organize all shell scripts into logical dirs

This commit is contained in:
Marty Oehme 2019-03-15 14:40:03 +01:00
parent c4d2b9534a
commit a446cd7a7a
30 changed files with 177 additions and 252 deletions

.bash_profile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# ~/.bash_profile
if [ -d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/login.d ]; then
for file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/login.d/*.sh; do
source $file
[[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc

.bashrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# ~/.bashrc
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
# Load files from rc.d
if [ -d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/rc.d ]; then
for file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/rc.d/*.sh; do
source $file
# Load files from bashrc.d
if [ -d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/bashrc.d ]; then
for file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/bashrc.d/*.bash; do
source $file
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# put personal scripts on the PATH to be callable
export PATH="$(du $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/scripts/bin | cut -f2 | tr '\n' ':')$PATH"

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# //FIXME this needs to get the hell out of here -> put it in an env loading file
export GOPATH="$HOME/Code/go"
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"
export XDG_CACHE_HOME="$HOME/.cache"
export EDITOR=nvim

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@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
# Clone zgen if you haven't already
check_zgen_installation() {
if [[ -z "$ZGEN_PARENT_DIR" ]]; then
if [[ ! -f $ZGEN_DIR/zgen.zsh ]]; then
if [[ ! -d "$ZGEN_PARENT_DIR" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$ZGEN_PARENT_DIR"
git clone $ZGEN_DIR
source $ZGEN_DIR/zgen.zsh
load_plugins() {
zgen oh-my-zsh
# If you want to customize your plugin list, create a file named
# .zgen-local-plugins in your home directory. That file will be sourced
# during startup *instead* of running this load-starter-plugin-list function,
# so make sure to include everything from this function that you want to keep.
# If zsh-syntax-highlighting is bundled after zsh-history-substring-search,
# they break, so get the order right.
zgen load zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting
zgen load zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
# Set keystrokes for substring searching
zmodload zsh/terminfo
bindkey "$terminfo[kcuu1]" history-substring-search-up
bindkey "$terminfo[kcud1]" history-substring-search-down
# Automatically run zgen update and zgen selfupdate every 7 days.
zgen load unixorn/autoupdate-zgen
# Warn you when you run a command that you've set an alias for without
# using the alias.
zgen load djui/alias-tips
# Colorize the things if you have grc installed. Well, some of the
# things, anyway.
zgen load unixorn/warhol.plugin.zsh
zgen load chrissicool/zsh-256color
# Add Fish-like autosuggestions to your ZSH.
zgen load zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
# k is a zsh script / plugin to make directory listings more readable,
# adding a bit of color and some git status information on files and
# directories.
zgen load supercrabtree/k
# Bullet train prompt setup.
zgen load bhilburn/powerlevel9k powerlevel9k
# automatically sources (known/whitelisted) .autoenv.zsh files
# as long as you're in the folder (and can optionally 'unsource' on leaving)
zgen load Tarrasch/zsh-autoenv
# radically enhanced cd command, all sorts of options
zgen load b4b4r07/enhancd
# set up nvm, the npm version manager
zgen load lukechilds/zsh-nvm
# Add git helper scripts.
zgen load unixorn/git-extra-commands
# Tom Limoncelli's tooling for storing private information (keys, etc)
# in a repository securely by encrypting them with gnupg.
zgen load StackExchange/blackbox
# Load some oh-my-zsh plugins
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/pip
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/sudo
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/aws
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/chruby
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/colored-man-pages
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/git
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/github
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/python
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/rsync
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/screen
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/vagrant
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/autojump
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/tmux
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/tmuxinator
# when in a directory with vagrant/docker files can use start, stop, up, down
zgen load Cloudstek/zsh-plugin-appup
# Load more completion files for zsh from the zsh-lovers github repo.
zgen load zsh-users/zsh-completions src
# Docker completion
zgen load srijanshetty/docker-zsh
# Very cool plugin that generates zsh completion functions for commands
# if they have getopt-style help text. It doesn't generate them on the fly,
# you'll have to explicitly generate a completion, but it's still quite cool.
zgen load RobSis/zsh-completion-generator
# Tab complete rakefile targets.
zgen load unixorn/rake-completion.zshplugin
# Load me last
zgen save
if ! zgen saved; then

