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Name Description Source Target
acpid A daemon for delivering ACPI power management events with netlink support R
activitywatch-bin Log what you do on your computer. Simple, extensible, no third parties. A
afew Initial tagging script for notmuch mail R
alias-tips-git An oh-my-zsh plugin to help remembering those aliases you defined once A
alsa-utils Advanced Linux Sound Architecture - Utilities R
an2linuxserver-git Sync android notifications encrypted to a linux desktop with tcp or bluetooth A
android-sdk-platform-tools Platform-Tools for Google Android SDK (adb and fastboot) A
anki Helps you remember facts (like words/phrases in a foreign language) efficiently A
ansible Official assortment of Ansible collections R
ansible-lint Checks playbooks for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved. R
arch-wiki-lite The wiki without html. 1/9 as big, easily searched and viewable on console. R
arduino Arduino prototyping platform SDK R
arduino-avr-core Arduino AVR core with upstream avr-gcc and avrdude R
arduino-cli Arduino command line interface R
asciinema Record and share terminal sessions R
asix-ax88179-dkms A kernel module for ASIX AX88178A AX88179 USB 3.0 network adapters A
aspell-de German dictionary for aspell R
aspell-en English dictionary for aspell R
atool A script for managing file archives of various types A
awesome Highly configurable framework window manager R
barrier Open-source KVM software based on Synergy (GUI) R
bash-bats Bash Automated Testing System R
bash-completion Programmable completion for the bash shell R
bash-language-server Bash language server implementation based on Tree Sitter and its grammar for Bash R
bat Cat clone with syntax highlighting and git integration R
bearssl Implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol (RFC 5246) written in C A
beets Flexible music library manager and tagger R
bibclean BibTeX and Scribe bibliography prettyprinter and syntax checker A
biber A Unicode-capable BibTeX replacement for biblatex users R
bibtool Command line manipulation of BibTeX files. A
bind A complete, highly portable implementation of the DNS protocol R
bluez Daemons for the bluetooth protocol stack R
bluez-utils Development and debugging utilities for the bluetooth protocol stack R
brightnessctl Lightweight brightness control tool R
busted Elegant Lua unit testing (CLI) R
caddy Fast web server with automatic HTTPS R
calcurse A text-based personal organizer. R
catdoc A convertor for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and RTF Files to text R
clipman A simple clipboard manager for Wayland A
crda Central Regulatory Domain Agent for wireless networks R
cups-pk-helper A helper that makes system-config-printer use PolicyKit R
dbus-broker Linux D-Bus Message Broker R
dcnnt Yet another tool to connect Android phone with desktop similar to KDE Connect A
dconf-editor dconf Editor R
dell-command-configure Configure various BIOS features on Dell laptops A
devour Window Manager agnostic swallowing feature for terminal emulators A
dhcpcd RFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon R
diff-so-fancy Good-looking diffs with diff-highlight and more R
docker Pack, ship and run any application as a lightweight container R
docker-compose Fast, isolated development environments using Docker R
docx2txt Recovers text from DOCX files, with good formatting. R
dos2unix Text file format converter R
duf Disk Usage/Free Utility R
dunst Customizable and lightweight notification-daemon R
dust A more intuitive version of du in rust R
efm-langserver General purpose Language Server R
element-desktop Glossy Matrix collaboration client — desktop version. R
entr Run arbitrary commands when files change R
evince Document viewer (PDF, PostScript, XPS, djvu, dvi, tiff, cbr, cbz, cb7, cbt) R
exa ls replacement R
fasd Command-line productivity booster, offers quick access to files and directories R
fd Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find R
ffmpegthumbnailer Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers R
firefox Standalone web browser from R
fvextra Extensions to fancyvrb, including automatic line breaking and improved math mode R
fwupd Simple daemon to allow session software to update firmware R
fzf-tab-git Replace zsh's default completion selection menu with fzf. R
gallery-dl Command-line program to download image-galleries and collections from several image hosting sites A
gimp GNU Image Manipulation Program R
git-lfs Git extension for versioning large files R
gitea-tea-git Painless self-hosted Git service.. A
gitlint Git commit message linter A
gk6x-bin Configure keys, macros, and lighting on GK6X keyboards (GK64, GK84, GK61, etc) A
