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2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Installs dotfiles and packages for my setup.
# Needs to be invoked from containing dotfile directory to work correctly.
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
# Will first install yay, then all my used packages (read from bootstrap/packages.txt)
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
# Finally, symlinks all dotfiles into their correct locations using dotter
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
help() {
printf "Usage: install [-f|--force][-v|--version][-h|--help]\n\n-f Do not ask for any confirmations but force update and installation.\n"
exit "${1:-0}"
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
main() {
local cmd=""
local ret=0
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
case "$1" in
-v | --version)
printf "Personal system bootstrap script.\n\nby Marty Oehme\n\nv0.2\n"
-h | --help)
help 0
-f | --force)
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
$cmd "$@"
ret=$((ret + $?))
exit $ret
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
Switch to wayland Added a simple wayland configuration. Currently set up simple wayland configuration based on river window manager and waybar. Rivercarro is the layout manager, being the same in principle as rivertile, the default layout manager for river, only it comes with smart gaps (gaps turn off if there is only one window open) and monocle mode (give one window all space). Runs `keyd` in the background to replace the old `xcape` capslock switching (capslock is escape and if held control). Uses `swaybg` to set a wallpaper. Added powermenu and lockscreen scripts. Improved lockscreen script to detect and work for wayland. Moved old rofi mode 'powermenu' to more general powermenu script, which works with any rofi-like selector (dmenu, bemenu, wofi, etc.) Loses some of its design quality but since it was wonky anyway, and I rarely see the menu, we could repurpose its functionality for a more general powermenu concept. Currently hardcoded for `bemenu` but can be easily swapped and possibly even extended back to rofi. Fixed file upload link sharing to clipboard. Updated rofi-pass to pass-pick. Made rofi-pass universal and less integrated to rofi - that's also the reason for the name change. `pass-pick` works with rofi (default), bemenu or dmenu. In theory it should also work with any other picker that contains a stdin listing function similar to dmenu. It has been definitely tested both on rofi and bemenu. The best user experience still reigns on rofi, where available keys are displayed on the picker and the keys themselves make the most sense. But all functions can be reached from bemenu as well, though the key mappings are more arbitrary and can not be changed as in rofi. The autofilling tool works with both xdotool and ydotool, so should work both on X11 and on Wayland. Ydotool ideally requires its daemon to be running, otherwise some of the typing may get gut off. Otherwise no change should be necessary. Updated qutebrowser open_download for bemenu. Updated download opening script to work with both rofi and bemenu. Prefers original rofi implementation but works with both, and can be set to use a custom dmenu-like file picker as well. Add brightnessctl and removed custom audio / brightness scripts since they became unnecessary. Updated bootstrap script to include system files: With `keyd` taking its configuration from the `/etc` directory and not home, a second stow stage was necessary. These stow files are in a module called `system-packages` inside the top-level `bootstrap` stow package. They will not be installed by the default dotfile stow invocation but have been integrated as an extra step into the install script. Installing this module requires sudo privileges! Switched vifm überzug to sixel graphics rendering. überzug relies on X11 functionality to work, while sixel does not. Unfortunately, alacritty does not work with sixel graphics yet, only foot does (somewhat). Waybar currently runs the gruvbox dark soft color scheme. Added the old polybar archupdates script to waybar and extended it to output json format with additional metadata that waybar can read. Can still output the old plaintext format that polybar expects. Added a wireguard connection to waybar,shows if currently connected to either a wireguard or tun VPN service. If so, shows an icon in the waybar - that can be hovered over to show the full assigned IP address. Added an upcoming event display to waybar, a simple event indicator to show upcoming events on the calendar, on hovering over it the tooltip lists all upcoming events. Added `screenshot` script to take simple screenshots and rectangle region shots of the current output. Can be invoked through the river shortcut PrintScr: `PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot `Mod+PrintScr` - Region screenshot `Shift+PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot and file upload `Mod+Shift+PrintScr` - Region screenshot and file upload Extended `sharefile` to take paths through stdin and make use of `fd` if it is found on the system.
