Added simple support for dunst files. Since files can, similar to alacritty, not be included in dunstrc, the processor invokes a similarly invasive replacement method to add the base16 at the end of the config file. The procedure is similar to alacritty processor, the danger is also the same -- it works directly on the config file and will worst case delete the complete contents of this file. Since the processor is not tested (other than manually looking that it does what it's supposed to) the case of this happening is not negligible.
116 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable file
116 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
readonly dependency=("khamer/base16-dunst")
readonly app="dunst"
# Alacritty does not support including other files into
# its configuration yet. As such, this processor needs to
# change the user's configuration file *itself*.
# This will generally not be a problem, though it can lead
# to corrupted configurations in exceptional circumstances
# (such as every line being preceded by the process control
# regex, for whatever reason).
# In general, the processor looks for a specific line in the
# following format:
# '# Base16 [theme name] - alacritty color config'
# from which it will delete everything until it finds a line:
# '# Base16End [theme name] - alacritty color config'
# So, if you don't want to lose anything -
# Do NOT put anything important between those two lines.
## Main Entrypoint
# Finds the right theme template file and starts theme
# switching and, if necessary, permanent setting processes.
main() {
dbg_msg $app "Starting Processor"
if ! file_exists "$tfile"; then
dbg_msg $app "error" "Theme template $theme not found in package $package"
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$dunst_conf" ]; then
dbg_msg $app "error" "$app config file not found. Please make sure file exists: $dunst_conf"
if [[ "$permanent" == "true" ]]; then save; fi
dbg_msg $app "Processor Done"
## Theme setter
# Takes care of permanently writing the desired
# base16 theme into application settings.
save() {
dbg_msg $app "Saving theme"
startline="$(grep -ne '^# Base16 .*- dunst color config$' "$dunst_conf" | cut -f1 -d:)"
endline="$(grep -ne '^# Base16End .*- dunst color config$' "$dunst_conf" | cut -f1 -d:)"
echo "" >"$tmpfile"
echo "" >"$tmptheme"
if [[ -n "$startline" && -z "$endline" ]] || [[ -z "$startline" && -n "$endline" ]] || [[ "$startline" -gt "$endline" ]]; then
dbg_msg $app "error" "Base 16 Pattern not correctly recognized in file: $dunst_conf. Please make sure pattern begins with # Base16 and ends with # Base16End and only exists once in the file. No changes to file made."
cat "$dunst_conf" >"$tmpfile" || exit 1
elif [[ -z "$startline" && -z "$endline" ]]; then
dbg_msg $app "warn" "No previous Base16 pattern found in file: $dunst_conf. If this is your first time running the processor, ignore this warning."
cat "$dunst_conf" >"$tmpfile" || exit 1
# remove old lines of any base16 theme
sed -e "$startline,$endline d" "$dunst_conf" >"$tmpfile" || exit 1
# fix template theme name key for easier inclusion
echo "# Base16 $theme - dunst color config" >"$tmptheme"
cat "$tfile" >>"$tmptheme" || exit 1
echo "# Base16End $theme - dunst color config" >>"$tmptheme"
# combine both into final config file
# replace original file with new colorscheme-added version
cat "$tmpfile" "$tmptheme" >"$dunst_conf"
[ -f "$tmptheme" ] && rm "$tmptheme"
[ -f "$tmpfile" ] && rm "$tmpfile"
dbg_msg $app "Saved theme to $dunst_conf"
save_post() {
pkill dunst
dunst &
# Safe sourcing:
if [[ ! -d "$DIR" ]]; then DIR="$PWD"; fi
# shellcheck
. "$DIR/"
## Dependency Checker
# Makes sure the processor is called for the correct
# base16 package, or refuses to run if it is not.
if printf '%s\n' "${dependency[@]}" | grep -q -P "^$package$"; then
dbg_msg $app "error" "Processor does not work for package $package"