glances CLI curses-based monitoring tool R
glfw-wayland A free, open source, portable framework for graphical application development (wayland) R
glow Markdown renderer for the CLI R
gnome-keyring Stores passwords and encryption keys R
gnu-netcat GNU rewrite of netcat, the network piping application R
gnuplot Plotting package which outputs to X11, PostScript, PNG, GIF, and others R
go Core compiler tools for the Go programming language R
go-ipfs A peer-to-peer hypermedia distribution protocol R
gomuks A terminal based Matrix client written in Go A
gopls Language server for Go programming language R
gotty-bin Simple command line tool that turns your CLI tools into web applications. A
grim Screenshot utility for Wayland R
grub GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (2) R
gsimplecal Simple and lightweight GTK calendar R
gst-libav Multimedia graph framework - libav plugin R
gst-plugins-bad Multimedia graph framework - bad plugins R
gstreamer-vaapi Multimedia graph framework - vaapi plugin R
gucharmap Gnome Unicode Charmap R
haveged Entropy harvesting daemon using CPU timings R
heimdall Tool suite used to flash firmware (ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy S devices R
hplip Drivers for HP DeskJet, OfficeJet, Photosmart, Business Inkjet and some LaserJet R
htop Interactive process viewer R
hugo Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator in Go R
iftop Display bandwidth usage on an interface R
imapfilter A mail filtering utility for processing IMAP mailboxes A
intel-ucode Microcode update files for Intel CPUs R
iputils Network monitoring tools, including ping R
ipython An enhanced Interactive Python shell. R
iucode-tool Tool to manipulate Intel® IA-32/X86-64 microcode bundles R
jabref-latest GUI frontend for BibTeX, written in Java; latest main (master) version from git A
jiq jid on jq A
jpdftweak A Swiss Army Knife GUI application for PDF documents A
jrnl Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line R
keyd A key remapping daemon for linux. A
khal CLI calendar application build around CalDAV R
khard Console CardDAV client R
kitty A modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL-based terminal emulator R
lazygit Simple terminal UI for git commands R
libdvdcss Portable abstraction library for DVD decryption R
libqalculate Multi-purpose desktop calculator R
libreoffice-fresh LibreOffice branch which contains new features and program enhancements R
libressl Free version of the TLS/crypto stack forked from OpenSSL R
libva-intel-driver VA-API implementation for Intel G45 and HD Graphics family R
licenses A set of common license files R
linux-firmware Firmware files for Linux R
linux-headers Headers and scripts for building modules for the Linux kernel R
littler a hash-bang and simple command line pipe front end for GNU R A
logrotate Rotates system logs automatically R
lswt List Wayland toplevels A
lua-format LuaFormatter - Code formatter for Lua A
lua-language-server Lua Language Server coded by Lua R
lua51-busted Elegant Lua unit testing R
luacheck A tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code. A
lynx A text browser for the World Wide Web R
maim Utility to take a screenshot using imlib2 R
man-db A utility for reading man pages R
man-pages Linux man pages R
masterpdfeditor-free A complete solution for creation and editing PDF files - Free version without watermark A
mbsync-git free (GPL) mailbox synchronization program A
mermaid-cli Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown (CLI) A
mimeo Open files by MIME-type or file name using regular expressions. A
minio-client Replacement for ls, cp, mkdir, diff and rsync commands for filesystems and object storage R
mopidy-iris A Mopidy Web client that utilizes the Spotify and EchoNest frameworks. (Formerly Spotmop) A
mopidy-local Mopidy extension for local media playback A
mopidy-mpd Mopidy extension for controlling playback from MPD clients A
mopidy-mpris Mopidy extension for controlling Mopidy through the MPRIS D-Bus interface A
mopidy-scrobbler Mopidy extension for scrobbling played tracks to A
mopidy-spotify Mopidy extension for playing music from Spotify A
moreutils A growing collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write thirty years ago R
mosh Mobile shell, surviving disconnects with local echo and line editing R
mpv-mpris MPRIS (Media Player Remote Interface Spec) plugin for mpv A
msmtp A mini smtp client R
nano Pico editor clone with enhancements R
ncmpcpp Almost exact clone of ncmpc with some new features R
needrestart Restart daemons after library updates. A
neomutt A version of mutt with added features R
neovim Fork of Vim aiming to improve user experience, plugins, and GUIs R
nerd-fonts-fira-code Patched font Fira (Fura) Code from the nerd-fonts library A