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
zgen oh-my-zsh
# If you want to customize your plugin list, create a file named
# .zgen-local-plugins in your home directory. That file will be sourced
# during startup *instead* of running this load-starter-plugin-list function,
# so make sure to include everything from this function that you want to keep.
# If zsh-syntax-highlighting is bundled after zsh-history-substring-search,
# they break, so get the order right.
zgen load zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting
zgen load zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
# Set keystrokes for substring searching
zmodload zsh/terminfo
bindkey "$terminfo[kcuu1]" history-substring-search-up
bindkey "$terminfo[kcud1]" history-substring-search-down
# Automatically run zgen update and zgen selfupdate every 7 days.
zgen load unixorn/autoupdate-zgen
# Warn you when you run a command that you've set an alias for without
# using the alias.
zgen load djui/alias-tips
# Colorize the things if you have grc installed. Well, some of the
# things, anyway.
zgen load unixorn/warhol.plugin.zsh
zgen load chrissicool/zsh-256color
# Add Fish-like autosuggestions to your ZSH.
zgen load zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
# k is a zsh script / plugin to make directory listings more readable,
# adding a bit of color and some git status information on files and
# directories.
zgen load supercrabtree/k
# Bullet train prompt setup.
zgen load bhilburn/powerlevel9k powerlevel9k
# automatically sources (known/whitelisted) .autoenv.zsh files
# as long as you're in the folder (and can optionally 'unsource' on leaving)
zgen load Tarrasch/zsh-autoenv
# radically enhanced cd command, all sorts of options
zgen load b4b4r07/enhancd
# set up nvm, the npm version manager
zgen load lukechilds/zsh-nvm

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
if [ $(uname -a | grep -ci Darwin) = 1 ]; then
# Load macOS-specific plugins
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/brew
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/osx
# Add git helper scripts.
zgen load unixorn/git-extra-commands
# Tom Limoncelli's tooling for storing private information (keys, etc)
# in a repository securely by encrypting them with gnupg.
zgen load StackExchange/blackbox
# Load some oh-my-zsh plugins
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/pip
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/sudo
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/aws
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/chruby
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/colored-man-pages
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/git
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/github
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/python
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/rsync
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/screen
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/vagrant
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/autojump
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/tmux
zgen oh-my-zsh plugins/tmuxinator
# when in a directory with vagrant/docker files can use start, stop, up, down
zgen load Cloudstek/zsh-plugin-appup

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# Load more completion files for zsh from the zsh-lovers github repo.
zgen load zsh-users/zsh-completions src
# Docker completion
zgen load srijanshetty/docker-zsh
# Very cool plugin that generates zsh completion functions for commands
# if they have getopt-style help text. It doesn't generate them on the fly,
# you'll have to explicitly generate a completion, but it's still quite cool.
zgen load RobSis/zsh-completion-generator
# Tab complete rakefile targets.
zgen load unixorn/rake-completion.zshplugin
# Load me last

.zlogin Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# .zlogin
# load all files from .config/shell/login.d
if [ -d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/login.d ]; then
for file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/login.d/*.sh; do
source $file

