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abstract: 'Objectives
Cooperatives whose activity is undertaken in the field of education need
to optimize their management to survive and achieve competitive
advantage. As they are labor-intensive organizations that provide
services with high intangibility (transformation knowledge,
characteristics and individuals'' behavior), their staff''s job
satisfaction is one way of achieving these advantages (reputation,
strategic positioning, attracting talented employees, etc.). Therefore,
the objective of this paper is to analyze how education cooperatives can
achieve job satisfaction through certain human resources management
practices (work-life balance culture and availability of work-life
balance practices, hiring, training, performance assessment and
compensation). The gender perspective is also considered in the
An empirical study conducted with the data obtained from a sample of 101
teachers from education cooperatives in the Murcia Region (Spain) (5\%
response rate). Data were collected by a personal survey that included
measures used in previous studies. They were all assessed with a 7-point
Likert scale (1: totally disagree, and 7: totally agree) according to
teachers'' perception of the different variables.
Teachers'' job satisfaction, measured according to: professional
satisfaction (with the school and learning activities), satisfaction
with student achievement, teachers'' experience in the educational
center, and treatment received by the center.
Work-life balance culture, divided into positive and negative
perspectives. The positive one includes: talking about personal life at
work, starting a family -expecting a child or adopting it-, leaving the
workplace to care for children or dependent family members, and
prolonging maternity/paternity leave. The negative work-life balance
culture includes: maintaining a family structure that requires a lot of
involvement, spending many hours at work on a daily basis, taking work
home regularly, and prioritizing work over private life.
Work-life balance practices, with measures adapted to the context
(education cooperatives) to specifically ask about a reduced working day
with a cut in salary, maternity/paternity leave longer than the legal
minimum, leave of absence to care for either sick or dependent family
members or sick or dependent children.
Hiring, assessed according to teachers'' perception of if: recruiting
processes that are rigorous and formalized, teachers'' continuity is
high, and appropriate teachers are hired at each school level.
The variable training, measured by considering if training actions are
carried out according to the teaching staff''s needs, training plans are
tailored to the teaching staff, and the training suggestions made by the
teaching staff are taken into account.
Performance assessment, to consider if the objectives to be met are
communicated to those responsible for achieving them, the performance
and development of each teacher''s activity are evaluated, and if the
evaluation of teachers'' performance is adequate.
Finally, the variable compensation includes the perception of whether
the performance evaluation is linked to the salary paid, the salary paid
is independent of the teaching staff''s performance, and salaries are at
similar to those paid to public school teachers.
The descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations of the variables
are included, as is a hierarchical linear regression model to test the
hypotheses. The general model obtained with all the sample data is also
analyzed by taking into account gender as a selection variable.
The study results reveal that adequate training (beta=.478) and rigorous
formalized hiring (beta=.336) are the most valued factors to generate
job satisfaction among teachers of education cooperatives in the Murcia
Region. However, some gender differences appear in the variables that
generate job satisfaction, despite there being no significant
differences between male and female teachers'' perception of their job
In particular, male teachers (31\% of the sample) negatively perceive
the effect of availability of work-life balance practices (beta=-. 238)
and compensation (beta=-. 374) on their job satisfaction, while training
has a positive impact (beta=.706). These variables explain 52.6\% of the
male teachers'' job satisfaction variation. For the female teachers (69\%
of the sample), hiring (beta=.440), training (beta=.345) and work-life
balance practices (beta=.233) have a positive effect on their perceived
job satisfaction, and explain 63.8\% of the variation in their job
From these gender results, the most striking aspect is that the greater
availability of work-life balance practices and linking pay to
performance reduce male teachers'' job satisfaction. One explanation
could be that males consider that work-life balance practices only
benefit women, and when female teachers use these measures, male
teachers must face a heavier workload, which affects their level of
satisfaction. The negative relationship between satisfaction and
performance assessment may be a consequence of the service type
(training), and the possible uncertainty and mistrust that a performance
measure can generate because the methods to determine it are not the
most suitable ones, or do not reflect all the work they do to perform
their teaching activity.