net-tools Configuration tools for Linux networking R
netctl Profile based systemd network management R
nethogs A net top tool which displays traffic used per process instead of per IP or interface R
network-manager-applet Applet for managing network connections R
networkmanager-openconnect NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenConnect R
networkmanager-openvpn NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenVPN R
newsboat An RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals R
nextcloud-client Nextcloud desktop client R
nfs-utils Support programs for Network File Systems R
nmap Utility for network discovery and security auditing R
nodejs-markdownlint-cli MarkdownLint Command Line Interface A
nodejs-pandiff Prose diffs for any document format supported by Pandoc A
nsxiv Neo (or New or Not) Simple (or Small or Suckless) X Image Viewer A
ntfs-3g NTFS filesystem driver and utilities R
ntp Network Time Protocol reference implementation R
nvm Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions R
nzbget Download from Usenet using .nzb files R
oh-my-zsh-git A community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 180+ optional plugins and over 120 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community R
os-prober Utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives R
p7zip Command-line file archiver with high compression ratio R
parallel A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel R
paru-bin Feature packed AUR helper A
pass-coffin A password store extension that hides data inside a GPG coffin A
pass-ssh A pass extension that creates ssh keys with an automatically generated passphrases stored in pass and outputs the public key using fzf or rofi A
pavucontrol PulseAudio Volume Control R
pdfjs PDF reader in javascript R
pdftk Command-line tool for working with PDFs R
peek Simple screen recorder with an easy to use interface R
perf Linux kernel performance auditing tool R
piavpn-bin Private Internet Access client A
picom X compositor that may fix tearing issues R
pipewire-alsa Low-latency audio/video router and processor - ALSA configuration R
playerctl mpris media player controller and lib for spotify, vlc, audacious, bmp, xmms2, and others. R
polybar A fast and easy-to-use status bar A
powertop A tool to diagnose issues with power consumption and power management R
prettier An opinionated code formatter for JS, JSON, CSS, YAML and much more R
protonvpn-cli-ng A Community Linux CLI for ProtonVPN. A
pulseaudio-alsa ALSA Configuration for PulseAudio R
pulsemixer CLI and curses mixer for pulseaudio R
pv A terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. R
pyright Type checker for the Python language R
python-adblock Brave's adblock library in Python R
python-black Uncompromising Python code formatter R
python-dictcc commandline tool for A
python-openpyxl A Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files R
python-pagelabels Python library to manipulate PDF page numbers and labels. A
python-pdfminer.six Community maintained fork of pdfminer A
python-pip The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages R
python-pipx Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments R
python-poetry Python dependency management and packaging made easy R
python-pybluez Python wrapper for the BlueZ Bluetooth stack R
python-pybtex A BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor written in Python R
python-pynvim Python client for Neovim R
python-readability-lxml Fast html to text parser (article readability tool) python library R
python-slugify A Python slugify application that handles unicode R
qt5-wayland Provides APIs for Wayland R
qt5-xmlpatterns Support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML schema validation R
qtcurve-gtk2 A configurable set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk R
qutebrowser A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5 R
redshift Adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. R
refind An EFI boot manager R
reflector A Python 3 module and script to retrieve and filter the latest Pacman mirror list. R
remind A sophisticated calendar and alarm program. R
restic Fast, secure, efficient backup program R
river A dynamic tiling wayland compositor. A
rivercarro-git A slightly modified version of rivertile layout generator for river. A
rng-tools Random number generator related utilities R
rtv Browse Reddit from your terminal A
sc-im A spreadsheet program based on SC A
screen Full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal R
sfz A simple static file server A
shellcheck-bin Shell script analysis tool (binary release) A
shfmt Format shell programs R
siggo A terminal gui for signal-cli, written in Go. A