2021-11-26 06:59:35 +00:00
# takes default value (y/n), question, abort message as arguments
# automatically answers yes if unattended install
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
check_consent() {
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
if [ "$unattended_install" == "true" ]; then
[[ "$1" == "y" ]] && default_consent="[Y/n]" || default_consent="[y/N]"
printf "%b %b " "$2" "$default_consent"
read -r answer
if [[ "$1" == "n" ]] && [[ "$answer" != y* ]]; then
printf "%s\n" "$3"
elif [[ "$1" == "y" ]] && [[ "$answer" == n* ]]; then
printf "%s\n" "$3"
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
Switch to wayland Added a simple wayland configuration. Currently set up simple wayland configuration based on river window manager and waybar. Rivercarro is the layout manager, being the same in principle as rivertile, the default layout manager for river, only it comes with smart gaps (gaps turn off if there is only one window open) and monocle mode (give one window all space). Runs `keyd` in the background to replace the old `xcape` capslock switching (capslock is escape and if held control). Uses `swaybg` to set a wallpaper. Added powermenu and lockscreen scripts. Improved lockscreen script to detect and work for wayland. Moved old rofi mode 'powermenu' to more general powermenu script, which works with any rofi-like selector (dmenu, bemenu, wofi, etc.) Loses some of its design quality but since it was wonky anyway, and I rarely see the menu, we could repurpose its functionality for a more general powermenu concept. Currently hardcoded for `bemenu` but can be easily swapped and possibly even extended back to rofi. Fixed file upload link sharing to clipboard. Updated rofi-pass to pass-pick. Made rofi-pass universal and less integrated to rofi - that's also the reason for the name change. `pass-pick` works with rofi (default), bemenu or dmenu. In theory it should also work with any other picker that contains a stdin listing function similar to dmenu. It has been definitely tested both on rofi and bemenu. The best user experience still reigns on rofi, where available keys are displayed on the picker and the keys themselves make the most sense. But all functions can be reached from bemenu as well, though the key mappings are more arbitrary and can not be changed as in rofi. The autofilling tool works with both xdotool and ydotool, so should work both on X11 and on Wayland. Ydotool ideally requires its daemon to be running, otherwise some of the typing may get gut off. Otherwise no change should be necessary. Updated qutebrowser open_download for bemenu. Updated download opening script to work with both rofi and bemenu. Prefers original rofi implementation but works with both, and can be set to use a custom dmenu-like file picker as well. Add brightnessctl and removed custom audio / brightness scripts since they became unnecessary. Updated bootstrap script to include system files: With `keyd` taking its configuration from the `/etc` directory and not home, a second stow stage was necessary. These stow files are in a module called `system-packages` inside the top-level `bootstrap` stow package. They will not be installed by the default dotfile stow invocation but have been integrated as an extra step into the install script. Installing this module requires sudo privileges! Switched vifm überzug to sixel graphics rendering. überzug relies on X11 functionality to work, while sixel does not. Unfortunately, alacritty does not work with sixel graphics yet, only foot does (somewhat). Waybar currently runs the gruvbox dark soft color scheme. Added the old polybar archupdates script to waybar and extended it to output json format with additional metadata that waybar can read. Can still output the old plaintext format that polybar expects. Added a wireguard connection to waybar,shows if currently connected to either a wireguard or tun VPN service. If so, shows an icon in the waybar - that can be hovered over to show the full assigned IP address. Added an upcoming event display to waybar, a simple event indicator to show upcoming events on the calendar, on hovering over it the tooltip lists all upcoming events. Added `screenshot` script to take simple screenshots and rectangle region shots of the current output. Can be invoked through the river shortcut PrintScr: `PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot `Mod+PrintScr` - Region screenshot `Shift+PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot and file upload `Mod+Shift+PrintScr` - Region screenshot and file upload Extended `sharefile` to take paths through stdin and make use of `fd` if it is found on the system.
