insertioninvoked>.` will put the
insertion *before* the full stop instead of after it, which was kind of
2021-04-18 12:57:03 +02:00
Marty Oehme b393e01a2f
qutebrowser: Update host block lists
Updated host block lists through internal list updater.
Added a couple nvim spell dictionary entries.
2021-02-19 12:37:44 +01:00
Marty Oehme d2e44d330d
dunst: Add brightness level notifications
Added notifications on changing brightness, will stack by default to
show the current level before disappearing.

The script to change and notify can be run through the command
`control-brightness`, and is bound to the sxhkd media key shortcuts for
brightness changes.

Removed the brightness indicator from polybar since it should be easy
enough to check current brightness by doing a quick higher-lower and
that's it.

Kept the module in polybar configuration script since I might reconsider
its removal if it turns out to have been useful.
2020-12-21 22:55:52 +01:00
Marty Oehme cf0574297c
Update nvim spell book 2020-12-19 16:17:10 +01:00
Marty Oehme 1c335dcb66
Fix small issues: brightness scroll and formatting
Added ability to change display brightness by scrolling over polybar
2020-12-03 11:57:20 +01:00
Marty Oehme d9185d0542
nvim: Restructure directory slightly
Moved vim-plug plugin list to load into separate file so it is a coherent
plugin list to modify or disable.

Moved key mappings (`maps.vim`) into a separate keys directory so they
can be loaded in individual files if desired.
2020-11-12 14:29:48 +01:00
Marty Oehme afbe10c0d1
nvim: Fix scratchpad functionality
`:ScratchPad` command has been fixed and its functionality slightly

`:ScratchPad` will replace the current buffer with an empty scratchpad,
with the filetype defined in `g:scratchpad_ft` (or the buffer-scope

`:ScratchPad!` will create a new split and open the empty scratchpad

Additionally, a single argument can be passed to the command with the
name of the filetype that the scratchpad should contain, e.g.
`:Scratchpad! golang`

Most of the plugin process has been shifted to lua and only a single
command mapping remains as vimscript for now.
2020-10-23 19:19:04 +02:00
Marty Oehme ebb937a0e3
nvim: Fix lsp shortcut for signature help
signature help shortcut (<c-k>) was interfering with basic buffer
movement. Moved it to gK as a more 'global' hover option (which uses K,
whenever lsp is enabled).
2020-10-21 16:50:47 +02:00
Marty Oehme cd52e47e22
nvim: Add workaround for completion-nvim bug
completion-nvim chaining seems to not allow multiple `triggered_only`
definitions in the same linked chain of various completion options. In
other words, when in pandoc files there is no possibility to have
completion for lsp and buffer words by default and for paths on pressing
`/`, as well as bib-citekeys on pressing `@`.

Doing so requires automatically switching sources, which in turn is of
little use when writing pandoc normally and it hangs every couple of
seconds to recompile the bibtex list as soon as it runs out of buffer
words to complete.

Ideally, the completion-nvim bug should be looked at, but also the
bibtex completion possibly completely turned into a lua parsed
completer, so it does not depend on `vim-pandoc` and its (presumably)
slower vimscript implementation.
2020-10-08 10:34:45 +02:00
Marty Oehme 28f7f304c1
nvim: Fix zettelkasten links
Fixed links in zk which do not follow the exact pattern of anchor space
title, allowing for wiki-style links and so on.
2020-10-01 09:17:44 +02:00
Marty Oehme 27728b07db
nvim: Update spellchecker 2020-09-23 17:54:13 +02:00
Marty Oehme e015c4b5f1
Tiny fixes
Clarified naming scheme in sxhkd-chain-labels documentation.

Updated year for vim copyright shortcut.

Enabled automatic copying to clipboard by neovim for every yank action.
2020-09-22 22:34:50 +02:00
Marty Oehme 755113f0f3
nvim: Add exclusions for pass files to nvim
Additionally to gopass editing, editing pass files should also avoid
creating external undo files, backups, and similar traceable files out
of which secrets could leak.