slurp Select a region in a Wayland compositor R
speedtest-cli Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using R
sshfs FUSE client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol R
steam Valve's digital software delivery system R
stow Manage installation of multiple softwares in the same directory tree R
surfraw Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web R
swaybg Wallpaper tool for Wayland compositors R
systemd-sysvcompat sysvinit compat for systemd R
task-spooler Queue up tasks from the shell for batch execution A
taskopen Script for taking notes and open urls with taskwarrior A
tasksh A shell command that wraps Taskwarrior commands A
tex-gyre-fonts Substitute PostScript fonts in OpenType format R
texlab A cross-platform implementation of the Language Server Protocol for LaTeX. R
tigervnc Suite of VNC servers and clients. Based on the VNC 4 branch of TightVNC. R
timew Timewarrior, A command line time tracking application R
tllocalmgr-git A shell and command-line utility to manage TeXLive on Arch Linux A
tlp Linux Advanced Power Management R
tmux A terminal multiplexer R
toilet free replacement for the FIGlet utility. A
tomb Crypto Undertaker, a simple tool to manage encrypted storage R
toot a Mastodon CLI client A
topgrade Invoke the upgrade procedure of multiple package managers R
transmission-qt Fast, easy, and free BitTorrent client (Qt GUI) R
ttf-brill Brill Typeface by John Hudson for Brill Publishing House A
ttf-comic-neue Comic Neue aspires to be the casual script choice for everyone including the typographically savvy. A
ttf-heuristica A serif latin & cyrillic font, derived from the "Adobe Utopia" font by Apanov A
ttf-iosevka-nerd Typeface family designed for coding, terminal use and technical documents (Nerd Fonts) R
ttf-signika Sans-serif typeface from Google by Anna Giedryś A
typescript-language-server-bin Language server implementation for JavaScript / TypeScript A
udiskie Removable disk automounter using udisks R
ufw Uncomplicated and easy to use CLI tool for managing a netfilter firewall R
unclutter A small program for hiding the mouse cursor R
unrar The RAR uncompression program R
unrtf Command-line program which converts RTF documents to other formats R
upower Abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics R
urlview-xdg-git A curses URL parser for text files. Git version, adds support for QUITONLAUNCH option and XDG Base Directory specification compliance. A
usql-bin Universal command-line interface for SQL databases A
v4l2loopback-dkms v4l2-loopback device module sources R
vagrant Build and distribute virtualized development environments R
vale-bin A customizable, syntax-aware linter for prose A
vdirsyncer Synchronize CalDAV and CardDAV. R
viddy A modern watch command A
vifm-git Ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings A
vim-language-server VimScript language server A
virtualbox Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use R
virtualbox-guest-iso The official VirtualBox Guest Additions ISO image R
visidata Terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data A
wavemon Ncurses-based monitoring application for wireless network devices R
waybar-git Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors (GIT) A
waylock A simple screenlocker for wayland compositors R
wdisplays GUI display configurator for wlroots compositors A
wev tool for debugging wayland events, similar to xev A
wget Network utility to retrieve files from the Web R
wireguard-tools next generation secure network tunnel - tools for configuration R
wireless_tools Tools allowing to manipulate the Wireless Extensions R
wpa_actiond Daemon that connects to wpa_supplicant and handles connect and disconnect events A
wtype xdotool type for wayland R
xdg-user-dirs Manage user directories like ~/Desktop and ~/Music R
xsv A fast CSV toolkit written in Rust A
yaml-language-server-bin Language server implementation for YAML files and optional schema support A
youtube-dl A command-line program to download videos from and a few more sites R
ytfzf A posix script to find and watch youtube videos from the terminal. (Without API) A
zathura-cb Adds comic book support to zathura R
zathura-djvu DjVu support for Zathura R
zathura-pdf-mupdf PDF support for Zathura (MuPDF backend) (Supports PDF, ePub, and OpenXPS) R
zotero Zotero Standalone. Is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. A
zsh-autosuggestions Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh R
zsh-completions-git Additional completion definitions for Zsh A
zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting-git Optimized and extended zsh-syntax-highlighting R
zsh-pure-prompt Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt A