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abstract: 'Introduction Female sex workers (FSW) who use drugs are a key population
at risk of HIV in Kazakhstan, and face multiple structural barriers to
HIV prevention. More research is needed on the role of structural
interventions such as microfinance (MF) in reducing HIV risk. This paper
describes the results of a cluster-randomized controlled trial to test
the efficacy of a combination HIVRR + MF intervention in reducing
biologically confirmed STIs and HIV risk behaviours.
Methods This study took place from May 2015 to October 2018 in two
cities in Kazakhstan. We screened 763 participants for eligibility and
enrolled 354 FSW who use drugs. Participants were randomized in cohorts
to receive either a four-session HIVRR intervention, or that same
intervention plus 30 additional sessions of financial literacy training,
vocational training and asset-building through a matched-savings
programme. Repeated behavioural and biological assessments were
conducted at baseline, 3-, 6- and 12-months post-intervention.
Biological and behavioural primary outcomes included HIV/STI incidence,
sexual risk behaviours and drug use risk behaviours, evaluated over the
12-month period.
Results Over the 12-month follow-up period, few differences in study
outcomes were noted between arms. There was only one newly-detected HIV
case, and study arms did not significantly differ on any STI incidence.
At post-intervention assessments compared to baseline, both HIVRR and
HIVRR + MF participants significantly reduced sexual and drug use risk
behaviours, and showed improvements in financial outcomes, condom use
attitudes and self-efficacy, social support, and access to medical care.
In addition, HIVRR + MF participants showed a 72\% greater reduction in
the number of unprotected sex acts with paying partners at the six-month
assessment (IRR = IRR = 0.28, 95\% CI = 0.08, 0.92), and a 10\% greater
reduction in the proportion of income from sex work at the three-month
assessment (b = -0.10, 95\% CI = -0.17, -0.02) than HIVRR participants
did. HIVRR + MF participants also showed significantly improved
performance on financial self-efficacy compared to HIVRR over the
12-month follow-up period.
Conclusions Compared to a combination HIVRR + MF intervention, a robust
HIVRR intervention alone may be sufficient to reduce sexual and drug
risk behaviours among FSW who use drugs. There may be structural
limitations to the promise of microfinance for HIV risk reduction among
this population.'
affiliation: 'El-Bassel, N (Corresponding Author), Columbia Univ, Sch Social Work,
Global Hlth Res Ctr Cent Asia, 1255 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY 10027 USA.
El-Bassel, Nabila; McCrimmon, Tara; Chang, Mingway; Witte, Susan S., Columbia Univ,
Sch Social Work, Global Hlth Res Ctr Cent Asia, 1255 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY
10027 USA.
Mergenova, Gaukhar; Terlikbayeva, Assel; Primbetova, Sholpan; Kuskulov, Azamat,
Global Hlth Res Cent Asia, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan.
Baiserkin, Bauyrzhan, Kazakh Sci Ctr Dermatol \& Infect Dis, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan.
Denebayeva, Alfiya, Almaty City Ctr Prevent \& Control AIDS, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan.
Kurmetova, Kulpan, Karaganda Oblast Ctr Prevent \& Control AIDS, Temirtau Branch,
Temirtau, Kazakhstan.'
article-number: e25682
author: El-Bassel, Nabila and McCrimmon, Tara and Mergenova, Gaukhar and Chang, Mingway
and Terlikbayeva, Assel and Primbetova, Sholpan and Kuskulov, Azamat and Baiserkin,
Bauyrzhan and Denebayeva, Alfiya and Kurmetova, Kulpan and Witte, Susan S.
- family: El-Bassel
given: Nabila
- family: McCrimmon
given: Tara
- family: Mergenova
given: Gaukhar
- family: Chang
given: Mingway
- family: Terlikbayeva
given: Assel
- family: Primbetova
given: Sholpan
- family: Kuskulov
given: Azamat
- family: Baiserkin
given: Bauyrzhan
- family: Denebayeva
given: Alfiya
- family: Kurmetova
given: Kulpan
- family: Witte
given: Susan S.
da: '2023-09-28'
doi: 10.1002/jia2.25682
eissn: 1758-2652
files: []
keywords: 'structural interventions; sex workers; drug use; HIV prevention;
clinical trials'
language: English
month: MAY
number: '5'
number-of-cited-references: '29'
papis_id: eef62caebf9728fb02de4abbfc8fd9d3
ref: Elbassel2021clusterrandomizedcon
researcherid-numbers: McCrimmon, Tara/GRR-3918-2022
times-cited: '4'
title: A cluster-randomized controlled trial of a combination HIV risk reduction and
microfinance intervention for female sex workers who use drugs in Kazakhstan
type: article
unique-id: WOS:000655909900015
usage-count-last-180-days: '0'
usage-count-since-2013: '2'
volume: '24'
web-of-science-categories: Immunology; Infectious Diseases
year: '2021'