split packages into functional groups

This commit is contained in:
Marty Oehme 2019-03-11 11:07:52 +01:00
parent ac3c172a23
commit 765233aad3
8 changed files with 44 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
#TAG,NAME IN REPO (or git url),PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
,networkmanager,"does exactly what it sounds like."
,openssh,"allows using ssh connections to connect to others or be connected to."
,ntfs-3g,"allows accessing NTFS partitions."
,dosfstools,"allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems."
A,nerd-fonts-fira-code,"is the mono-space font of choice, patched with embedded icon symbols."
,zsh,"is a shell alternative to bash."
,tmux,"is a terminal multiplexer and the dropdown window in LARBS."
,neovim,"a tidier vim with some useful features"
,ranger,"is an extensive terminal file manager that everyone likes."
,fzf,"is a fuzzy finder tool."
,xorg-server,"is the graphical server."
,xorg-xinit,"starts the graphical server."
,xorg-xauth,"manages X authentication settings."
,xclip,"allows for copying and pasting from the command line."
,xdotool,"provides window action utilities on the command line."
,i3-gaps,"is the main graphical user interface and window manager."
,i3blocks,"is the status bar block provider for i3."
,i3status,"is the status bar for i3."
,i3lock,"is the i3 screen lock provider."
A,j4-dmenu-desktop,"is a faster dmenu replacement, the application launcher of the i3 suite."
,rxvt-unicode,"is a simple and efficient terminal emulator."
,pulseaudio,"is the audio system (>inb4 bloat)."
,pulseaudio-alsa,"is an audio interface with ALSA."
,pulsemixer,"is an intuitive ncurses audio controller."
,mopidy,"is an extensible music server written in python."
,ncmpcpp,"is a client for the mopidy music server (or, optionally, for mpd)"
A,mopidy-spotify,"is a mopidy extension to play music from spotify."
A,mopidy-scrobbler,"is a mopidy extension to scrobble to last.fm."
A,mopidy-spotify-tunigo,"is a mopidy extension to enable spotify browsing."
A,mopidy-podcast,"is a mopidy extension to search and browse podcasts."
,mpv,"is the patrician's choice video/gif player."
,youtube-dl,"can download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link."
,unrar,"extracts rar's."
,unzip,"unzips zips."
,atool,"manages and gives information about archives."
,qutebrowser,"is a keyboard focused browser with vim-keys enabled."
,code,"is an open source gui code editor in the style of atom/sublime - but better."
,vagrant,"is a development environment provisioning system which easily spins up virtual machines for you."
,virtualbox,"is a virtual machine framework which is mainly used by vagrant."
,docker,"should need no introduction, but allows you to run everything in a container."
,docker-compose,"allows you to run many, many containers much more easily."
1 #TAG NAME IN REPO (or git url) PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
2 networkmanager does exactly what it sounds like.
3 openssh allows using ssh connections to connect to others or be connected to.
4 ntfs-3g allows accessing NTFS partitions.
5 dosfstools allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems.
6 A nerd-fonts-fira-code is the mono-space font of choice, patched with embedded icon symbols.
7 zsh is a shell alternative to bash.
8 tmux is a terminal multiplexer and the dropdown window in LARBS.
9 neovim a tidier vim with some useful features
10 ranger is an extensive terminal file manager that everyone likes.
11 fzf is a fuzzy finder tool.
12 xorg-server is the graphical server.
13 xorg-xinit starts the graphical server.
14 xorg-xauth manages X authentication settings.
15 xclip allows for copying and pasting from the command line.
16 xdotool provides window action utilities on the command line.
17 i3-gaps is the main graphical user interface and window manager.
18 i3blocks is the status bar block provider for i3.
19 i3status is the status bar for i3.
20 i3lock is the i3 screen lock provider.
21 A j4-dmenu-desktop is a faster dmenu replacement, the application launcher of the i3 suite.
22 rxvt-unicode is a simple and efficient terminal emulator.
23 pulseaudio is the audio system (>inb4 bloat).
24 pulseaudio-alsa is an audio interface with ALSA.
25 pulsemixer is an intuitive ncurses audio controller.
26 mopidy is an extensible music server written in python.
27 ncmpcpp is a client for the mopidy music server (or, optionally, for mpd)
28 A mopidy-spotify is a mopidy extension to play music from spotify.
29 A mopidy-scrobbler is a mopidy extension to scrobble to last.fm.
30 A mopidy-spotify-tunigo is a mopidy extension to enable spotify browsing.
31 A mopidy-podcast is a mopidy extension to search and browse podcasts.
32 mpv is the patrician's choice video/gif player.
33 youtube-dl can download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link.
34 unrar extracts rar's.
35 unzip unzips zips.
36 atool manages and gives information about archives.
37 qutebrowser is a keyboard focused browser with vim-keys enabled.
38 code is an open source gui code editor in the style of atom/sublime - but better.
39 vagrant is a development environment provisioning system which easily spins up virtual machines for you.
40 virtualbox is a virtual machine framework which is mainly used by vagrant.
41 docker should need no introduction, but allows you to run everything in a container.
42 docker-compose allows you to run many, many containers much more easily.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
,code,"is an open source gui code editor in the style of atom/sublime - but better."
,vagrant,"is a development environment provisioning system which easily spins up virtual machines for you."
