330 lines
12 KiB
330 lines
12 KiB
local Element = require('uosc_shared/elements/Element')
local Button = require('uosc_shared/elements/Button')
local CycleButton = require('uosc_shared/elements/CycleButton')
local Speed = require('uosc_shared/elements/Speed')
-- `scale` - `options.controls_size` scale factor.
-- `ratio` - Width/height ratio of a static or dynamic element.
-- `ratio_min` Min ratio for 'dynamic' sized element.
---@alias ControlItem {element?: Element; kind: string; sizing: 'space' | 'static' | 'dynamic'; scale: number; ratio?: number; ratio_min?: number; hide: boolean; dispositions?: table<string, boolean>}
---@class Controls : Element
local Controls = class(Element)
function Controls:new() return Class.new(self) --[[@as Controls]] end
function Controls:init()
Element.init(self, 'controls')
---@type ControlItem[] All control elements serialized from `options.controls`.
self.controls = {}
---@type ControlItem[] Only controls that match current dispositions.
self.layout = {}
-- Serialize control elements
local shorthands = {
menu = 'command:menu:script-binding uosc/menu-blurred?Menu',
subtitles = 'command:subtitles:script-binding uosc/subtitles#sub>0?Subtitles',
audio = 'command:graphic_eq:script-binding uosc/audio#audio>1?Audio',
['audio-device'] = 'command:speaker:script-binding uosc/audio-device?Audio device',
video = 'command:theaters:script-binding uosc/video#video>1?Video',
playlist = 'command:list_alt:script-binding uosc/playlist?Playlist',
chapters = 'command:bookmark:script-binding uosc/chapters#chapters>0?Chapters',
['editions'] = 'command:bookmarks:script-binding uosc/editions#editions>1?Editions',
['stream-quality'] = 'command:high_quality:script-binding uosc/stream-quality?Stream quality',
['open-file'] = 'command:file_open:script-binding uosc/open-file?Open file',
['items'] = 'command:list_alt:script-binding uosc/items?Playlist/Files',
prev = 'command:arrow_back_ios:script-binding uosc/prev?Previous',
next = 'command:arrow_forward_ios:script-binding uosc/next?Next',
first = 'command:first_page:script-binding uosc/first?First',
last = 'command:last_page:script-binding uosc/last?Last',
['loop-playlist'] = 'cycle:repeat:loop-playlist:no/inf!?Loop playlist',
['loop-file'] = 'cycle:repeat_one:loop-file:no/inf!?Loop file',
shuffle = 'toggle:shuffle:shuffle?Shuffle',
fullscreen = 'cycle:crop_free:fullscreen:no/yes=fullscreen_exit!?Fullscreen',
-- Parse out disposition/config pairs
local items = {}
local in_disposition = false
local current_item = nil
for c in options.controls:gmatch('.') do
if not current_item then current_item = {disposition = '', config = ''} end
if c == '<' and #current_item.config == 0 then in_disposition = true
elseif c == '>' and #current_item.config == 0 then in_disposition = false
elseif c == ',' and not in_disposition then
items[#items + 1] = current_item
current_item = nil
local prop = in_disposition and 'disposition' or 'config'
current_item[prop] = current_item[prop] .. c
items[#items + 1] = current_item
-- Create controls
self.controls = {}
for i, item in ipairs(items) do
local config = shorthands[item.config] and shorthands[item.config] or item.config
local config_tooltip = split(config, ' *%? *')
local tooltip = config_tooltip[2]
config = shorthands[config_tooltip[1]]
and split(shorthands[config_tooltip[1]], ' *%? *')[1] or config_tooltip[1]
local config_badge = split(config, ' *# *')
config = config_badge[1]
local badge = config_badge[2]
local parts = split(config, ' *: *')
local kind, params = parts[1], itable_slice(parts, 2)
-- Serialize dispositions
local dispositions = {}
for _, definition in ipairs(split(item.disposition, ' *, *')) do
if #definition > 0 then
local value = definition:sub(1, 1) ~= '!'
local name = not value and definition:sub(2) or definition
local prop = name:sub(1, 4) == 'has_' and name or 'is_' .. name
dispositions[prop] = value
-- Convert toggles into cycles
if kind == 'toggle' then
kind = 'cycle'
params[#params + 1] = 'no/yes!'