View File

@ -1,162 +1,19 @@
# ~/
# - .zshrc > Initial setup, should not need to be changed
# - .bashrc > Bash setup (empty for my dotfiles)
# - .Xresources > Initial Xresources setup, redirects to .config/.Xresources.d/
# - .tmux > Tmux setup (would love to put this into .config/ )
# - .config/ > all other (program) configuration should go in this dir
# --------- .zshrc.d/ > The actual zsh setup files, see their configuration below
# --------- .Xresources.d/ > The actual Xresources setup files
# --------- .zgen/ > The zsh plugin manager
# - .dotfiles/ > the version control of dotfiles
autoload zmv
## Show debug information
# Uncomment the above line to get debug information during the script setup.
print_dbg() {
if [ -z $ZSH_SETUP_SHOW_DEBUG ]; then
printf $@
# Clone zgen if you haven't already
check_zgen_installation() {
if [[ -z "$ZGEN_PARENT_DIR" ]]; then
if [[ ! -f $ZGEN_DIR/zgen.zsh ]]; then
if [[ ! -d "$ZGEN_PARENT_DIR" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$ZGEN_PARENT_DIR"
git clone $ZGEN_DIR
source $ZGEN_DIR/zgen.zsh
load_config_files() {
if [ -n "$(/bin/ls $1)" ]; then
# load the files in number range provided
for dotfile in $GLOB; do
if [ -r "${dotfile}" ]; then
print_dbg "Loading $dotfile\n"
source "${dotfile}"
if [ -d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/rc.d ]; then
for file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/rc.d/*.sh; do
source $file
unset GLOB
#### ZSHrc - Setting up the Shell
## Almost all actual setup is being done with the help of individual files
## in the .config/zsh directory. This file just loads them. They follow this order:
## 0 are bootstrapping the zsh environment, setting aliases and sane
## shell defaults which should need no further changes.
## 1 allow custom bootstrapping of things that need to be set before any
## zsh plugins are loaded (e.g., theme environment vars, etc)
## 2 are run *during* zgen setup and can include plugins to be loaded
## 3 script & plugin configurations without *external* dependencies (i.e. can run with
## only what the dotfiles supply) They are run after plugins are loaded and can be configured
## in whatever way you wish. If you change the plugin setup, you may need to reconfigure here.
## 5 commands *with* external script dependencies (e.g. python, mpv, etc.). Scripts should
## check for their dependencies before enabling their commands. It makes scripts more readable
## to begin with their depency in the name, i.e. '5-python-mpv-spawn-unique-player-with-umpv'
## 6 Aliasing.
## 7,8 No default behavior, use however you like.
## 9 anything which has to run at the very end
## The running order can further be specified by having a second number, which will then run through
## them in the numbered order.
## Most of them are documented, and they try to have sensible naming.
## If you want to supply your own directory of zsh config files you can do so
## by setting the ZSH_CONFIG_DIR environment variable. You can also drop
## configuration files into the config dir without any numbers prepended, they
## will be run after numbered ones (in a random order) if you uncomment the
## corresponding line below.
# Set ZSH_CONFIG_DIR to default to ~/.config/zsh, or let user override
# Exit early if no configuration directory has been found
if [ ! -d ${ZSH_CONFIG_DIR:="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/zsh"} ]; then
# If the user explicitly overrode the path give him an error
if [ ! $ZSH_CONFIG_DIR = "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config/}/zsh" ]; then
printf "\$ZSH_CONFIG_DIR=$ZSH_CONFIG_DIR/ does not exist.\n"
PS1="$HOME $ "
if [[ -f $HOME/.profile ]]; then
source $HOME/.profile
if [ -d $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/zshrc.d ]; then
for file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shell/zshrc.d/*.zsh; do
source $file
# //TODO: Prints error when -no- files are found
# Load bootstrap settings (00-19) before plugin initialization
print_dbg "Starting bootstrap (00-19)...\n"
load_config_files $ZSH_CONFIG_DIR 01
# set up zgen - load external zsh plugins
# If you need to reload your plugins use 'zgen reset' and restart
# your shell
if [ -n "$(/bin/ls $ZSH_CONFIG_DIR/)" ]; then
print_dbg "Starting plugin system...\n" #//DEBUG
if ! zgen saved; then
print_dbg "Applying plugins (20-29)...\n"
load_config_files $ZSH_CONFIG_DIR 2
# Save it all to init script.
zgen save
print_dbg "Plugins already applied. If you want to re-apply run 'zgen reset' and open new terminal.\n"
# Load additional settings (30-99) after plugin initialization
print_dbg "Setting up remaining scripts (30-99)\n"
load_config_files $ZSH_CONFIG_DIR 3456789
# Uncomment this section to enable execution of arbitrarily named config files
# if [ -n "$(/bin/ls $ZSH_CONFIG_DIR/)" ]; then
# GLOB=($ZSH_CONFIG_DIR/[:alpha:]*)
# for dotfile in $GLOB; do
# print_dbg "Alphabetic: $dotfile\n" #//DEBUG
# if [ -r "${dotfile}" ]; then
# source "${dotfile}"
# fi
# done
# unset GLOB
# fi
# put personal scripts on the PATH to be callable
export PATH="$(du $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/scripts/bin | cut -f2 | tr '\n' ':')$PATH"
# unset ZGEN_DIR -- Needs to remain set for some plugins to function
unfunction print_dbg
unfunction load_config_files
unfunction check_zgen_installation
# //FIXME this needs to get the hell out of here -> put it in an env loading file
export GOPATH="$HOME/Code/go"
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"