[nvim] Simplify floating fzf window

fzf already comes with its own floating window call function, so we
don't have to use our own. Instead simply call the floating window when
we are in compatible vim/nvim version and let fzf do its thing.
This commit is contained in:
Marty Oehme 2020-02-27 10:06:38 +01:00
parent 3575c147b2
commit a390d14390
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@ -34,32 +34,15 @@ command! -bang -nargs=* FzfRgHidden
" make fzf use the nvim floating window globally. (weee, technology!)
let $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--layout=reverse --margin=1,2"
let $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--layout=reverse "
" to use fzf in a floating window only conditionally, the best approach would
" probably be call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({ 'window': 'call FloatingFZF()' })) for
" every command we want to floatize
let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': 'call FloatingFZF()' }
function! FloatingFZF()
" create a minimal nofile scratch buffer
let buf = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true)
call setbufvar(buf, '&signcolumn', 'no')
" this should probably change depending on fzf command
let height = float2nr(50)
let width = float2nr(200)
" center the window in editor
let horizontal = float2nr((&columns - width) / 2)
let vertical = float2nr((&lines - height) / 2)
let opts = {
\ 'relative': 'editor',
\ 'row': vertical,
\ 'col': horizontal,
\ 'width': width,
\ 'height': height,
\ 'style': 'minimal'
\ }
call nvim_open_win(buf, v:true, opts)
if has('nvim-0.4.0') || has("patch-8.2.0191")
let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': {
\ 'width': 0.7,
\ 'height': 0.7,
\ 'highlight': 'PreProc',
\ 'border': 'rounded' } }
else " Fallback to a split window
let g:fzf_layout = { "window": "silent botright 16split enew" }