-- Create a control element
local control = {dispositions = dispositions, kind = kind}
if kind == 'space' then
control.sizing = 'space'
elseif kind == 'gap' then
table_assign(control, {sizing = 'dynamic', scale = 1, ratio = params[1] or 0.3, ratio_min = 0})
elseif kind == 'command' then
if #params ~= 2 then
'command button needs 2 parameters, %d received: %s', #params, table.concat(params, '/')
local element = Button:new('control_' .. i, {
icon = params[1],
anchor_id = 'controls',
on_click = function() mp.command(params[2]) end,
tooltip = tooltip,
count_prop = 'sub',
table_assign(control, {element = element, sizing = 'static', scale = 1, ratio = 1})
if badge then self:register_badge_updater(badge, element) end
elseif kind == 'cycle' then
if #params ~= 3 then
'cycle button needs 3 parameters, %d received: %s',
#params, table.concat(params, '/')
local state_configs = split(params[3], ' */ *')
local states = {}
for _, state_config in ipairs(state_configs) do
local active = false
if state_config:sub(-1) == '!' then
active = true
state_config = state_config:sub(1, -2)
local state_params = split(state_config, ' *= *')
local value, icon = state_params[1], state_params[2] or params[1]
states[#states + 1] = {value = value, icon = icon, active = active}
local element = CycleButton:new('control_' .. i, {
prop = params[2], anchor_id = 'controls', states = states, tooltip = tooltip,
table_assign(control, {element = element, sizing = 'static', scale = 1, ratio = 1})
if badge then self:register_badge_updater(badge, element) end
elseif kind == 'speed' then
if not Elements.speed then
local element = Speed:new({anchor_id = 'controls'})
table_assign(control, {
element = element, sizing = 'dynamic', scale = params[1] or 1.3, ratio = 3.5, ratio_min = 2,
msg.error('there can only be 1 speed slider')
msg.error('unknown element kind "' .. kind .. '"')
self.controls[#self.controls + 1] = control
function Controls:reflow()
-- Populate the layout only with items that match current disposition
self.layout = {}
for _, control in ipairs(self.controls) do
local matches = true
for prop, value in pairs(control.dispositions) do
if state[prop] ~= value then
matches = false
if control.element then control.element.enabled = matches end
if matches then self.layout[#self.layout + 1] = control end
---@param badge string
---@param element Element An element that supports `badge` property.