Females differ for the idea that hiring and work-life balance practices
are a key influence on their job satisfaction. Perhaps the females in
the Spanish studied region still assume the reproduction and care role
of the family to a greater extent, and the tools that support their
labor participation, such as work-life balance practices, possibly have
a positive effect on their perceived satisfaction. Additionally, hiring
is the most important factor that generates job satisfaction among
females. Rigorous formalized processes where the most appropriate
candidates are hired, with a high probability of continuity, are well
assessed by females as a way to assure gender equality and to banish
certain gender stereotypes, occupational segregation (horizontal and
vertical) and the glass ceiling.
In any case, both males and females agree that training is essential for
their job satisfaction, perhaps because this will improve the education
service that they provide, as well as their students performing better.
Practical conclusions and original value
This work offers guidelines to education cooperatives about the aspects
that create more job satisfaction, and how to manage and optimize it
according to each employee''s gender.
This work shows some gender differences among teachers of educational
cooperatives in relation to the variables that generate their job
satisfaction. These differences must be carefully analyzed by the
management of cooperatives in an attempt to develop those human resource
management policies and strategies that tend to favor high job
satisfaction among male and female teachers given its effect on other
variables, e.g. performance (better service provision, perception of
higher quality), productivity or the cooperative''s outcomes (attracting
new customers, better internal and external reputation, etc.).
In general, education cooperatives can increase job satisfaction by
mainly offering a training program suited to teachers'' needs that can be
put into practice, if possible, in their working hours, and that does
not require travel, to avoid work-life conflict problems. This should be
complemented with formalized rigorous hiring processes that ensure
having highly trained motivated staff. The different perception of
work-life practices between males and females shows a clear need for
more training and awareness about work-life balance issues and
co-responsibility. Educational cooperatives should put the necessary
resources (hiring temporary staff to cover possible reductions in days,
leave, or absence) so teachers'' satisfaction (and productivity) does not
disturb those situations.
The importance of education cooperatives, together with their
labor-intensive character and the absence of studies that analyze the
problems addressed herein, justify their relevance from both the
academic and business points of view.'
affiliation: 'Martinez-Leon, I (Corresponding Author), Univ Politecn Cartagena UPCT,
Cartagena, Spain.
Martinez-Leon, Inocencia, Univ Politecn Cartagena UPCT, Cartagena, Spain.
Olmedo-Cifuentes, Isabel; Arcas-Lario, Narciso, UPCT, Cartagena, Spain.'
author: Martinez-Leon, Inocencia and Olmedo-Cifuentes, Isabel and Arcas-Lario, Narciso
and Zapata-Conesa, Juan
author-email: ''
- family: Martinez-Leon
given: Inocencia
- family: Olmedo-Cifuentes
given: Isabel
- family: Arcas-Lario
given: Narciso
- family: Zapata-Conesa
given: Juan
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.94.12700
eissn: 1989-6816
files: []
issn: 0213-8093
keywords: 'Cooperatives in education; teaching staff; gender; job satisfaction;
work-life balance; human resources management'
language: Spanish
month: DEC
number-of-cited-references: '87'
orcid-numbers: 'Martínez-León, Inocencia M IML/0000-0002-8624-9848
pages: 31-60
papis_id: 97d8d9e8413cd66e94f1cc27d37b6345
ref: Martinezleon2018cooperativeseducatio
researcherid-numbers: 'Martínez-León, Inocencia M IML/H-8391-2015
times-cited: '4'
title: 'Cooperatives in Education: Teacher Job Satisfaction and Gender Differences'
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000455955600003
usage-count-last-180-days: '4'
usage-count-since-2013: '62'
volume: '94'
web-of-science-categories: Economics
year: '2018'