2021-11-26 06:59:35 +00:00
entry_question() {
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
check_consent n "This will take a while and install many packages and link dotfiles all over the place depending on your selections.\nYou need to be in the base directory of the dotfiles repository.\nProceed?" "Aborting." || exit
Switch to wayland Added a simple wayland configuration. Currently set up simple wayland configuration based on river window manager and waybar. Rivercarro is the layout manager, being the same in principle as rivertile, the default layout manager for river, only it comes with smart gaps (gaps turn off if there is only one window open) and monocle mode (give one window all space). Runs `keyd` in the background to replace the old `xcape` capslock switching (capslock is escape and if held control). Uses `swaybg` to set a wallpaper. Added powermenu and lockscreen scripts. Improved lockscreen script to detect and work for wayland. Moved old rofi mode 'powermenu' to more general powermenu script, which works with any rofi-like selector (dmenu, bemenu, wofi, etc.) Loses some of its design quality but since it was wonky anyway, and I rarely see the menu, we could repurpose its functionality for a more general powermenu concept. Currently hardcoded for `bemenu` but can be easily swapped and possibly even extended back to rofi. Fixed file upload link sharing to clipboard. Updated rofi-pass to pass-pick. Made rofi-pass universal and less integrated to rofi - that's also the reason for the name change. `pass-pick` works with rofi (default), bemenu or dmenu. In theory it should also work with any other picker that contains a stdin listing function similar to dmenu. It has been definitely tested both on rofi and bemenu. The best user experience still reigns on rofi, where available keys are displayed on the picker and the keys themselves make the most sense. But all functions can be reached from bemenu as well, though the key mappings are more arbitrary and can not be changed as in rofi. The autofilling tool works with both xdotool and ydotool, so should work both on X11 and on Wayland. Ydotool ideally requires its daemon to be running, otherwise some of the typing may get gut off. Otherwise no change should be necessary. Updated qutebrowser open_download for bemenu. Updated download opening script to work with both rofi and bemenu. Prefers original rofi implementation but works with both, and can be set to use a custom dmenu-like file picker as well. Add brightnessctl and removed custom audio / brightness scripts since they became unnecessary. Updated bootstrap script to include system files: With `keyd` taking its configuration from the `/etc` directory and not home, a second stow stage was necessary. These stow files are in a module called `system-packages` inside the top-level `bootstrap` stow package. They will not be installed by the default dotfile stow invocation but have been integrated as an extra step into the install script. Installing this module requires sudo privileges! Switched vifm überzug to sixel graphics rendering. überzug relies on X11 functionality to work, while sixel does not. Unfortunately, alacritty does not work with sixel graphics yet, only foot does (somewhat). Waybar currently runs the gruvbox dark soft color scheme. Added the old polybar archupdates script to waybar and extended it to output json format with additional metadata that waybar can read. Can still output the old plaintext format that polybar expects. Added a wireguard connection to waybar,shows if currently connected to either a wireguard or tun VPN service. If so, shows an icon in the waybar - that can be hovered over to show the full assigned IP address. Added an upcoming event display to waybar, a simple event indicator to show upcoming events on the calendar, on hovering over it the tooltip lists all upcoming events. Added `screenshot` script to take simple screenshots and rectangle region shots of the current output. Can be invoked through the river shortcut PrintScr: `PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot `Mod+PrintScr` - Region screenshot `Shift+PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot and file upload `Mod+Shift+PrintScr` - Region screenshot and file upload Extended `sharefile` to take paths through stdin and make use of `fd` if it is found on the system.
2021-11-26 06:59:35 +00:00
enable_git_hooks() {
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
check_consent y "Should we enable git hooks for this repository, so that missing or additionally installed packages are automatically compared to the repository when committing?" "Not changing repository settings." || return
git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/
echo "Changed repository settings."
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
manage_dotfiles() {
check_consent y "Link dot files?" "Not linking dotfiles." || return
check_consent n "Link system settings files? This will require sudo access but will not overwrite existing files." "Not touching system files." || link_systemfiles=false
if [ "$link_systemfiles" == "false" ]; then
dotter deploy
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
echo "Linked dotfiles."
if [ -e "/etc/pacman.conf" ]; then
check_consent n "Found an existing pacman.conf file, installation will error if it exists. Remove file?" && run_elevated rm "/etc/pacman.conf"
dotter deploy -l .dotter/systemwide.toml
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
echo "Linked dotfiles and system files."
Switch to wayland Added a simple wayland configuration. Currently set up simple wayland configuration based on river window manager and waybar. Rivercarro is the layout manager, being the same in principle as rivertile, the default layout manager for river, only it comes with smart gaps (gaps turn off if there is only one window open) and monocle mode (give one window all space). Runs `keyd` in the background to replace the old `xcape` capslock switching (capslock is escape and if held control). Uses `swaybg` to set a wallpaper. Added powermenu and lockscreen scripts. Improved lockscreen script to detect and work for wayland. Moved old rofi mode 'powermenu' to more general powermenu script, which works with any rofi-like selector (dmenu, bemenu, wofi, etc.) Loses some of its design quality but since it was wonky anyway, and I rarely see the menu, we could repurpose its functionality for a more general powermenu concept. Currently hardcoded for `bemenu` but can be easily swapped and possibly even extended back to rofi. Fixed file upload link sharing to clipboard. Updated rofi-pass to pass-pick. Made rofi-pass universal and less integrated to rofi - that's also the reason for the name change. `pass-pick` works with rofi (default), bemenu or dmenu. In theory it should also work with any other picker that contains a stdin listing function similar to dmenu. It has been definitely tested both on rofi and bemenu. The best user experience still reigns on rofi, where available keys are displayed on the picker and the keys themselves make the most sense. But all functions can be reached from bemenu as well, though the key mappings are more arbitrary and can not be changed as in rofi. The autofilling tool works with both xdotool and ydotool, so should work both on X11 and on Wayland. Ydotool ideally requires its daemon to be running, otherwise some of the typing may get gut off. Otherwise no change should be necessary. Updated qutebrowser open_download for bemenu. Updated download opening script to work with both rofi and bemenu. Prefers original rofi implementation but works with both, and can be set to use a custom dmenu-like file picker as well. Add brightnessctl and removed custom audio / brightness scripts since they became unnecessary. Updated bootstrap script to include system files: With `keyd` taking its configuration from the `/etc` directory and not home, a second stow stage was necessary. These stow files are in a module called `system-packages` inside the top-level `bootstrap` stow package. They will not be installed by the default dotfile stow invocation but have been integrated as an extra step into the install script. Installing this module requires sudo privileges! Switched vifm überzug to sixel graphics rendering. überzug relies on X11 functionality to work, while sixel does not. Unfortunately, alacritty does not work with sixel graphics yet, only foot does (somewhat). Waybar currently runs the gruvbox dark soft color scheme. Added the old polybar archupdates script to waybar and extended it to output json format with additional metadata that waybar can read. Can still output the old plaintext format that polybar expects. Added a wireguard connection to waybar,shows if currently connected to either a wireguard or tun VPN service. If so, shows an icon in the waybar - that can be hovered over to show the full assigned IP address. Added an upcoming event display to waybar, a simple event indicator to show upcoming events on the calendar, on hovering over it the tooltip lists all upcoming events. Added `screenshot` script to take simple screenshots and rectangle region shots of the current output. Can be invoked through the river shortcut PrintScr: `PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot `Mod+PrintScr` - Region screenshot `Shift+PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot and file upload `Mod+Shift+PrintScr` - Region screenshot and file upload Extended `sharefile` to take paths through stdin and make use of `fd` if it is found on the system.
2021-11-26 06:59:35 +00:00
run_elevated() {
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
if command -v doas >/dev/null 2>&1; then
doas "$@"
elif command -v sudo >/dev/null 2>&1; then
sudo "$@"
Switch to wayland Added a simple wayland configuration. Currently set up simple wayland configuration based on river window manager and waybar. Rivercarro is the layout manager, being the same in principle as rivertile, the default layout manager for river, only it comes with smart gaps (gaps turn off if there is only one window open) and monocle mode (give one window all space). Runs `keyd` in the background to replace the old `xcape` capslock switching (capslock is escape and if held control). Uses `swaybg` to set a wallpaper. Added powermenu and lockscreen scripts. Improved lockscreen script to detect and work for wayland. Moved old rofi mode 'powermenu' to more general powermenu script, which works with any rofi-like selector (dmenu, bemenu, wofi, etc.) Loses some of its design quality but since it was wonky anyway, and I rarely see the menu, we could repurpose its functionality for a more general powermenu concept. Currently hardcoded for `bemenu` but can be easily swapped and possibly even extended back to rofi. Fixed file upload link sharing to clipboard. Updated rofi-pass to pass-pick. Made rofi-pass universal and less integrated to rofi - that's also the reason for the name change. `pass-pick` works with rofi (default), bemenu or dmenu. In theory it should also work with any other picker that contains a stdin listing function similar to dmenu. It has been definitely tested both on rofi and bemenu. The