,virtualbox,"is a virtual machine framework which is mainly used by vagrant."
,docker,"should need no introduction, but allows you to run everything in a container."
,docker-compose,"allows you to run many, many containers much more easily."
1 code is an open source gui code editor in the style of atom/sublime - but better.
2 vagrant is a development environment provisioning system which easily spins up virtual machines for you.
3 virtualbox is a virtual machine framework which is mainly used by vagrant.
4 docker should need no introduction, but allows you to run everything in a container.
5 docker-compose allows you to run many, many containers much more easily.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
,ntfs-3g,"allows accessing NTFS partitions."
,dosfstools,"allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems."
1 ntfs-3g allows accessing NTFS partitions.
2 dosfstools allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
,pulseaudio,"is the audio system (>inb4 bloat)."
,pulseaudio-alsa,"is an audio interface with ALSA."
,pulsemixer,"is an intuitive ncurses audio controller."
,mopidy,"is an extensible music server written in python."
,ncmpcpp,"is a client for the mopidy music server (or, optionally, for mpd)"
A,mopidy-spotify,"is a mopidy extension to play music from spotify."
A,mopidy-scrobbler,"is a mopidy extension to scrobble to last.fm."
A,mopidy-spotify-tunigo,"is a mopidy extension to enable spotify browsing."
A,mopidy-podcast,"is a mopidy extension to search and browse podcasts."
,mpv,"is the patrician's choice video/gif player."
,youtube-dl,"can download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link."
1 pulseaudio is the audio system (>inb4 bloat).
2 pulseaudio-alsa is an audio interface with ALSA.
3 pulsemixer is an intuitive ncurses audio controller.
4 mopidy is an extensible music server written in python.
5 ncmpcpp is a client for the mopidy music server (or, optionally, for mpd)
6 A mopidy-spotify is a mopidy extension to play music from spotify.
7 A mopidy-scrobbler is a mopidy extension to scrobble to last.fm.
8 A mopidy-spotify-tunigo is a mopidy extension to enable spotify browsing.
9 A mopidy-podcast is a mopidy extension to search and browse podcasts.
10 mpv is the patrician's choice video/gif player.
11 youtube-dl can download any YouTube video (or playlist or channel) when given the link.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
,networkmanager,"does exactly what it sounds like."
,openssh,"allows using ssh connections to connect to others or be connected to."
1 networkmanager does exactly what it sounds like.
2 openssh allows using ssh connections to connect to others or be connected to.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
,zsh,"is a shell alternative to bash."
,tmux,"is a terminal multiplexer and the dropdown window in LARBS."
,neovim,"a tidier vim with some useful features"
,ranger,"is an extensive terminal file manager that everyone likes."
,fzf,"is a fuzzy finder tool."
,unrar,"extracts rar's."
,unzip,"unzips zips."
,atool,"manages and gives information about archives."
1 zsh is a shell alternative to bash.
2 tmux is a terminal multiplexer and the dropdown window in LARBS.
3 neovim a tidier vim with some useful features
4 ranger is an extensive terminal file manager that everyone likes.
5 fzf is a fuzzy finder tool.
6 unrar extracts rar's.
7 unzip unzips zips.
8 atool manages and gives information about archives.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#TAG,NAME IN REPO (or git url),PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
A,enpass-bin,"is a cross-platform personal password manager with gui."
,gtk3,"is a gui toolkit, necessary for enpass-bin to work. (enpass forgets to install it)"
1 #TAG NAME IN REPO (or git url) PURPOSE (should be a verb phrase to sound right while installing)
2 A enpass-bin is a cross-platform personal password manager with gui.
3 gtk3 is a gui toolkit, necessary for enpass-bin to work. (enpass forgets to install it)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
,xorg-server,"is the graphical server."
,xorg-xinit,"starts the graphical server."
,xorg-xauth,"manages X authentication settings."
,xclip,"allows for copying and pasting from the command line."
,xdotool,"provides window action utilities on the command line."
,i3-gaps,"is the main graphical user interface and window manager."
,i3blocks,"is the status bar block provider for i3."
,i3status,"is the status bar for i3."
,i3lock,"is the i3 screen lock provider."
A,j4-dmenu-desktop,"is a faster dmenu replacement, the application launcher of the i3 suite."
A,nerd-fonts-fira-code,"is the mono-space font of choice, patched with embedded icon symbols."
,rxvt-unicode,"is a simple and efficient terminal emulator."
,qutebrowser,"is a keyboard focused browser with vim-keys enabled."
1 xorg-server is the graphical server.
2 xorg-xinit starts the graphical server.
3 xorg-xauth manages X authentication settings.
4 xclip allows for copying and pasting from the command line.
5 xdotool provides window action utilities on the command line.
6 i3-gaps is the main graphical user interface and window manager.
7 i3blocks is the status bar block provider for i3.
8 i3status is the status bar for i3.
9 i3lock is the i3 screen lock provider.
10 A j4-dmenu-desktop is a faster dmenu replacement, the application launcher of the i3 suite.
11 A nerd-fonts-fira-code is the mono-space font of choice, patched with embedded icon symbols.
12 rxvt-unicode is a simple and efficient terminal emulator.
13 qutebrowser is a keyboard focused browser with vim-keys enabled.