writing: Remove bib-due scripts and update README

Removed the left-over bib-due scripts. They were neat and fun when I
wrote them but they are not useful for me anymore. Additionally they are
very brittle and I do not want to deal with fixing or updating them.
This commit is contained in:
Marty Oehme 2024-09-18 16:49:48 +02:00
parent 85c152a07c
commit 1cce1a9a38
Signed by: Marty
3 changed files with 11 additions and 237 deletions

View file

@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# shows due entries of bibtex file passed in
# HACK: brittle! will break on various bibfile abnormities (even just on due date w/o priority)
# FIXME: reimplementation with real library needed
OPTIND=1 # Reset in case getopts has been used previously in the shell.
show_help() {
printf "%s\n" \
"" \
" bib-due Show due readings from bibtex file." \
"" \
" Usage: bib-due [-hv] -i input.bib -r 'due|priority|\bauthor|\btitle' -l 'due' -u '2020-05-12'" \
"" \
" Options:" \
"" \
" -i [bibtex-file] Input bibtex file to scrape and get items from." \
"" \
" -r [fields] Field values to read in file." \
"" \
" -l [filter] Field to use as filter entity." \
" This field is required for the scraper to pick entries up." \
"" \
" help | -h | --help Print out this help." \
"" \
" Invoked without arguments, bib-due will scrape the file defined in BIBFILE environment variable, " \
" filtering entries with the 'due' field, and getting the values for 'due', 'priority', 'author', " \
" and 'title' fields. It will then print the entries to stdout." \
"" \
" Example output line:" \
"" \
' 2020-06-25 (1): Sergei Gerasymchuk -- “Ze” time in Ukraine (Gerasymchuk2019) ' \
filter_until() {
# filter for dates, with line numbers
filtered=$(echo "$entries" | grep -noE '[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}')
# redirect entries to fifo pipe
mkfifo filteredentries
finish() {
rm filteredentries
trap finish EXIT
echo "$filtered" >filteredentries &
# find first date past until filter
while IFS= read -r line; do
cond=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -d: -f2)
cond=$(date -d "$cond" +%s)
if [ "$cond" -gt "$until" ]; then
lastline=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -d: -f1)
done <filteredentries
# special cases all in filter, or none in filter
if [ -z "$lastline" ]; then
elif [ "$lastline" -eq 1 ]; then
# filter
# remove lines below found
lastprinted="$((lastline - 1))"
entries=$(echo "$entries" | sed -n "1,${lastprinted}p;${lastline}q")
filter_priority() {
# filter for dates, with line numbers
# filtered=$(echo "$entries" | grep -noE '[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}')
while [ "$priority" -gt 0 ]; do
current=$(echo "$entries" | grep -E "\($priority\)")
# append found to filtered entries
filtered=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$filtered" "$current")
# go to next 'higher' priority
priority="$((priority - 1))"
# sort them chronologically again, remove empty lines
entries="$(echo "$filtered" | sed -e '/^$/d' | sort)"
main() {
if [ -z "$file" ]; then
echo "Requires a bibtex file as argument."
exit 1
# filter all entries for those containing filterby field (default: due)
# retain values of all fields mentioned in fields variable
entries=$(grep -E "^@|$fields" "$file" | awk 1 ORS=' ' | sed -E 's/@\w+\{/\n/g' | grep "$filterby" | tail -n +2 | sed -E 's/(,\s+(\w+)\s+=\s+|,\s*$)/\t/g' | awk -F'\t' '{ print $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $1 }')
# prettify and sort the entries for display (remove {}, order by date,prio,author,title)
entries=$(echo "$entries" | awk -F'\t' '{ gsub(/{/,""); gsub(/}/,""); gsub(/prio/,"",$2) } { print $1 " (" $2 "): " $3 " -- " $4 " (" $5 ")"}' | sort)
if [ -n "$until" ]; then
if [ -n "$priority" ]; then
filter_priority "$priority"
echo "$entries"
while getopts "h?i:u:r:l:p:" opt; do
case "$opt" in
h | \?)
exit 0
# v) verbose=1
# ;;
until="$(date -d "$OPTARG" +%s)"
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
[ "${1:-}" = "--" ] && shift
main "$@"