best user experience still reigns on rofi, where available keys are displayed on the picker and the keys themselves make the most sense. But all functions can be reached from bemenu as well, though the key mappings are more arbitrary and can not be changed as in rofi. The autofilling tool works with both xdotool and ydotool, so should work both on X11 and on Wayland. Ydotool ideally requires its daemon to be running, otherwise some of the typing may get gut off. Otherwise no change should be necessary. Updated qutebrowser open_download for bemenu. Updated download opening script to work with both rofi and bemenu. Prefers original rofi implementation but works with both, and can be set to use a custom dmenu-like file picker as well. Add brightnessctl and removed custom audio / brightness scripts since they became unnecessary. Updated bootstrap script to include system files: With `keyd` taking its configuration from the `/etc` directory and not home, a second stow stage was necessary. These stow files are in a module called `system-packages` inside the top-level `bootstrap` stow package. They will not be installed by the default dotfile stow invocation but have been integrated as an extra step into the install script. Installing this module requires sudo privileges! Switched vifm überzug to sixel graphics rendering. überzug relies on X11 functionality to work, while sixel does not. Unfortunately, alacritty does not work with sixel graphics yet, only foot does (somewhat). Waybar currently runs the gruvbox dark soft color scheme. Added the old polybar archupdates script to waybar and extended it to output json format with additional metadata that waybar can read. Can still output the old plaintext format that polybar expects. Added a wireguard connection to waybar,shows if currently connected to either a wireguard or tun VPN service. If so, shows an icon in the waybar - that can be hovered over to show the full assigned IP address. Added an upcoming event display to waybar, a simple event indicator to show upcoming events on the calendar, on hovering over it the tooltip lists all upcoming events. Added `screenshot` script to take simple screenshots and rectangle region shots of the current output. Can be invoked through the river shortcut PrintScr: `PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot `Mod+PrintScr` - Region screenshot `Shift+PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot and file upload `Mod+Shift+PrintScr` - Region screenshot and file upload Extended `sharefile` to take paths through stdin and make use of `fd` if it is found on the system.
2021-11-26 06:59:35 +00:00
install_packages() {
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
check_consent n "Install pre-designated packages? This will take a while, install a lot of packages and require super user privileges." "Not installing packages." || return
if [ "$unattended_install" == "true" ]; then
"$bootstrap_dir"/ -f
echo "Installed packages."
Switch to wayland Added a simple wayland configuration. Currently set up simple wayland configuration based on river window manager and waybar. Rivercarro is the layout manager, being the same in principle as rivertile, the default layout manager for river, only it comes with smart gaps (gaps turn off if there is only one window open) and monocle mode (give one window all space). Runs `keyd` in the background to replace the old `xcape` capslock switching (capslock is escape and if held control). Uses `swaybg` to set a wallpaper. Added powermenu and lockscreen scripts. Improved lockscreen script to detect and work for wayland. Moved old rofi mode 'powermenu' to more general powermenu script, which works with any rofi-like selector (dmenu, bemenu, wofi, etc.) Loses some of its design quality but since it was wonky anyway, and I rarely see the menu, we could repurpose its functionality for a more general powermenu concept. Currently hardcoded for `bemenu` but can be easily swapped and possibly even extended back to rofi. Fixed file upload link sharing to clipboard. Updated rofi-pass to pass-pick. Made rofi-pass universal and less integrated to rofi - that's also the reason for the name change. `pass-pick` works with rofi (default), bemenu or dmenu. In theory it should also work with any other picker that contains a stdin listing function similar to dmenu. It has been definitely tested both on rofi and bemenu. The best user experience still reigns on rofi, where available keys are displayed on the picker and the keys themselves make the most sense. But all functions can be reached from bemenu as well, though the key mappings are more arbitrary and can not be changed as in rofi. The autofilling tool works with both xdotool and ydotool, so should work both on X11 and on Wayland. Ydotool ideally requires its daemon to be running, otherwise some of the typing may get gut off. Otherwise no change should be necessary. Updated qutebrowser open_download for bemenu. Updated download opening script to work with both rofi and bemenu. Prefers original rofi implementation but works with both, and can be set to use a custom dmenu-like file picker as well. Add brightnessctl and removed custom audio / brightness scripts since they became unnecessary. Updated bootstrap script to include system files: With `keyd` taking its configuration from the `/etc` directory and not home, a second stow stage was necessary. These stow files are in a module called `system-packages` inside the top-level `bootstrap` stow package. They will not be installed by the default dotfile stow invocation but have been integrated as an extra step into the install script. Installing this module