function Controls:register_badge_updater(badge, element)
local prop_and_limit = split(badge, ' *> *')
local prop, limit = prop_and_limit[1], tonumber(prop_and_limit[2] or -1)
local observable_name, serializer, is_external_prop = prop, nil, false
if itable_index_of({'sub', 'audio', 'video'}, prop) then
observable_name = 'track-list'
serializer = function(value)
local count = 0
for _, track in ipairs(value) do if track.type == prop then count = count + 1 end end
return count
local parts = split(prop, '@')
-- Support both new `prop@owner` and old `@prop` syntaxes
if #parts > 1 then prop, is_external_prop = parts[1] ~= '' and parts[1] or parts[2], true end
serializer = function(value) return value and (type(value) == 'table' and #value or tostring(value)) or nil end
local function handler(_, value)
local new_value = serializer(value) --[[@as nil|string|integer]]
local value_number = tonumber(new_value)
if value_number then new_value = value_number > limit and value_number or nil end
element.badge = new_value
if is_external_prop then element['on_external_prop_' .. prop] = function(_, value) handler(prop, value) end
else mp.observe_property(observable_name, 'native', handler) end
function Controls:get_visibility()
return (Elements.speed and Elements.speed.dragging) and 1 or Elements.timeline:get_is_hovered()
and -1 or Element.get_visibility(self)
function Controls:update_dimensions()
local window_border = Elements.window_border.size
local size = state.fullormaxed and options.controls_size_fullscreen or options.controls_size
local spacing = options.controls_spacing
local margin = options.controls_margin
-- Disable when not enough space
local available_space = display.height - Elements.window_border.size * 2
if Elements.top_bar.enabled then available_space = available_space - Elements.top_bar.size end
if Elements.timeline.enabled then available_space = available_space - Elements.timeline.size_max end
self.enabled = available_space > size + 10
-- Reset hide/enabled flags
for c, control in ipairs(self.layout) do
control.hide = false
if control.element then control.element.enabled = self.enabled end
if not self.enabled then return end
-- Container
self.bx = display.width - window_border - margin
self.by = (Elements.timeline.enabled and Elements.timeline.ay or display.height - window_border) - margin
self.ax, self.ay = window_border + margin, self.by - size
-- Controls
local available_width = self.bx - self.ax
local statics_width = (#self.layout - 1) * spacing
local min_content_width = statics_width
local max_dynamics_width, dynamic_units, spaces = 0, 0, 0
-- Calculate statics_width, min_content_width, and count spaces
for c, control in ipairs(self.layout) do
if control.sizing == 'space' then
spaces = spaces + 1
elseif control.sizing == 'static' then
local width = size * control.scale * control.ratio
statics_width = statics_width + width
min_content_width = min_content_width + width
elseif control.sizing == 'dynamic' then
min_content_width = min_content_width + size * control.scale * control.ratio_min
max_dynamics_width = max_dynamics_width + size * control.scale * control.ratio
dynamic_units = dynamic_units + control.scale * control.ratio
-- Hide & disable elements in the middle until we fit into available width
if min_content_width > available_width then
local i = math.ceil(#self.layout / 2 + 0.1)
for a = 0, #self.layout - 1, 1 do
i = i + (a * (a % 2 == 0 and 1 or -1))
local control = self.layout[i]
if control.kind ~= 'gap' and control.kind ~= 'space' then
control.hide = true
if control.element then control.element.enabled = false end
if control.sizing == 'static' then
local width = size * control.scale * control.ratio
min_content_width = min_content_width - width - spacing
statics_width = statics_width - width - spacing
elseif control.sizing == 'dynamic' then
min_content_width = min_content_width - size * control.scale * control.ratio_min - spacing
max_dynamics_width = max_dynamics_width - size * control.scale * control.ratio
dynamic_units = dynamic_units - control.scale * control.ratio
if min_content_width < available_width then break end
-- Lay out the elements
local current_x = self.ax
local width_for_dynamics = available_width - statics_width
local space_width = (width_for_dynamics - max_dynamics_width) / spaces
for c, control in ipairs(self.layout) do
if not control.hide then
local sizing, element, scale, ratio = control.sizing, control.element, control.scale, control.ratio
local width, height = 0, 0
if sizing == 'space' then
if space_width > 0 then width = space_width end
elseif sizing == 'static' then
height = size * scale
width = height * ratio
elseif sizing == 'dynamic' then
height = size * scale
width = max_dynamics_width < width_for_dynamics
and height * ratio or width_for_dynamics * ((scale * ratio) / dynamic_units)
local bx = current_x + width
if element then element:set_coordinates(round(current_x), round(self.by - height), bx, self.by) end
current_x = bx + spacing
function Controls:on_dispositions() self:reflow() end
function Controls:on_display() self:update_dimensions() end
function Controls:on_prop_border() self:update_dimensions() end
function Controls:on_prop_fullormaxed() self:update_dimensions() end
function Controls:on_timeline_enabled() self:update_dimensions() end
return Controls