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
exist rofi normal
_rofi() {
rofi -dmenu -no-auto-select -i -theme themes/dropdown -p "papers" -l 25 -yoffset 20 -columns 1 -u "$urgent"
# call for whatever file is passed in
results="$(bib-due "$@")"
# mark priority 1 items as urgent in rofi
# find all lines with priority 1, (marked as `(1):` );
# print them on 1 line, -1 since dmenu is 0 indexed
echo "$results" | grep -n '(1):' | cut -d: -f1 | awk '{ $0=$0-1; print $0 }' ORS=','
# get user choice, exit if nothing selected
choice=$(echo "$results" | _rofi)
[ -z "$choice" ] && exit 0
key=$(echo "$choice" | sed -E 's/.*\((\w+)\)$/\1/')
# get library pdf folder (only searches for default ./pdf path)
library="$(dirname "$(realpath "$BIBFILE")")/pdf"
# find and open the key-associated pdf file
${FILEREADER:-open} "$(find "$library" -type f -name "$key *.pdf")"

View file

@ -1,65 +1,15 @@
# Writing module
[bibtex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX) - plain-text reference management
This module contains everything that is specific for me writing prose, journaling and pursuing academic work.
That means there are configurations for reference management (`papis`),
for daily journaling (`jrnl`),
for reading PDFs (`sioyek`, `zathura`)
and for general notetaking (`zk`).
[bibtex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX) - plain-text references
[papis](https://github.com/papis/papis) - yaml-driven and bibtex-compatible reference management
[jrnl](https://github.com/jrnl-org/jrnl) - journaling on the command line
[zk](https://github.com/zk-org/zk) - notetaking with a 'zettelkasten' principle
[zathura](git.pwmt.org) - keyboard-driven PDF reading
[sioyek](http://sioyek.info/) - keyboard-driven PDF reading *and annotating*
This readme is a little out of date, as are the scripts below.
They are old, I used them during my time as a student and they are probably written terribly.
But I still think there is value in them, hence not removing them from the repo just yet.
## bib-due
The `bib-due` script depends on (gnu) grep, awk, and sed, date if using date filtering capabilities. It is currently written in a rather haphazard way, and prone to breakage.
On the other hand, it does what it's supposed to do: list bibtex entries which have their due-date coming up.
The script needs bibtex entries to be marked with two fields: `due`, containing a due date (ideally in YYYY-MM-DD format, for easy sorting), and `priority` containing a read priority. It will also, by default attempt to grab the values of the fields `author` and `title`, as well as the name of the bibtex key of the entry.
It can be invoked with the path to a bibtex file `bib-due path/to/library.bib`, and will gather the entries from the respective file. It can be invoked without an argument if the environment variable `$BIBFILE` is declared (pointing to a bibtex file).
Example output looks as follows:
![bib-due example output](.assets/bibtex/list.png)
The output can then be filtered further through other programs.
Bib-due itself allows 2 filtering options: *until* a certain date (`-u`), and *at least* a certain priority (`-p`).
Using priority is relatively self-explanatory: 1 is the highest priority, 3 the lowest (technically, no priority is the lowest). Choosing `-p3` means priority 1, 2, and 3 will be displayed. Choosing `-p1` will only display the highest priority items.
Using the date works as a cut-off for the future, and it uses gnu `date` to calculate the correct date. That makes things like `-u 'fri this week'` possible, showing only upcoming items until the end of the week. Read the `date` manual for more information.
There will likely not be a new option for filtering dates *from* a certain point forward since I don't need it and before implementing more stuff what's there should be more solid. (and read your damn overdue texts!)
Again, this script will (for now[^time]) break when bibtex files are formatted in any way other than what it expects.
An example of a working entry:
[^time]: And probably for some time since I don't see myself sinking too much more time into this in the near future. I actually need to get some of the upcoming readings done that I can now list! 🙂
author = {László Borhi},
chapter = {1956: Self-Liberation},
pages = {117--137},
publisher = {Indiana University Press},
title = {Dealing with dictators: the {United States}, {Hungary}, and {East Central Europe}, 1942-1989},
year = {2016},
due = {2020-05-07},
file = {:Borhi2016 - Dealing with Dictators_ the United States, Hungary, and East Central Europe, 1942 1989.pdf:PDF},
pagetotal = {564},
priority = {prio1},
timestamp = {2020-05-08},
Important fields are author, title, due, priority. These need to exist, and need to be ordered alphabetically. Otherwise there will probably be some breakage.
## rofi-bib-due
The `rofi-bib-due` script utilizes the `bib-due` script and depends on an existing installed `rofi` module (see [here](rofi/)).
On invocation, it creates a list of upcoming readings, and allows selecting one of the readings. The selected reading will be passed along to `$FILEREADER` if it is declared, falling back to `xdg-open` if not.
Currently, the path to the reading pdf is hard-coded to be `path/to/bibtex.bib/pdf`, and the name has to begin with the exact bibtex key; otherwise the script will not be able to find the pdf.
An example of the script in action: (window size has been reduced for the recording, cutting off most entry names)
![rofi-bib-due demonstration](.assets/bibtex/rofi.gif)