requires sudo privileges! Switched vifm überzug to sixel graphics rendering. überzug relies on X11 functionality to work, while sixel does not. Unfortunately, alacritty does not work with sixel graphics yet, only foot does (somewhat). Waybar currently runs the gruvbox dark soft color scheme. Added the old polybar archupdates script to waybar and extended it to output json format with additional metadata that waybar can read. Can still output the old plaintext format that polybar expects. Added a wireguard connection to waybar,shows if currently connected to either a wireguard or tun VPN service. If so, shows an icon in the waybar - that can be hovered over to show the full assigned IP address. Added an upcoming event display to waybar, a simple event indicator to show upcoming events on the calendar, on hovering over it the tooltip lists all upcoming events. Added `screenshot` script to take simple screenshots and rectangle region shots of the current output. Can be invoked through the river shortcut PrintScr: `PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot `Mod+PrintScr` - Region screenshot `Shift+PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot and file upload `Mod+Shift+PrintScr` - Region screenshot and file upload Extended `sharefile` to take paths through stdin and make use of `fd` if it is found on the system.
2021-11-26 06:59:35 +00:00
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
headline() {
side_len=$(((target_len - len) / 2))
for ((i = 1; i <= side_len; i++)); do printf '='; done
printf " %s " "$1"
for ((i = 1; i <= side_len; i++)); do printf '='; done
printf "\n"
Switch to wayland Added a simple wayland configuration. Currently set up simple wayland configuration based on river window manager and waybar. Rivercarro is the layout manager, being the same in principle as rivertile, the default layout manager for river, only it comes with smart gaps (gaps turn off if there is only one window open) and monocle mode (give one window all space). Runs `keyd` in the background to replace the old `xcape` capslock switching (capslock is escape and if held control). Uses `swaybg` to set a wallpaper. Added powermenu and lockscreen scripts. Improved lockscreen script to detect and work for wayland. Moved old rofi mode 'powermenu' to more general powermenu script, which works with any rofi-like selector (dmenu, bemenu, wofi, etc.) Loses some of its design quality but since it was wonky anyway, and I rarely see the menu, we could repurpose its functionality for a more general powermenu concept. Currently hardcoded for `bemenu` but can be easily swapped and possibly even extended back to rofi. Fixed file upload link sharing to clipboard. Updated rofi-pass to pass-pick. Made rofi-pass universal and less integrated to rofi - that's also the reason for the name change. `pass-pick` works with rofi (default), bemenu or dmenu. In theory it should also work with any other picker that contains a stdin listing function similar to dmenu. It has been definitely tested both on rofi and bemenu. The best user experience still reigns on rofi, where available keys are displayed on the picker and the keys themselves make the most sense. But all functions can be reached from bemenu as well, though the key mappings are more arbitrary and can not be changed as in rofi. The autofilling tool works with both xdotool and ydotool, so should work both on X11 and on Wayland. Ydotool ideally requires its daemon to be running, otherwise some of the typing may get gut off. Otherwise no change should be necessary. Updated qutebrowser open_download for bemenu. Updated download opening script to work with both rofi and bemenu. Prefers original rofi implementation but works with both, and can be set to use a custom dmenu-like file picker as well. Add brightnessctl and removed custom audio / brightness scripts since they became unnecessary. Updated bootstrap script to include system files: With `keyd` taking its configuration from the `/etc` directory and not home, a second stow stage was necessary. These stow files are in a module called `system-packages` inside the top-level `bootstrap` stow package. They will not be installed by the default dotfile stow invocation but have been integrated as an extra step into the install script. Installing this module requires sudo privileges! Switched vifm überzug to sixel graphics rendering. überzug relies on X11 functionality to work, while sixel does not. Unfortunately, alacritty does not work with sixel graphics yet, only foot does (somewhat). Waybar currently runs the gruvbox dark soft color scheme. Added the old polybar archupdates script to waybar and extended it to output json format with additional metadata that waybar can read. Can still output the old plaintext format that polybar expects. Added a wireguard connection to waybar,shows if currently connected to either a wireguard or tun VPN service. If so, shows an icon in the waybar - that can be hovered over to show the full assigned IP address. Added an upcoming event display to waybar, a simple event indicator to show upcoming events on the calendar, on hovering over it the tooltip lists all upcoming events. Added `screenshot` script to take simple screenshots and rectangle region shots of the current output. Can be invoked through the river shortcut PrintScr: `PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot `Mod+PrintScr` - Region screenshot `Shift+PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot and file upload `Mod+Shift+PrintScr` - Region screenshot and file upload Extended `sharefile` to take paths through stdin and make use of `fd` if it is found on the system.
