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abstract: 'Objective. This study examines patterns of specialist use among children
and adolescents by presence of a chronic condition or disability,
insurance, and sociodemographic characteristics.
Design. Cross-sectional analysis of national survey data, describing
rates of specialist use, with logistic regressions to examine
associations with having a chronic condition or disability, insurance
status, and sociodemographic variables.
Setting. The 1999 National Health Interview Survey, a nationally
representative household survey.
Participants. Children and adolescents 2 to 17 years old.
Outcome. Parental/respondent reports of specialist visits based on
reports of the child having seen or talked to a medical doctor who
specializes in a particular medical disease or problem about the child''s
health during the last 12 months.
Results. Thirteen percent of US children were reported as seeing a
specialist in the past year. Specialist-visit rates were twice as high
for children with a chronic condition or disability (26\% vs 10.2\%).
The specialist utilization rates for children without insurance were
much lower than those for insured children, but among the children who
have coverage (private, Medicaid, or other), specialist-utilization
rates were similar (no statistically significant difference).
Results of multivariate analyses predicting the use of specialists
confirm the above-mentioned findings. Additionally, they show that use
of specialist care was lower among children in the middle age group,
minorities, children in families between 100\% and 200\% of the federal
poverty level, and lower parental educational levels. We found no
difference in specialist-visit rates between rural- and urban-dwelling
children, by family status, or by gender. Differences in specialist use
by gatekeeping status are found only among subgroups.
Conclusions. The results showed that, overall, 13\% of children used a
specialist in a year. Among the insured, a slightly greater percentage
of children used such care (15\%). These numbers were slightly lower
than the 18\% to 28\% of pediatric patients referred per year in 5 US
health plans, although the sources of data and definitions of specialist
use differ. Our results showed that 26\% of children with a chronic
condition or disability who were insured by Medicaid use a specialist.
Although the data are not directly comparable, this is within the range
of previous findings showing annual rates by condition of use between
24\% and 59\%. These findings are consistent also with greater use of
many different types of health care by children with special health care
Medicaid-utilization rates presented here were similar also to the rates
found among privately insured children and children with ``other{''''}
insurance. In our earlier work examining use of specialists by children
insured by Medicaid, we speculated that Medicaid-insured children might
face particular difficulty with access (eg, due to transportation or
language barriers). The findings presented here suggest that children
insured by Medicaid had no different use of specialists than other
insured children. We do not know, however, whether similar rates are
As predicted, sociodemographic differences were pronounced and followed
patterns typically found for use of health services. Lower rates of
specialist use by non-Hispanic blacks and Hispanics remains even,
controlling for chronic condition/disability, status, insurance, and
socioeconomic status. This is an important issue that not only needs to
be addressed in using specialist care but also in many areas in health
care. It is the near poor who seem to have difficulty accessing care (as
is evidenced by lower use of specialists). In a study of access to care,
similar results were found, with those between 125\% and 200\% of the
federal poverty level being less likely to have a usual source of care.
This is roughly the population targeted by the State Children''s Health
Insurance Programs.
These findings cannot determine whether rates of use are too high or too
low. Additional work on outcomes for children who do and do not use
specialist care would further inform the work presented here. Extending
that work to examine patterns of care including but not limited to
specialists and generalists would be even better.'
affiliation: 'Kuhlthau, K (Corresponding Author), Harvard Univ, Sch Med, MassGen Hosp
Children, Dept Pediat,Ctr Child \& Adolescent Hlth Policy, 50 Staniford St,Ste 901,
Boston, MA 02114 USA.
Harvard Univ, Sch Med, MassGen Hosp Children, Dept Pediat,Ctr Child \& Adolescent
Hlth Policy, Boston, MA 02114 USA.
Harvard Univ, Sch Med, Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Inst Hlth Policy,Dept Med,Div Gen
Med, Boston, MA USA.
Commonwealth Fund, Qual Care Underserved Populat, New York, NY USA.'
author: Kuhlthau, K and Nyman, RM and Ferris, TG and Beal, AC and Perrin, JM
- family: Kuhlthau
given: K
- family: Nyman
given: RM
- family: Ferris
given: TG
- family: Beal
given: AC
- family: Perrin
given: JM
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1542/peds.113.3.e249
eissn: 1098-4275
files: []
issn: 0031-4005
keywords: 'Medicaid; specialist; insurance; pediatric; child; disability; chronic
language: English
month: MAR 1
number: '3'
number-of-cited-references: '32'
orcid-numbers: Perrin, James/0000-0002-1810-3708
pages: E249-E255
papis_id: 018d1ffd725fa57f8c9bf6287163152e
ref: Kuhlthau2004correlatesuse
times-cited: '62'
title: Correlates of use of specialty care
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000189344400059
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '6'
volume: '113'
web-of-science-categories: Pediatrics
year: '2004'