
141 lines
4.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Identity
set realname = "Marty Oehme"
set from = ""
# # If you have another address:
# alternates "^neomutt@example\.com$"
# # Or, if you use the entire domain:
# alternates "@example\.com$"
# set reverse_name
# Account settings
# local maildir settings
set mbox_type = Maildir
set folder = ~/documents/mail # This has the shortcut '+' or '='
set spoolfile = "+inbox" # This has the shortcut '!'
set postponed = "+drafts"
set trash = "+trash"
# Disable saving outgoing mail since Gmail saves them by default.
unset record
mailboxes ! \
"+important" \
"+sent" \
"+drafts" \
"+trash" \
set mail_check = 60
set mail_check_stats
# Basic settings
set quit # at least for rapid prototyping
unset mark_old # things should only be new/unread or I actually looked at them
set pipe_decode # get rid of headers when passing messages along
set wait_key = no # don't wait for user input after shell cmds, auto-view, piping, etc
# set
set sort_re # thread based on regex below
# set reply_regex = "^(([Rr][Ee]?(\[[0-9]+\])?: *)?(\[[^]]+\] *)?)*"
# display
set sort = threads
set sort_aux = reverse-last-date-received
set date_format = "%z/%m/%d %I:%M%p"
# set date_format = "%m/%d"
set index_format = "%4C [%Z] %{%y/%b %d} %-20.20F %s"
# sidebar view options
set sidebar_visible = yes
set sidebar_width = 18
set sidebar_format = "%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S"
color sidebar_new color221 color233
# statusbar view options
set status_chars = " *%A"
set status_format = "───[ Folder: %f ]───[%r%m messages%?n? (%n new)?%?d? (%d to delete)?%?t? (%t tagged)? ]───%>─%?p?( %p postponed )?───"
# pager view options
set pager_index_lines = 5
set pager_context = 3
set pager_stop # do not go to next msg if at bottom of pager
set menu_scroll = yes
set tilde # show tildes for blank lines
unset markers # no + markers for wrapped stuff
# hide headers except for those explicitly unignored
ignore *
unignore From To Cc Bcc Date Subject Message-ID
unhdr_order *
unignore From To Cc Bcc Date Subject Message-ID
# index navigation
bind index,pager g noop # don't send group-replies with g
bind index gg first-entry
bind index G last-entry
bind index <space> collapse-thread
# mailbox navigation
macro index,pager gi "<change-folder>=inbox<enter>" "go to inbox"
macro index,pager gm "<change-folder>=important<enter>" "go to important"
macro index,pager gs "<change-folder>=sent<enter>" "go to sent"
macro index,pager gd "<change-folder>=drafts<enter>" "go to drafts"
macro index,pager gt "<change-folder>=trash<enter>" "go to trash"
# sidebar navigation
bind index,pager <down> sidebar-next
bind index,pager <up> sidebar-prev
bind index,pager <right> sidebar-open
# bind index,pager \CO sidebar-open
# pager navigation
bind pager k previous-line
bind pager j next-line
bind pager gg top
bind pager G bottom
# since we unbound the original g
bind index,pager R group-reply
# mark all read
macro index \CN "T~U<enter><tag-prefix><clear-flag>N<untag-pattern>.<enter>" "mark all messages as read"
# open urls found in the e-mail
macro pager \CU "|urlview<enter>" "call urlview to open links"
# Sync email
macro index O "<sync-mailbox><shell-escape>mbsync -c $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/isync/mbsyncrc -a<enter><sync-mailbox>" "refresh all e-mail"
macro index o "<sync-mailbox><shell-escape>mbsync -c $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/isync/mbsyncrc gmail-inbox<enter><sync-mailbox>" "refresh inbox e-mail"
# Saner copy/move dialogs
macro index C "<copy-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "copy a message to a mailbox"
macro index M "<save-message>?<toggle-mailboxes>" "move a message to a mailbox"
# pager settings
# filetypes and mailcap
set mailcap_path = "~/.config/neomutt/mailcap:~/.mailcap:/usr/share/neomutt/mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap"
# Prefer plain text to html.
# However, for brain dead clients that bundle attachments inside a
# multipart/alternative, prefer that alternative.
alternative_order multipart/mixed multipart/related text/plain
alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
# Consult mime.types for determining types of these attachments
mime_lookup application/octet-stream
# This requires a ~/.mailcap entry with the copiousoutput flag, such as:
# text/html; lynx -dump -width ${COLUMNS:-80} %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput
auto_view text/html
# Remember to `mkdir -p ~/.neomutt/hcache` first:
set header_cache= "~/.neomutt/hcache"
# Message composition settings
set edit_headers
# set editor = "emacsclient -a emacs -t"
# set editor = "vim"
set mime_type_query_command = "xdg-mime query filetype"
# msmtp is a solid SMTP client.
# neomutt also has built-in SMTP, or you can use an MTA like exim4 or postfix.
set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp"
# lbdb is a versatile contact query tool.
# Invoke via ctrl-t in an address prompt
set query_command = "/usr/bin/lbdbq"