This prevents their creation on a wide level.
2020-09-12 17:36:11 +02:00
Marty Oehme 12beacac19
nvim: Fix 'vim:' modeline, add paragraph highlights
Fixed bug when line in todo dropdown starts with `vim:`, `vi:`, or `:ex`
which would automatically be read by vim and tried to be set in the
editor. Removed modeline reading from vim to fix the bug, and since it
provides quite an attack vector anyway.

Added Limelight to its startup procedure to highlight the current to-do
2020-09-08 14:58:36 +02:00
Marty Oehme 18cd15222d
polybar: Add underlines to modules
Slightly accent the modules by adding a distinct line under each one, in
the primary color of the current colorscheme.
2020-09-07 22:00:32 +02:00
Marty Oehme 8a5b45f41f
vifm: Add doc|docx preview and nvim opening
Added preview and opening of doc(x) files with nvim.
Makes use of docx2txt, catdoc to display the files, meaning they are

Added some spellchecking words.
2020-07-28 18:15:26 +02:00
Marty Oehme 3884d28dbd
[nvim] Add yank highlight and substitution preview
Added quick highlighting of whatever text is added to a yank buffer.
Added live preview of `:%s/sub/command/` in current buffer and preview
2020-07-10 10:10:34 +02:00
Marty Oehme e913d1c176
[nvim] Fix zettelkasten wiki fw/bw navigation
Fixed navigating backwards ignoring any files jumped to via the
Zettelkasten function and only moving to the last wiki.vim jumped-to
file. Now correctly navigates to any file in the chain, be that zk or
wiki by invoking the correct wiki.vim page opening function.
2020-06-25 09:48:19 +02:00
Marty Oehme c93cf0fc27
[qutebrowser] Add fosstodon to js whitelist 2020-06-17 12:33:08 +02:00
Marty Oehme 4292d1e5de
[nvim] Add table align plugin; update spell
Added alignment plugin. My primary use-case is markdown tables, though
the plugin can be used for a lot more than that.

Basic use is marking the to-be-aligned area and pressing ga then
entering *| (or something else than pipe, if the separator symbol is
different). Or doing e.g. gaip to align within paragraph; works as
editing command.
2020-05-25 17:46:04 +02:00
Marty Oehme 3f855e5a8a
[nvim] Update spelling world list 2020-05-05 09:52:08 +02:00
Marty Oehme 0d3b3a0c14
[nvim] Fix wiki.vim keymaps
Plugin changed its settings for enabling default keymaps from 0/1 to
string definitions.

See a4f2fdb6af
2020-04-16 17:46:25 +02:00
Marty Oehme 43a21d4775
[nvim] Minor deoplete, echodoc fixes
Simplified deoplete setup by removing options which only reiterate the
default. Fixed echodoc completion option list.
2020-03-02 21:38:16 +01:00
Marty Oehme 3575c147b2
[nvim] Update spellfile 2020-02-25 23:27:15 +01:00
Marty Oehme 0f67355ccd
[nvim] Add ale defaults
Added package which sets ale defaults without having to define them
myself. Still keeping ale settings file around, but can probably get rid
of it soon.
2020-02-23 22:47:39 +01:00
Marty Oehme 347ef4e41f
Add thesaurus function to nvim
Added thesaurus calling on leader-zt, for word under cursor or selected
word(s). Will go through variety of online api's or locally supplied
mthesaur.txt from project gutenberg.
2020-02-11 17:17:47 +01:00
Marty Oehme 83728d6fb0 Add nvim spell dicts and management
Added custom term spell dictionary for neovim. Will track any words that
should be needed on all my machines.

Added spellmake plugin which watches spellfiles and rebuilds the binary
whenever a new word has been added through external edits like git.

The plugin also automatically adds a gitignore file for the .spl
file, and a unison merge strategy through a gitattributes file to any
spell directory it finds. Ignoring is due to .spl being automatically
generated binary files. The merge strategy ensures that no merge errors
will pop up even when words get added in different orders. All it cares
about is that the content of the files is the same, in whatever order.
2020-02-06 23:12:49 +01:00