2021-11-26 06:59:35 +00:00
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
install() {
if [ "$unattended_install" == false ] ; then
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
Switch to wayland Added a simple wayland configuration. Currently set up simple wayland configuration based on river window manager and waybar. Rivercarro is the layout manager, being the same in principle as rivertile, the default layout manager for river, only it comes with smart gaps (gaps turn off if there is only one window open) and monocle mode (give one window all space). Runs `keyd` in the background to replace the old `xcape` capslock switching (capslock is escape and if held control). Uses `swaybg` to set a wallpaper. Added powermenu and lockscreen scripts. Improved lockscreen script to detect and work for wayland. Moved old rofi mode 'powermenu' to more general powermenu script, which works with any rofi-like selector (dmenu, bemenu, wofi, etc.) Loses some of its design quality but since it was wonky anyway, and I rarely see the menu, we could repurpose its functionality for a more general powermenu concept. Currently hardcoded for `bemenu` but can be easily swapped and possibly even extended back to rofi. Fixed file upload link sharing to clipboard. Updated rofi-pass to pass-pick. Made rofi-pass universal and less integrated to rofi - that's also the reason for the name change. `pass-pick` works with rofi (default), bemenu or dmenu. In theory it should also work with any other picker that contains a stdin listing function similar to dmenu. It has been definitely tested both on rofi and bemenu. The best user experience still reigns on rofi, where available keys are displayed on the picker and the keys themselves make the most sense. But all functions can be reached from bemenu as well, though the key mappings are more arbitrary and can not be changed as in rofi. The autofilling tool works with both xdotool and ydotool, so should work both on X11 and on Wayland. Ydotool ideally requires its daemon to be running, otherwise some of the typing may get gut off. Otherwise no change should be necessary. Updated qutebrowser open_download for bemenu. Updated download opening script to work with both rofi and bemenu. Prefers original rofi implementation but works with both, and can be set to use a custom dmenu-like file picker as well. Add brightnessctl and removed custom audio / brightness scripts since they became unnecessary. Updated bootstrap script to include system files: With `keyd` taking its configuration from the `/etc` directory and not home, a second stow stage was necessary. These stow files are in a module called `system-packages` inside the top-level `bootstrap` stow package. They will not be installed by the default dotfile stow invocation but have been integrated as an extra step into the install script. Installing this module requires sudo privileges! Switched vifm überzug to sixel graphics rendering. überzug relies on X11 functionality to work, while sixel does not. Unfortunately, alacritty does not work with sixel graphics yet, only foot does (somewhat). Waybar currently runs the gruvbox dark soft color scheme. Added the old polybar archupdates script to waybar and extended it to output json format with additional metadata that waybar can read. Can still output the old plaintext format that polybar expects. Added a wireguard connection to waybar,shows if currently connected to either a wireguard or tun VPN service. If so, shows an icon in the waybar - that can be hovered over to show the full assigned IP address. Added an upcoming event display to waybar, a simple event indicator to show upcoming events on the calendar, on hovering over it the tooltip lists all upcoming events. Added `screenshot` script to take simple screenshots and rectangle region shots of the current output. Can be invoked through the river shortcut PrintScr: `PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot `Mod+PrintScr` - Region screenshot `Shift+PrintScr` - Fullscreen screenshot and file upload `Mod+Shift+PrintScr` - Region screenshot and file upload Extended `sharefile` to take paths through stdin and make use of `fd` if it is found on the system.
2021-11-26 06:59:35 +00:00
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
2023-09-16 10:02:52 +00:00
exit 0
2019-12-30 09:20:17 +00:00
main "$@"